Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 269: Stupid by the show, a player who has never appeared in the world (4/5 please subscribe!

"It's not dead! Red angry Q responded! This wave of crocodiles went out and was not killed by the defense tower!"

"Successful second-level tower jumping Tianxiu!!" The doll shouted in astonishment: "This is a pure 1v1 second-level tower jumping single kill!!"


At this moment, the commentators of the major competition areas around the world erupted in terrifying amazement and cheers.

Everyone was dumbfounded by the bizarre second-level single-person jumping tower by the crocodile.

This is really stupid.

As we all know, it is self-evident that the difficulty of single-killing a matchup is self-evident, not to mention that it is still in the final stage of the global finals, which has just started less than three minutes,

And this wave of crocodiles is not only a single kill, he is a direct second-level single-player tower jump, a single player!

Without the help of the jungler, he completely relied on himself, walked into the defensive tower with unparalleled confidence, and exited calmly.

During a few seconds, there was a stunned wine barrel and all the audiences around the world!

"My wife is outrageous, what the hell, this wave of crocodiles is too self-confident, Cheirsh is a face-to-face E who twisted the barrel directly. I'm going, what the hell, Huni people are so stupid!"

Miller's lips twitched with excitement. In this kind of game, a wave of single kills at the beginning of the game really boosted morale.

"It's terrible." PDD also nodded and said: "This wave of crocodiles is completely self-confident, without the slightest speculative content, and the personal strength and consciousness are full.

Several people were talking, and the director also gave the camera to Bai Qiu.

However, after Bai Qiu successfully completed the single kill, the expression on his face did not change, he was still as calm as water, which was in line with the public's impression of him in the past.

"My god, what kind of player is this?" Miller said, "Aren't you emotionally passive at all?"

"It's like a robot!" The doll was already excited, and his voice was high: "I've been explaining for so many years, and I have never seen such a player. They play the professional arena as an ordinary rank, and they are so confident that they explode!!"


When the words fell, there were screams all over the field.

After this wave, the wine barrel was single-killed once. At the beginning of the game, SKT had some disadvantages in the top lane.

After the crocodile came home, he directly made up a Dolan sword.

A crocodile played Dolan's sword, and everyone felt a little dizzy just from this build.

The meaning of this outfit is clearly--

Brother Huni, I really didn't take you as a human being!


Huni, who was on the TP line, saw the crocodile build, and his head was full of question marks.

At the same time as his face was astonished, there was an inexplicable feeling of anger and anger in his heart that was ignored and underestimated.

Even if you kill me alone, do you still have Dolan's sword?

A crocodile, after a single kill, fill up the Dolan sword, who are you insulting?!

With this in mind, Huni's style of play is not too scary. In fact, he doesn't think that the crocodile's Dolan sword is a good choice.

And the wine barrel is not necessary, and Bai Qi will naturally not read it.

The next fight on the road became more bloody, and soon, Bai Qiu became Huni.

The Crocodile is now showing Dolan Sword, which seems to be a bit of a waste of money. In fact, Dolan Sword has always been a magical item that can greatly improve the hero's laning.

Especially the crocodile that already has Q, plus Dolan Sword's blood-sucking, the laning exchange blood, has almost started to hit the barrel.

Only a few waves passed, and within two minutes after the TP of the wine barrel came down, the state actually reached half again, while the crocodile on the other side still had more than half of its blood.

Otherwise, the crocodile will only be better now.

Under this pressure, the barrel inevitably lost a lot of soldiers, and the economy and experience have begun to lag behind the crocodile.

"The pressure on the other side is too fierce, and there is no eye, come and help me."

After a moment of entanglement in his heart, Huni finally gave up his self-esteem and turned to his own jungler for help.

But in fact, needless to say, Little Peanut has already set his sights on the road.

There's no way, Bai Qiu's style of play is too impersonal, pressing the hammer so chaotically, as a jungler, it's hard not to pay attention to him.

"OK, I'll go over right away, you hold steady." Little Peanut replied.

But he didn't get an answer. While wondering, Huni's miserable howl came: "Xiba! Is it too much? This person is crazy?!"

in the game.

After the wine barrel network communicated with the jungler, he saw that the crocodile pressing in front of the defense tower suddenly seized a wave of opportunities that was not an opportunity, and directly relied on his good state to enter the defense tower again, and AA two sets of output hits.

Unprepared, the state of the wine barrel dropped again in an instant, and it came directly to the Great Remnant.

However, the barrel responded very quickly, and the same E skill was used to live the crocodile.

After playing a set, when the crocodile exited the defense tower, he was also hit by the defense tower to a state of a little more than two-fifths, with residual blood.


It seems that the crocodile's blood exchange is not profitable, but because of his good state, the already forced wine barrel has to go home.

This is completely mindless and slashing hard, savage!

Seeing such a radical scene that couldn't be more radical, a burst of amazement erupted at the Bird's Nest scene.

The doll looked at the two people next to her with an expression she didn't know what to say: "This. Cherish is too fierce in the lane, right?"

"It's totally unnecessary, this!"

"This wave has made a profit. If the barrel is not going back now, it may die again later." PDD took the sentence.

At this time, the crocodile just came out of the defense tower, turned around again, and was so frightened that he was just about to refill the wine barrel of the soldier near the defense tower.


The crowd fell silent for a while.

Too fierce. "This crocodile is a bit unreasonable." Miller couldn't help sighing: "Cherish. Now thinking about Huni's head hammer!"

"The problem is that it's only been a few minutes? The crocodile is also a head ahead, how can it be like this?" The doll seemed to be embarrassed for Huni, but in fact, his tone was so excited that he spread his hands: "Go on like this. , Huni's mentality is about to collapse!"

"Yes, but this wave of crocodiles is already in danger. Do you want to continue to press? It feels a little dangerous to press again, I'll go!"

The words hadn't finished yet, but seeing on the field, Little Peanut, who had just supported him, was already approaching the road at this moment.

Soon came to the position of the triangle grass,

This wave is here!


"Blind, the blind is here, this wave of SKT is really going to hit the road, the crocodile is in a very dangerous state now, you have to go quickly, Cherish!"

Miller stared at the big screen. He was singing and dancing just now, but now he is nervous.

It's a pity that Bai Qiu on the field didn't hear what he said. The crocodile is now mad and happy, and has no intention of retreating at all.

"The crocodile hasn't retreated, this wave of Cherish is a bit on the top, he is still pressing!" Seeing this, the doll looked autistic, although he had long thought that this person would definitely not retreat, after all, IG has no vision.

But seeing this scene now, I still can't help but sigh.

"he died!

At the same time, when Little Peanut saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched, revealing murderous intent. and

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