Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 277: Congratulations ig, the whole country carnival (2/5 for subscription!)

"Fuck!! Crocodile!! Here! The Crocodile took the initiative to flash and pick up! OMG. What did I see?! Cherish! Across the distance of a thousand yards, the direct support came!!"


"Oh my God!"

When the crocodile arrived at the frontal battlefield where IG had already been defeated in an extremely bizarre way, the commentators and audiences of the world's major competition areas were immediately stunned.

Not only them, but the three IG members who have been desperately waiting to die, and the four high-spirited SKT members who are madly chasing and killing are also stupid.

Everyone looked in horror at this crocodile that appeared here, like a god descending from the earth, spanning a thousand yards in less than a second, and there was a short-term fault in the brain circuit at this moment.

Full of question marks, confused!

"Fight back!! Kill!!"

Bai Qiu's voice was so calm from beginning to end. The moment he arrived at the frontal battlefield, the crocodile roared wildly, as if to announce to the four SKT players who were showing off their might, that he was the final BOSS of this Summoner's Rift!

When the big move is turned on, the murderous aura around the crocodile is like a real substance. Taking a few steps forward, it is a Q skill to throw out the mouse closest to him.

Full of anger, blood Q, AQA set out, it was just a moment, the mouse with most of its blood actually seemed to be engulfed by a black hole and evaporated, and it was emptied in an instant!

"IGCherish killed SKTBang!"



Directly smashed?!



The damage caused by the crocodile shocked everyone.

This scene of massacre with great visual effects has stimulated everyone like never before.

On this crocodile who had led the entire game and was the fattest in the game, the four men of SKT, who had been aggressive a second ago, were as fragile as four chicks.

This is a prehistoric giant crocodile, this is a god-slaying giant crocodile enough to shake the universe!!

When the prompt sounded, the commentators of the competition areas around the world reacted, and they went crazy in an instant!

"Crocodile!! Q! This one Q! The mouse was instantly killed! What kind of damage is this?! What the hell is this?! Cherish!!"

"This wave can be counterattacked! The crocodile is here to support! The crocodile damage is too high!! No one can stop this crocodile now!!"

"Welcome to the catastrophe!"

The crocodile's lines sounded at the right time, and what everyone in SKT was facing at the moment was a catastrophe today!

Immediately after the rat died, Bai Qiu had already pointed his spear at the blind man next to him, AA twice, and the Hydra again A-, the blind man's blood line was like being cut on the aorta, and it went straight. drop down.

Scared Little Peanut almost subconsciously, he reached the farthest teammate and distanced himself from the crocodile.

But he ran, and the rest of SKT couldn't.

Bai Qiu aimed at Ryze. Brother Li was the first to react to everyone in SKT. EW controlled Bai Qiu and shouted loudly: "Kill him! Don't be afraid! Let's kill him together!"

The rest of SKT immediately subconsciously focused on the crocodile.

But then a scene that made everyone desperate and shocked appeared.

I saw that under the fire of the three SKT people, the accused crocodile was like an eternal god of war, its state declined slowly, and the huge size, the suppression force formed at this moment, has reached the extreme, almost suffocating!

"It's over!"

Brother Li stared, and with a steady state of mind, in front of this crocodile, he was also fragmented, and for the first time he felt scared.


The next second, when the control was over, Bai Qiu's skills all improved, and he rushed into the SKT crowd with an E skill, followed by the second E skill, and immediately came to the blind man with residual blood.

AA twice, a Q skill comes out.

With a click, Little Peanut no longer had a chance to escape, and died suddenly on the spot.

"IGCherish killed SKTPeanut!



Double kill, no one can stop it!

"Ooh~! Prehistoric crocodile!! This prehistoric crocodile!! The blind man is dead!! Peanut fell to the ground! Double kill! Cherish has completed this wave of double kills!! No one can stop!!"

Seeing this scene in front of Miller, the whole person had already fallen into a kind of extreme madness, his throat was hoarse, and he shouted loudly: "Who dares to cross the sword immediately? Only me, General Bai!"

"Chersih! When IG was desperate, he stood up! He stood up again!!"

"Everyone in this wave of SKT has to die!! The bull's head is also dead!"

Words fall, on the field.

Taurus, who was in the worst state in the previous team battle, had already used his ultimate move. At the moment when the blind man died, the crocodile turned around with an AWA to stun Taurus in place, and then followed up with AA twice.

In the eyes of others, the bull's head, which is like meat, is as fragile as a blank sheet of paper in front of this prehistoric giant crocodile.

easily shredded.

"IGCherish killed SKTWolf!"



Three kills, close to God!!

"Brothers!! Ahhh! Kill! Kill!"

"Win!! Keep killing!!

Until this time, the voice of the IG team finally reacted. The speed of this wave of crocodiles appearing and killing was too fast, and it was too shocking. When they reacted, it was already too late.

Can't get in on the fun.

On the frontal battlefield of SKT, three of the four people have died, leaving a lonely Ryze. Brother Li has closed his eyes in despair.


The next moment, the rest of IG ran over to set fire, the crocodile walked over to AA a few times, and a Q skill came out.

Ryze fell to the ground unsurprisingly.

"IGCherish killed SKTFaker!



Four kills, super god!!

"Four kills!! Dead! Ryze is also dead!! Crocodile, got this four kills!!" Miller's throat was completely hoarse, and even because of the excessive force, it stinged badly.

But at this moment he didn't care about it at all, he just shouted like crazy: "Super God! Super God Crocodile! Super God Chersih! This four kills, like a demon descending from the sky, is really a human Tai Sui God! This crocodile is not a super God , he is - Slaughter God!!


After the words fell, the entire Bird's Nest scene was instantly sensational. After the sound of the four-kill shocking sound of the hundreds of thousands of viewers, after the four people of SKT were hacked to death by a crocodile and one person chopped melons and vegetables-completely bombed!!


"Qiu Dad!! Qiu Dad!"

"Oh my God!!

"I'm stupid!! IG bullshit!

"Win! We won!!"


After the crocodile completed this wave of terrifying four kills, the game actually ended early.

The eight-headed crocodile is really a man who stops killing people (gets it), and the devil blocks and destroys the devil - it can't stop it!

Four of SKT were killed, and Huni's barrel directly gave up the dragon.

The rest of IG easily got the big dragon, and then went home to replenish the status and equipment, and neutrally assembled to push the tower.

Pushed all the way, directly to SKT Highland Ren.

Without waiting for the five SKT players to stop them, and without giving SKT any chance to continue to delay the comeback, Bai Qiu rushed into the highland tower decisively, and faced the five SKT players by himself. In the end, he forcibly killed two and disabled one.

In the end, the crocodile was terminated, but the remaining three of SKT were also completely desperate.

The rest of IG's teammates followed, easily eliminated the three SKT players, and directly killed the opponent, advancing with the big dragon buff's line.

The five SKT people in the spring stared at the dark screen and could only watch helplessly, unable to return to the sky.

The game time was finally fixed in the early 23 minutes, and IG leveled SKT's crystal base.

Got the first victory of the 2017 World Finals B05!

For a time, there was an uproar around the world, and the entire China G Division went crazy!

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