Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 279: Bai Qiu becomes a god, the spleen is overcast (4/5 for subscription!)

"Win! Brothers! IG is leveled! This one has it!"

"Father Qiu!! Father Qiu!! This crocodile! It's still killing! It's outrageous!

"Cow batch! Congrats to IG! Brothers, congratulations to IG for brushing up!

Domestic, Zhanqi live broadcast, Deyun color live broadcast room~.

At this moment, Xiaoxiao Sika, who retired as an anchor, was officially authorized by Zhanqi today to live broadcast this year's S7 finals.

Because of their unique commentary style and game understanding, they were originally super anchors in the domestic game sector.

Today, this kind of super has caused a qualitative change. Because of the attention of S7 horror, the popularity of their live broadcast room has reached the peak of history today, reaching hundreds of millions!

That is to say, in this case, everyone went crazy when they saw IG win the game.

"It's outrageous, this crocodile, brothers, it's not me who blows Cherish, just this person, he is definitely the strongest operation-type top laner in history, and f*ck is outrageous when he flashes his big move to eat the barrel.

Xiaoxiao, as a retired IG player, naturally supports his own team, and people like De Yunse have always liked to use the most vulgar and direct language to brag about players. Bai Qiu's recent title of Qiu Dad was actually called fire by them.

"The strongest operational top order in history?" When Bai Qiu was mentioned, the other two were also excited, and Sika said, "Is it so cumbersome? I said to remove the middle words, the strongest top order in history, brothers think Is there something wrong?"



"Agreed can no longer agree!"

"Father Qiu, always drop God!"

"For one thing, the crocodile is indeed a bit outrageous.."

The barrage scrolled wildly in the live broadcast room, and Xiaoxiao also sighed in a low voice: "This is a real dad."

"It's definitely at the level of a father. It's too fierce. If you encountered this top order, would you still retire?" Sika asked.

"Retire, let's not brag, if Cherish was there, we would have won the championship!"


A frolic, this is also Deyunse's consistent live broadcast style.

After saying a few words, taking advantage of the short break, he smiled and joked: "Well, watching us brag about Cherish so much, don't the fans of Cherish send gifts?"

"Yeah, the small gifts can float, are there any fans of Cherish? Are there any fans of Qiu Daddy in the live broadcast room?" Sika shouted.

The two of them were originally just adjusting the atmosphere. With such a high popularity, they have already made a lot of money.

But I never thought that as soon as the voice fell, the gift bar in the live broadcast room suddenly felt like a convulsion, and the terrifying prompt sound instantly flashed on the screen:

"Chersih's little cutie gave the anchor 10 big swords!"

"Cheirsh's little cutie gave the anchor 10 big swords...

"Cheirsh's little cutie gave the anchor 10 big swords +10!"

"Bai Qiu is the 10 big swords my husband gave to the anchor!"

"Little IG will win, Autumn Ha Wudi will give the anchor 50 big swords!"


Seeing this scene, not only Deyunse's anchor, but also all the water friends in the live broadcast room were stupid.

In the Zhanqi live broadcast, the big sword is the most expensive gift, and a synthetic RMB is 666 yuan.

And for now, in this second, just (Cherish's little cutie) this one fan gave away a full 66600RMB!

And that's not even counting the gifts from more fans in the future.

In less than a few seconds, with a shout, Bai Qiu's fans actually sent hundreds of thousands of gifts!


Is this too outrageous?

Even the Deyuns who are used to seeing the wind and waves, their eyes are a little straight.

I sigh in my heart, there are too many Cherish fans, too f*ck rich.

It seems that Sen is right, and I will continue to lick it in the future!

Zhanqi live broadcast is just a microcosm.

In fact, from the moment IG flattened the SKI crystal base, an unprecedented storm has been set off on a global scale.

In the 2017 global finals final B05 matchup, IG actually won SKT!

This is an unprecedented thing, the LPL division. No, to be precise, all the divisions in the world have never defeated the Korean G team in the S finals!

That's right, as long as it reaches the finals stage, or it is a civil war between LCK Korea and G, once it is changed to a team from another division, without exception, it is all three to zero!

IG defeated SKT in the first match of the S game finals today, which completely broke the record of the 7-year history of the S game.

It made all the audiences around the world who were not optimistic about IG feel astonished and dumbfounded.

Because before the start of the game, this "all" is really not optimistic about everyone in the world!


After all, the three words SKT are too heavy. Historically, no matter how SKT played in the group stage, the quarter-finals and the quarter-finals, as the pre-match promotional video said, once they entered the finals, they would have an invincible BUFF. Likewise, a hundred battles are won!

For a while, no fermentation was needed. On the domestic Weibo hot search list, the hot search of #IGWIN# was instantly aired on the hot search list!

The speed of light to the top!

The heat in the rear soared and jumped at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in just two minutes, it actually reached an extremely terrifying 600W!

The explosion of dark brown characters detonated not only Weibo, but the whole country!

"IG beef batch!!"

"My God, you won?

"IG won SKT? The most fantastic event of 2017, no one!"


"It's too strong, this IG, I dare say that this IG is definitely different from when it was in LPL, the state is really terrible now!"

"The North American commentator said that IG is the most underestimated team in the S competition so far. I thought he received IG's money. Now, I'm sorry!"

"I fell off the bed when I saw it, all the brothers in the dormitory went crazy, IG bullshit! IG cheers! Keep winning, we have to win the championship!!

"We want champions!!

Countless domestic audiences are releasing their suppressed emotions at this moment.

In the finals against SKT, no one in the world is optimistic about 1G, and the local LPL audience is no exception.

But, if it could, who wouldn't want IG to win?

It's just that everyone thought it was impossible before. An IG with no experience in the S game, even a team of five, four who have never played the S game, played against a triple crown dynasty, the strongest team in LOL history, SKT, using The heels should know who has the best chance of winning.

But IG's victory in this game was like a slap in the face of everyone.

Not only does it not hurt, but it is extremely excited, even in a trance!

The popularity of IG winning the game is still flying. In less than five minutes, the entire domestic network has been known to everyone, a scene of carnival and chaos.

But just when everyone thought it was an explosion,

Everything that happened the next moment, Bai Qiu told everyone--

Who is the most chaotic thinking tonight!

Not the most explosive, only more explosive! And.

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