Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 293: Congratulations to ig, the fairy guides the way, shaking the world (3/5 for subscriptio

3-0 SKT?

This is really crazy.

Just thinking about it, just looking at these few words, will make goosebumps goosebumps all over the world.

The current situation is far from the point of 3-0 SKT.

But two to zero, it seems not impossible.

With the expansion of IG's advantages step by step, the entire Bird's Nest scene is like a boiling oil pan, converted into a pack of explosives, and it is only the last fire.

Sometimes I have to admit that this kind of momentum does exist.

After several waves of rhythm victory in the early stage, the state and feel of the five starting members of IG are also getting hotter and hotter.

Not to mention the two defensive towers of SKT were pushed down one after another, and even the bottom lane, who had always been at a disadvantage, did not have any moths during this time.

Of course, there is no such thing as a moth, it does not mean an advantage.

SKT is currently in a bad state across the board, and even Brother Li, who has been given high hopes by everyone, has been forcibly pushed down his defense tower.

Only the bot lane, the golden pair of Bang and Wolf, has always been a strong defense in the first line.

This is also the only hope for SKT to have a chance to come back.

"IG.. now has an overall lead over SKT!"

On the commentary stand, I don't know how many times I cheered.

But everyone's emotions have been in a state of abnormal excitement.

"Yes, the economic lead of 3,500, and this lead is still expanding, SKT has not stabilized this economic snowball during this period of time!" The doll said loudly: "The most important thing is Cherish, now this Qinggang Ying, SKT can't control it anymore, it's too fat, and now Qinggang Ying is already a little boss!"

In this match up to now, among the ten players, the fattest one is Bai Qiu's Qinggangying.

Not to mention the most people, the number of slashing and pushing towers is also the largest. It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that it is a small boss.

At this moment, Qinggangying came to the middle road alone to support him, and directly persuaded Brother Li, who had stepped forward to replenish his troops, to retreat.

Brother Li retired, is there any hope for SKT?

Seeing this scene, everyone was in a trance.

The doll couldn't help but said, "Can we really be 2-0 in this game?"

"Wow, this, brother, my heart is a little excited now, you look at me."

"What are you looking at?" Miller asked.

"Don't let me fall 133, I'm afraid something will happen later," the doll laughed and joked.

A burst of laughter off the field.

Now that the advantages of IG are gradually expanding, everyone's emotions are both nervous and excited.

"Although I don't think any team should be underestimated, especially SKT. But our advantage is really great now, especially Qinggangying, Cherish still has money to give gold, this hand is too hard, why is it unstable What? Cherish doesn't give SKT a chance at all!"

"That's right, and the baron will be refreshed soon, as long as the baron is refreshed, we can completely force the group SKT..

in the game.

As the situation on the field develops step by step, the game lasts 17 minutes, and it won't be long before the first big dragon in this game will be refreshed.

During this period, although IG failed to get more heads, but with the strength of Qinggangying, it was also constantly squeezing to obtain SKT's vision resources.

Bai Qiu even squeezed out a golden body.

Qing Gang Ying's golden body, this already means that Qing Gang Ying is already fat and oily, and even more so.

IG is determined to fight for the next big dragon team battle!

"The other side may have to force a fight with us.

In the SKT team that had been silent for a long time, Brother Li finally spoke.

The others nodded, not knowing what to say.

"At present, we still have a chance. Their lead seems to be playing, but in fact, it is not time to win." Brother Li said again.

Hearing this, the rest of SKT finally regained some vigour.

In their minds, what Brother Li said was equivalent to the imperial decree!

He said if there is a chance, there must be a chance!

Do "Vision" first, Dalong can't let it, otherwise he may not be able to keep it.

After the words fell, everyone in SKT began to entangle with IG around Dalongkeng.

You come and go on both sides, although IG leads the economy, but it is not to the point of complete crushing, and it seems that there is no winner for a while.

At this time, Bai Qiu, who fell behind, calculated the refresh time of the blue buff on the opposite side, communicated with his teammates, and sneaked into the upper half of SKT's jungle from the other side.

I want to get rid of this blue.

This spiritual anti-wild made everyone's eyes shine.


Because at the moment on SKT's side, the blue on Taliyah is almost gone. If the blue on the opposite side can be stolen before the big dragon refreshes, Taliyah won't even be able to release his skills.

"Cheirsh. The monster refresh time move is very dead, and when Lan takes it, SKT will be very uncomfortable next!" Miller shook his head in admiration.

This is the first time that the ID of Cherish has surprised him.

"Yes. In today's finals, Cherish's performance in both games is beyond doubt. Huh?"

Just halfway through the baby's words, he was suddenly stunned: "SKT.SKT has gone back this wave!"

in the game.

It stands to reason that the battle situation has reached the present, and everyone's emotions are tense, and few people will notice the spawning of wild monsters for the first time.

What's more, on the frontal battlefield, SKT is playing a vision battle with IG.

But SKT is no ordinary team after all.

After realizing that their blue was refreshed, everyone did not stop, just gave up their vision, and moved towards the blue buff pit together.

They were originally close to their wild area, and this wave of five people came back together, and not far away was a blue steel shadow who was turning blue!


"No, this wave of Cherish is about to be discovered!" Miller suddenly fell from heaven to hell: "Can we go? This road is blocked!"

On the field, the five SKT players were separated, and three of them were at the entrance of the wild area. Qing Gangying had to run from the side if he wanted to walk, but from the side. There were also two people from SKT!

This wave of blue-steel shadows can't go away at all?


It was too late to think about it, the distance between the two sides was too close, and after being reminded by his teammates, Bai Qiu had given up playing blue, but he was still seen by a few people from SKT who returned here at the last moment of retreat.



Almost at the same time, both sides exploded with foul language.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Li's eyes that had not looked good for a long time just lit up--

"This wave has a chance! Kill Qinggangying directly! Once Qinggangying dies, IG--don't dare to be a dragon!!"

Can be dragged!!

There is no need for Brother Li to say that everyone is the top professional player in the world. From the moment they saw Bai Qiu, everyone in SKT was excited.


Apart from anything else, perhaps because of being too excited, Little Peanut's hand speed reached the limit at this moment, and a light-speed EQ flash flew out in an instant!

That's right, not EQ, but direct EQ flash!

The prince's EQ flashed so fast that Bai Qiu didn't even have time to react and was picked up into the air.

The next moment, the SKT mouse and Tam on the other side of the wall both flashed, directly forcibly blocking the retreat of Qinggangying, and at the same time frantically outputting!

On the other side, Taliyah and Jace also arrived.

In a blink of an eye, the five SKT people surrounded the daring Qinggang shadow in the middle, frantically gathering fire!

In just a short moment, Qinggangying's state has dropped from most to the bottom!

The focus of the five people is terrifying, and even under the visual effect, the Qingsteel Shadow Man is still standing, but the blood bar has been completely emptied!


"No more! Qinggangying is going to die this wave?!"


There was an uproar at the scene.


At the same time, Bai Qiu was also taken aback by the damage of the five SKT players.

With a cough, the bloody blue steel shadow flashed directly from the center surrounded by the five SKT people to the edge at the last moment.

Then he kept his E without stopping.

A section of E hooks the wall, and a second section of E flies away.

Get some distance away.


"Want to go?! Ah, die!"

Seeing this, Huni, who had been prepared for a long time, hid the murderous aura of the whole game in an instant. The outermost Jess was fast, and directly fired a QE cannon, which accurately blasted the Qinggang Shadow who had already landed.

Immediately after changing the hammer form in seconds, a Q skill limit distance, hammered past!

Dual-form Q skill, Qinggang Shadow now has no Dodge and E, even if it can escape the cannon in the cannon form, it can't escape the hammer form Q of Jess!!

Must die!!

Huni is short of breath, and the emotions that have been suppressed all day are starting at this moment, completely crazy!


But this madness didn't last for a second, and it was when Jess's QE cannon and people were about to hit the bloody blue steel shadow and accept this plump head.

Bai Qiu's whole body suddenly jumped high - he took the initiative to fly towards Jace who came over to Q!

The whole person is in a vacuum state, and there is no choice.

This is

Qinggangying, big move!!

Call to the ground.

The next moment, Jess's EQ cannon blasted directly into the air, and at the same time, the hammer-shaped Q also landed, but it didn't deal any damage.

On the contrary, it was himself, who had already been afflicted by Qinggang Ying, and under the shock wave of his ultimate move, the rest of SKT who had just arrived were sent flying.


"Don't you want to die if you hide?!

Huni's eyes widened, even if Qingying's ultimate move avoided his two deadly skills, but under your face, wouldn't you still die?!

Jace's hammer was about to fall.


After the big move, the Qingsteel Shadow did not stop at all, and even his feet were still in the air, and he had already turned into a golden body.

Time freezes, dazzling --

The fairy guides the way, and avoids Jace's E again!!


"Blue Steel Shadow! The big move to avoid! The golden body!! This wave, do you want to delay it?!"

"I want to delay for a while. The rest of the IG has already rushed over, but this wave seems to be dead." Miller's eyes widened, the moment he finished speaking.

The time of the Qingsteel Shadow Golden Body in the game is over, and Huni's murderous attack is about to fall.

Bai Qiu said nothing, at this moment his hand speed reached the limit, AQA Hydra AQ!

The ultimate speed of light is instantly delivered without feet!

I saw that Jess, who was in a full state, was actually made of paper under these five feet. The blood bar seemed to be swallowed by a black hole, and it was instantly emptied!

That's right, it's gone in an instant.

The terrifying picture made Huni, who looked confident, stunned for a moment.

"IGCherish killed SKTHuni!"




Directly smashed?!


"WC!! Blue Steel Shadow!! What the hell! The speed of light is five feet, and the immortal guides the way, and Jace is directly killed?!"

"Fuck! F*ck! F*ck!!

?? "Then. IG others are here!"

The crazy screaming didn't last long because IG didn't give everyone this chance.

Almost as soon as Jess was dropped, the rest of IG arrived, and Rookie directly gave Bai Qiu a ball.

The rest of SKT just came around at the moment, and Jayce's sudden death caught everyone off guard, including them!

At this moment, seeing the extra ball on Qinggangying's body, Brother Li's pupils shrank suddenly: "Not good! Quickly withdraw!!"


next moment.

Rookie in the distance has not hesitated to think about his R skills.


The four SKT people gathered around Qinggangying, like four balls, were sucked together in an instant.

The terrifying damage of the clockwork broke out, and the state of the four people dropped a lot in an instant!

Without waiting for a response, King Ning's blind man had already turned into a blue steel shadow, and an R flash popped out instantly.

A library!

The four of SKT took off again before they landed in the air!

Frost and Thresh also arrived..

There is no more suspenseful team battle, SKT has been opened twice in a row by IG, and one person died, and there is no room to fight back!

A wave of perfect textbook-level teamfights, after a few seconds, five SKT people survived, all killed!


When the sound of the group extinction sounded, the commentators of the competition areas around the world and all the audience at the Bird's Nest broke out into the most terrifying and craziest cheers ever!

Everyone knows that this game--there is!!

After this wave of SKT, it is completely over!

With five dead, they couldn't stop IG from getting the dragon.

And IG, which was originally an advantage, went home to replenish its status after getting Tianlong in a wave. After it came out again, Tianfei's Qinggangying was no longer unstoppable.

Also unstoppable, and the entire IG team.

The final game time was fixed at twenty-three minutes.

IG, leveled SKT's crystal base for the second time.

For the second time, we won the second game of the 2017 Global Finals B05!


Global Moment Crazy!!

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