Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 299: The Birth Myth, Jess's First Skin and the Undefeated Enchantress (4/5 for subscrip


"Are you sure? Is it Jace? IG. Locked! It's Jace!"


Bird's Nest scene.

When I saw that Jess was chosen directly on the first floor of IG without hesitation, and after one second was confirmed, there was a burst of terrifying cheers at the scene.

Future Guardian, Jace!

This is a very special-hero.

Of course, the specific special point is for Bai Qiu-.

As we all know, there are many carry heroes that Cherish is good at, but if you insist on which one is the most famous, perhaps many viewers and fans will name a few heroes.

For example, Jianji, Qinggangying

But as far as Bai Qiu himself is most liked and skilled, it is undoubtedly Jace!

As the top laner evergreen in the S game, Bai Qiu has a great preference for this hero, whether it is the flexible skill mechanism or the huge amount of damage in the early stage.

He also said more than once in public that he would like to give Jayce a champion skin if given the chance.

Jayce's first champion skin!

Because of this, when they saw the choice of IG and Bai Qiu, those who were familiar with Cherish and knew the details couldn't help cheering.

"Jesah. It should have been thought of long ago." The doll looked suddenly, and then excitedly said: "This hero can be! Cherish is very good at Jess, is there any middle-door sniper?!"

"I just wanted to say, you SKT Banned Crocodile and Qinggangying, but what about Jess?" Miller couldn't help raising his voice, feeling a little excited.

He guessed just now that IG would choose Jess. When the result was decided, he would inevitably have some achievements and excitement after predicting in advance.

Pick Jayce, at least on the road, don't worry too much about the laning period!

"Of course, IG picked Jayce first hand, and SKT is likely to target him in the next selection, there are pros and cons.

Several people were talking, and the BP continued on the field.

SKT did not show the slightest surprise about IG's first-hand selection.

Obviously, they may have thought of this result when the ban was selected.

I'm not surprised now, I'm naturally confident.

It was the red team's turn to select SKT. The first two hands first got the jungler prince with a strong version. After a moment of hesitation, they finally helped Bang get his very confident mouse recently.

IG got Ning Wang's jungler blind, and Rookie's Syndra,

In this game, the ban people on both sides really released too many heroes, not only the version is strong, but even the player's signature has leaked a lot.

This is already a completely regrettable rhythm!

And once the first three hands of IG are determined, there is no need for commentary to analyze, and the audience in various competition areas around the world is already a little restless.

Jace, Blind, Syndra,

What kind of magical violence combination is this?

There is no nonsense at all, just open the door and do it!

The thick bloody aura blowing towards the face also indicates that in this final decisive battle, IG finally chose to believe in himself, instead of superstitious versions and others, he only chose the hero he wanted to play the most!

The atmosphere has completely piled up, and in this situation, SKT's third-hand choice fell into a short-term tangle.

Compared with the choice of IG, the mouse and the prince are indeed a bit under pressure in the early stage.

more importantly,

"Can I choose her?" This is the first time Faker has taken the initiative to look at the horse behind him with hesitant eyes since S5MSI.

He hesitated now.

Maybe in addition to this hero, there are other better choices, you can choose a powerful mid laner that is close to the version, so they may have a better chance of winning.

"Although facing the current situation, Kuma is still as calm as ever. Maybe he has fallen into the abyss long ago, but as one of SKT's Dinghaishenzhen, he knows that he can't show his cowardice.

Patting Faker's shoulder, Ma's tone was very light, but he was very firm: "The opposite side dares to play 2-0 like this, we have no reason to dare.

Although "It's been two years, but it's still the same sentence, pick the one you're most confident in. Don't leave yourself with regrets!"

When the words fell, Brother Li's hesitant eyes gradually became firm, and he searched for a hero avatar that had not been used for a long time, so familiar, yet so unfamiliar.


Bang nodded and locked the hero in seconds.

A hero enough to make audiences around the world go crazy in an instant!

"Black rose, will bloom again!"

Trickster Enchantress - LeBlanc!



When I saw SKT's last choice in the first round off the field, I instantly exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, countless old fans burst into tears.

The witch of trickery! She is the undefeated witch of the Great Demon King!!

If Rookie's Syndra is the signature, Bai Qiu's Jace is the most skilled, then Li Ge's Enchantress. It's really a myth and legend!

Although he lost to EDG at S5MSI, it doesn't mean that Li's enchantress has changed.

In fact, Faekr's enchantress, in S7, has long been more than just a hero, she is more representative of Li Ge's past glory, and the heavy world championship trophies!

This is the bottom line!


Once it is taken out, it will prove that it is at the juncture of life and death crisis, and it is in a desperate situation!!

This was the case in the 2-2 tiebreaker of the MSL Finals, and now the same is true of S7 being 2-0!

In a game that can't be lost, Brother Li finally took out the enchantress!

The audience around the world is boiling crazy. In this life-and-death game of the World Finals, which is related to the historical situation and the layout of the world competition area, the two sides are only the first three-handed ban selection, which has already detonated the scene.

The atmosphere at the Bird's Nest was a bit uncontrollable at the moment.

The ten players on the player bench were also a little out of control.

Resisting the inexplicable excitement and excitement in my heart, the ban continued.

In the end, after several twists and turns, the lineups of both sides in the final round of life and death were all settled.

They are:

Blue side IG: top laner Jayce, jungler blind, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane EZ + Thresh.

Red side SKT: top laner Shen, jungler prince, mid lane enchantress, bot lane rat + Tam!

"I'm sure, wow, this game of IG is really fierce, except for one bottom lane EZ, this is almost a set of violent chopper team with full output!"

With the lineup settled and looking at IG's choice, the expressions of several LPL commentators have changed from being excited at first to a little serious and dignified.

this lineup.

There is really no late stage to be selected, and even once the peak disadvantage occurs in the early stage, even in the mid-term, they will not have any room to play!

This is a set of violent lineups that are extremely confident in themselves, and even completely out of the version!

Compared with IG, SKT is obviously more rational, learned the lessons of the previous two games, gave up the idea of ​​carrying on the road, and turned to play the middle field they are most familiar with--

In the third game, their jungler has changed from Peanut to Black.

Xiao Hei comes on stage and cooperates with Brother Li, this is already all their cards!

In addition to the mice that developed in the later stage, SKT has completely exploded the IG lineup whether it is in the group or in operation.

One set is the ultimate attack in the early stage, and the other set is the later stage of classic operation.

Who can win?

no one knows.

The game screen has been loaded, and there are cheers from both teams on the scene.

It can be called the most terrifying support this year!

"We heard, wow, the audience has completely boiled, and the lineup of the two sides has been completely determined. This time, we have been looking forward to the decisive battle for 7 years - the official start!"

"I only represent an individual, cheering for 1G!"

"Go on IG!!

"IG rushing duck!!"

"IG will win!!

The words fell, the audience was sensational, and a game that gave birth to myths officially started! And.

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