Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 334 : The stars gather, the light is bright (4/5 for subscription!)

"Since we are all on fire, why is only Brother Qiu being kissed?"

King Ning's words instantly left everyone speechless.

Yes, for Mao!

I am so sour!

"Cough, there is a saying, the capable people work hard, Xiaoqiu is tired these days, it should be, it should be." Su Xiaoluo smiled and looked calm, if not for his suit and tie It's crooked, everyone is really shocked by his words..

Beside Bai Qiu is full of black lines.

The gods are so talented that they work hard, Mr. Su is really an idiom genius!

At this time, Principal Wang, who came with everyone, has also slowed down, let out a long sigh of relief, and said with lingering fear: "Damn, although I know I'm handsome, the people outside are really crazy, making me I'm a little embarrassed,

Everyone: "..."

In this way, in this strange and novel atmosphere, everyone walked towards the hall together.

Here, someone has been waiting for a long time,

The first to come out is everyone's "old acquaintance", the 18th-line host of the entertainment industry who has hosted countless large-scale Ipl events - Pete Zhu!

Of course, Pete Zhu is not the point, the point is the people around him.

One is Chen Chichi, who has acted in the hit sitcom "Love Apartment", and the other is Lin Gou, a traffic boy who has become popular in the past few years.

In addition to these people, there are many familiar faces.

ig everyone just glanced at it, and there was an illusion.

Are we at a showbiz party?

Is it a party in the entertainment industry?

Of course not!

Although many of the people who came out to greet were popular big stars, the specifications of today's celebration banquet obviously exceeded everyone's expectations.

From the extravagant exclusive elevator directly to the top floor of the 30th floor, everyone at ig has "opened their eyes" and "see the world".

Strictly speaking, today's celebration of ig's victory is not a mere gathering of the e-sports circle.


There are too many people and big coffees here today!

A rough estimate, almost covers most of today's young people's circles!

Among the popular first-line stars in the entertainment industry and the sports players in the sports industry, Bai Qiu saw with his own eyes several big players who have also won gold medals for the country.

What other influencers on various platforms.

For example, Dou Sha, Maoya, Panda and other popular first-line anchors on major platforms, big Internet celebrities.

Big Sima, Sao Nan, pdd, Xiao Cang, A Leng...

Even, in the crowd, they actually found that there were people in the literary and art circles.

This is outrageous!

To be honest, this group of people at the scene completely covers the "young people economy" on the Internet today, and basically all of them are elites from all walks of life that everyone is familiar with on weekdays.

But today, this group of people are all supporting roles.

their supporting roles!

ig everyone is excited and excited.

Principal Wang was surrounded by a group of people since he came in, and the congratulations were endless, and the others were no exception.

Especially Bai Qiu, he was stopped by Chen Chichi before he took a few steps: "Send

"What's the matter?" Bai Qiu asked curiously.

In front of this big star who is usually on TV, he is very calm in private.

"Uh. It's like this." Chen Chichi also seemed a little embarrassed. After hesitating for a while, he said, "Wait, can you sign my autograph for me later?"

"Huh?" Bai Qiu was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Big stars also want autographs with me?

"I'm your fan!" Chen Chichi thought that Bai Qiu had misunderstood, and said excitedly: "You are so handsome, Qiu Dad, Qiu Ge! I especially like your Jess, because I usually play the most. It's on the way!"

Well, Bai Qiu finally accepted the reality without stage fright, and nodded with a smile: "Ok."

"Then. If you have time to play games together, I can boast with other people in the circle that I will definitely invite you to play games with me.

"no problem,

As he spoke, he came to the specially-placed position at the bottom of the hall, and Bai Qiu was constantly being "harassed" along the way.

The anchors and stars in front of them, at the moment, have the same attitude towards Bai Qiu as if they had met a god. Their attitudes are so low that they are beyond Bai Qiu's imagination.

What he didn't know was that in the eyes of this group of people, he, cherish, was just Xiang Momo!

Who doesn't know that ig won the championship now?

Who doesn't know what kind of "mass incident" is caused by IG fire?

Who doesn't know that the most popular in the ig team is the young man in front of him, but he is also strong enough to go beyond logic--cherish?!

………… ask for flowers…… 0


This is a real fairy!

The fmvp in the 7-year championship in the Ipl division is also the most popular player in the 2017 global finals. He successfully passed this year's s competition, and the carp leaped to the dragon, and the battle was sealed!

In the e-sports circle, Bai Qiu's current status and worth are already foreseeable by many people.

In the outside world, his current popularity and traffic are so great that he even broke down several servers at one point.

This kind of person, this kind of immortal, if you don't make friends now, do you have to wait for others to take the lead?

"Come, Qiu, come and sit here.

In the end, it was Principal Wang who helped Bai Qiu out of the siege, called Bai Qiu, and went to the front row with the others to sit down.

This is a luxuriously decorated hall. The lighting and layout in the hall have long been arranged by the staff to become a kind of "large kty" scene in advance.


Under the dark blue light, the big stage temporarily built in front, the gold medal commentator of the Ipl division, Doll, Miller, have already stood on it.

Everyone in the e-sports circle is here today.

As long as they are in Beijing, none of the s7 staff, officials, commentators, hosts, anchors, directors, and even translators, will be absent!

Doll and Miller, the golden partner, was also temporarily appointed as the host of the IG championship celebration banquet!

Looking at the "star-studded" crowd below, Doll and Miller have an undisguised excitement and excitement in their hearts.

This time, ig's card face is really good. As far as this celebration banquet lineup is concerned, it is no exaggeration to say that it is definitely the first in the history of the e-sports circle.

Even if other teams have won the championship, without the connections of Principal Wang, this scene would not have been possible.

Of course, compared to these, the two hosts were most interested in the various welfare activities at today's celebration banquet.

"First of all, let's congratulate ig for winning the 2017 global finals!" Standing on the stage, the doll said with a smile: "I believe everyone has known about this feat, but we still want to congratulate ig. At the same time, also Everyone is welcome, and everyone is welcome to join ig's championship celebration banquet."

"Before this celebration feast begins, our ig team club owner. Principal Wang, there are a few things to announce, let's welcome him together!" and

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