Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 340 : When the gods are conferred, they return to their hometown in honor, ups and downs, an

Bai Qiu's net worth has been fired to a ridiculous degree, let's not talk about it for the time being.

After holding an unprecedented grand merit banquet, everyone in ig was full of food and drink, and achieved their goals for the whole year. Under exhaustion, although their spirits were already excited, they could not resist the deep tiredness.

They went back to their rooms and fell asleep.

That night, a lot of things happened that everyone didn't know about.

Some official media commented in person and sent blessings for ig to win the championship.

There are also various big events such as "Champion Night, the new king ascends the throne" that the LOL official rushed out overnight.

There is also the bombardment of the Internet, the real world,

All in all, this evening is destined to be a milestone in the history of e-sports development.

Carnival night, worthy of the name!

the next day.

Bai Qiu and the others slept well until eleven o'clock, and then gradually got up at "150".

This saves breakfast and goes straight to brunch.

Today, the upsurge of ig winning the championship is still raging all over the world.

Even compared to last night, the heat is even worse!

After all, to put it bluntly, last night was lively and lively, but ig won the championship, such a big news must have a time to ferment.

One night is obviously not enough to fully ferment such a historical phenomenon of this era.

Starting today, the wave of ig winning the championship and the influence of terror are just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg!

After a night of fermentation, the five people who started IG have long been praised on the altar.

The five, even the bench and the coach, were sought after and touted by countless people.

And this kind of boasting, with time, with the "archaeology" of the supernatural netizens in various competition areas, has a trend of intensifying.

The winner is, ig!

Until ig won the championship last night, there are still a large number of new audiences around the world, including the 1pl division, who don't know this team at all.

After all, although ig is an ancient giant in the same period as we, it was because they put gold on their faces. From the establishment of s2 to s, after so many years, we have created an era long ago, and ig?

Even if there is no cup championship, it can be remembered, and there are ghosts!

Therefore, when ig won the championship, many talents have gradually gained a deeper understanding of this magical "unfamiliar" team.

It's good that I don't understand it. Once I understand it, I know the history and past achievements of ig, including the composition of the team members..

The outside world can be said to have set off a shocking wave.

All kinds of news about ig's past have been turned out, and riding this wave of winning the championship, it exploded in an instant--

For example, ig built a team from 52 until s7, and never had any achievements that can be achieved.

They have been the background boards of other teams countless times, including edg, we, and rng..

Every well-known team seems to have had a famous scene of using ig as a background board and stepping stone.

Just look at their team members...

The jungler is said to be on loan from a sub-league team.

That's right, you read that right. King Ning was borrowed. Strictly speaking, he was used by this team as a bargaining chip, and he came to ig to serve as the number of people.

Mid single rookie.

"Well, he wasn't on loan, but the official announcement said that the reason why rookie was able to join ig at the beginning was in the name of an accessory.

Just like buy one get one free gift, ig valued another player at the beginning, as for broiler chicken, it can only be regarded as a buy one get one free gift.

Isn't that cool enough?

Then look at the bot lane duo..

Baolan will not talk about it. Before s7, even in his entire career, although he played for many years, very few people knew Baolan in the Ipl division..

The support at this time is the world of meiko and ming.

Some of the assistants of other teams are also stronger than Baolan in the public impression.

This guy is a transparent guy!

And what about his partner Jack?

Ah Shui, who was rank by chance, was coaxed and deceived by Bao Lan, and was forcibly pulled over.

If everyone can accept the above, then when Bai Qiu is here, everyone is a little stunned and speechless.

If this year's ig is the shining sun in the darkness of the lpl competition area, then Bai Qiu is definitely the most dazzling light in this round of pumping sun.

He alone is now recognized as more valuable than the other four ig!

But it is such a perverted character that all the commentators and professional players in the world are desperate and even worshipped. . . .


It was actually f*ck that was abandoned, no one wanted it!


Can you believe this??!

The night when ig won the championship was too loud, and the 57 held was too successful.

This night, the Ipl division and the ig club did not know how many new fans they attracted.

After the whole s7, e-sports, a newly emerging sport, has no idea how many audiences it has attracted.

These audiences, compared with the original Ipl old audiences, even reached a situation of rivalry!

With such a huge base, they basically didn't know what happened to Bai Qiu before. When he heard the news, he could imagine how stunned and shocked he was.

The old audience spoke vividly--

Back then, the cherish was despised by the we team, and it is said that he was once persuaded to dismiss him, thinking that he was not suitable for a career.

In the end, although cherish did not quit, we still used him and the then ig team support player ben to make a player replacement.

Well.. you read that right, the two sides have been replaced.



He was actually treated as a little boy by we, and was replaced!!

What did we think??!

Don't tell me anything w have eyes.

No matter how strong your legs are, can you help us win the S championship? Can you think of the top single-headed hammer in the global division?

Can 5.0 win the championship fmvp?

What nonsense!

This is the problem of our vision, we. This is a complete brain pumping!

Looking at the people and events of the past with the eyes of later generations, everyone will always stand in the perspective of God involuntarily.

Although this statement is very extreme, 99% of the people think this way at the moment.

Some old stories about Bai Qiu and we and ig were once again revealed by enthusiastic netizens.

One by one, one by one, some cheirsh sensual female fans cried when they watched it.

I didn't expect our Qiu Daddy to be so difficult at the beginning. I thought he was brilliant from his debut. I didn't expect... I didn't expect...

The air is cold, when will cherish stand up? The whole body is chilling on a hot day, hell is empty, the devil is in the world...

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