“This wave of RNG four-person huddles is to push the second tower of the middle road, and the fragrant pot has a canyon pioneer on it.”

“The four people on the FB side rushed under the second tower, the policewoman released a rack array to try to stop this wave of RNG pushing the tower, Victor has an E skill, the effect is good, most of the wave of lines has been cleared, this wave of no troops line is a little difficult to push ah.”

“Eh! The fragrant pot here directly shattered the Pioneer Eye and summoned the Canyon Pioneer! ”

LPL commentary fell.

On the field,

A large eye gradually dissipated from the void, and finally turned into a green monster and soared out of the air.

“Foggy grass!” Move was shocked.

Padden frowned, “What to do, this wave is not easy to keep!” ”

FB this two tower blood volume, as long as it is hit by the opponent’s canyon pioneer, this tower will be gone in an instant.

“Let’s withdraw first.” Zhongdan Frozen said.

“Good.” Everyone nodded and agreed with this opinion.

Hearing the discussion of his teammates, Thaldrin, who was on the road and was on the line with Lin Goodnight, suddenly spoke.


FB teammate Fox said suspiciously: “Thaldrin? What’s wrong? ”

Thaldrin sighed helplessly: “If we don’t fight at this time, we have less chance later, although the other party is an export stone man on the road, but Uzi’s big mouth is too terrifying in the middle of the term.” ”

Teammates are silent.

“He’s right, guys, if we don’t fight this wave again, we will be more uncomfortable in the mid-term team battle.” Padden’s eyes were grim.

“I have TP.” Thaldrin said.

Padden glared coldly at the screen, “This wave is ready to open, the blind monk and the hammerstone first.” ”


Padden reminded: “Move, don’t make any more mistakes! ”

“Don’t worry.” Move nodded confidently.

In the outer suit, his blind monk is also the existence of server dominance, and when he played SKT, he also took it out to show the operation.

The canyon pioneer collided, directly knocking the blood of the second tower, and it only took two or three strokes to draw A to take this defensive tower.

The RNG team members are about to move, Lulu gives acceleration and shields, and the puppy moves, trying to quickly point the defense tower with displacement.

The big mouth without artillery stepped forward, right now!

The blind monk inserted his eyes W, and a heavenly sound wave shot, unbiasedly just in Q’s squirming body with a big mouth.

Follow-up seconds to echo the blow!

Big move raptor tail swing!


“The collision effect of the canyon pioneer is very good, just click again…”

“Wait!! The blind monk inserted his eyes W, the echo hit, and the puppy’s big mouth was opened!! ”

“Oh my God! This roundhouse kick kicked the puppy straight back! ”

“Get behind the road Jess TP! Xiao An also TP over, but it seems to be a little too late! The fattest point of the RNG is opened to the big mouth, and the combat effectiveness of others is inferior to the opposite. ”

“RNG this wave is dangerous!!”

On the LPL commentary table, the three quickly explained the battle situation.

The puppy’s eyes shrank, thinking that the other party would open, but he did not expect the other side to be so decisive.

When Blind Monk Q hits, this set of combos can’t be dodged at all!

Big mouth handed over flashes and treatments, and follow-up Lulu’s big moves followed.

But after all, the other party gathered fire of four people, the hook of the hammerstone shot, and the big mouth moved deftly twisted.

“Foggy grass! To be reasonable, I really thought that this blind man was a baobi just now, but I didn’t expect that there were still things! ”

“After all, the wild card god monk still has strength.”

“Bath-chan this position… I binge-ate two bowls again!!! ”

On the competition field, the puppy couldn’t help but turn pale, and this amount of blood would definitely be killed by the policewoman behind him.

Since you can’t leave… Then it’s better to go back and beat the damage out!

When it was too late, the puppy’s gaze was fixed, and he turned his head with a big mouth.

W skill Biochemical Barrage strengthens the attack range!

The Void Silt slowed down the pace of the three people opposite.

The big-mouthed abyss breathed out repeatedly, with the bonus of the sheep knife and the Lulu incense burner, triggering the hurricane effect, and the venom shot directly at the faces of the three people on the opposite side!




“Suck !!! me” In the silent room, the puppy shouted frantically.

“The output of the four people in the follow-up FB poured out, with Lulu’s big tricks and treatment protection, but the blood volume of the big mouth was instantly knocked out most of the blood! If UZI dies, then the RNG wave may not be able to catch it! Xiao Umbrella shouted anxiously.

“RNG now relies on the big mouth for early output! UZI can’t pour ah! ”

Hao Kai shouted with an excited expression: “Big mouth turned his head and wanted to fight back!” One dozen four!! The puppy does not panic in the face of AOE for two people! Countless skills hidden! ”

“The puppy is not dead yet! The puppy is still out! The puppy is still on show!!! ”

“Downwind Jian Zihao, Headwind Mad Puppy, Desperate UZI !!!” Wang Duoduo shouted loudly: “Big mouth five sprays in a second!!! This big mouth!!! He is now like a god of war!!! ”

When the audience saw this, their hearts suddenly trembled, and they all stood up in an instant.

“This scene, I am tired of watching!”

“The jujube brother we are familiar with is back!!!”

“Welcome UZI back to the !!!”

“Greet the eternal drop of God!!!”

“UZI God !!!”


The audience and the live broadcast room frantically cheered for the puppy.

Frontal battlefield, the three front rows of FB wanted to step forward and put away this big mouth, but the moment the big mouth turned its head.

The faces of the three changed drastically!

Although the big mouth is bloody, this output is indeed not to be underestimated, after all, the big mouth is the fattest one among the ten people on the field!

In less than twenty minutes, the sheep knife hurricane attack speed shoes!

Coupled with Lulu’s protective skills and incense burner blessings, Big Mouth equals a three-piece set!! If it weren’t for the four people on the front of FB, this wave would be really hard to say!

Padden’s face was stiff, and the output of his big mouth was very terrifying, instantly knocking out nearly half of the blood volume of the three!

You can’t be sprayed by the other party like this anymore, otherwise there may really be an accident.

Padden Victor flashed forward!

E skill death ray, big move chaos storm, backhand scepter shake, thunder lightning directly hit the heart of the big mouth!!

Victor’s round of the strongest outbreak is also very terrifying at this point in time, and the big mouth full of blood will be crippled, not to mention that he is only half bloody now!

Even if you return to UZI, even if the gods return to their places!

Even so,

Neither can he!

After all, no one has yet been able to go against the brutal data of the arena!

“FB-padden killed RNG-UZI!”

The kill sound falls,

The narration and the hearts of the audience instantly fell to the trough.

Hao Kai’s bold and unruly shouting came to an abrupt end.


The sound of the air in the stadium is constant, and the microphone is shrill in the voice.


In addition to calm, Hao Kai’s helpless breath echoed melodiously: “The puppy still fell…”

The helplessness of the commentary on the field spit out the tangled hearts of all the audience in the audience.

Seeing the UZI extreme manipulation, many people at the scene still involuntarily wanted to stand up and shout.

This wave died, not that UZI is too weak, nor that the opposite side is too strong.

And it’s all because of the version!

Who can be strong than the version?

Xiao Umbrella sighed faintly, “UZI this wave… It’s a pity. ”

“Version change, heroes end, ADC in this era is not as perverted as before, if it is in the S3, S4 period, UZI wave should be able to kill them all.”

Although the official equipment has been strengthened, it does not change the fate of the ADC.

The S7 is just the ADC’s final highlight.

And not the strongest times!


In the RNG team, no one took the initiative to spray his position in this wave of puppy mistakes.

Staring at the black and white screen stunned, the puppy said in disappointment: “Brothers, I tried my best…”

The RNG team members were silent.

They understand what this says.

How could a few of your teammates not see that the puppy really tried his best?

Helplessly, reality is reality after all.

Everyone still has to accept it boldly.

Jace in the rear has already entered the TP, opened the acceleration door package, and the fall of the puppy means that they will face a more serious situation.

Three to five, this wave … Hard!

“Well done.”

At this time, a soft voice suddenly sounded in the voice.

Everyone in RNG was stunned when they heard this voice.

How to forget him!

The puppy looked blankly at the man on the far left.

It was the first time he had heard this person’s compliments…

“I’ll do the rest.” Lin Wan’an said indifferently.

Everyone nodded at the RNG, and the belief in the battle in their hearts could not help but climb to the extreme!

“I’ll start first, Xiangguo Xiaoming remember to keep up.”


“We will help you get revenge.” Lin Wan’an finally said.

The puppy looked stunned.

Unexpectedly, this person still has such a side…


When the audience was in a low mood.

On the field, a glacier-colored behemoth rose up into the sky!

Smash up four people behind FB in an instant!


The eyes of the audience were once again focused on one point, and everyone’s eyes were once again lit up with hope!

This blow,

Stone shattering!!!


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