“The first round of BP between the two sides is very routine, and the purple square RNG has removed Calista, Xia, and Luo.”

“Blue Square SKT removed Raven, Prince, and Little Cannon.”

Miller analyzed: “SKT still doesn’t want to give RNG a strong point here, and removed the prince of the fragrant pot, the small cannon of UZI and the Raven of Xiaoan.” ”

The doll rushed to say: “Xiao An that Raven is a little exaggerated, completely inconsistent with the current version, no, it should be said that his hero cannot get the arena, although he is a regular hero, but he plays too unconventionally!” ”

“The sword is at hand, killing like an antelope hanging horns without a trace, before Xiao An’s Raven really left a deep impression on the audience, I believe it will not be seen at this year’s world championships.” Longhair couldn’t help but shake his head.

The two commentaries blew one by one, invisibly blowing Lin Wan’s Raven to the sky.

LPL commentators are common and like to tout popular star players, and now Lin Wan’an is also one of the star players.

For this, the audience has long been accustomed to this,

Small talk.

SKT’s first choice has been dropped.

First floor second selection: Colossus of Justice – Gario!

The hero was finalized, and in the silent room, a confident smile appeared on Faker’s face.


“First floor second pick Gario?” The doll in the LPL commentary table said in amazement.

Miller was stunned, “Gario, the hero was actually released, we know that the teams on both sides are more skilled in the use of the Gario system, and this hero was released a little unexpected!” ”

“After all, the purple side, now the purple side BP link has one less hand to move, and the hero of Calista must move.” Longhair explained.

The Haier brothers nodded, and the two understood this.

Although the purple side has a constance position, the hero of Calista has never appeared on the field since the beginning of the group stage.

The reason is that in the qualifiers, Team LYN used this hero to get the first five kills in the S7 World Championship, showing everyone that Calista grabbed the heinous team battle harvesting ability in the later stage.

Calista hasn’t been seen since!


The first-hand move and selection of people caused discussion among water friends in the live broadcast room.

“Foggy grass! Why move Raven of Anzi brother! ”

“Why not move Gario!!!”

“This Kasumi… I don’t think I’ve ever seen RNG chosen! ”

“To tell a joke, the world’s number one ADC will not play Kasumi.”

“Iron juice, Ning is this a joke? Ye smiled! ”

“Brothers, what will Brother Anzi play with this?”

“Blind guess…”

At this moment, the screen flashed, and the first and second floors of RNG were quickly selected!

Wind Girl + Qinggang Shadow – Camille!!

As soon as these two characters came out, the audience suddenly burst into a feverish cheer.

“Camille !!!”

“Camille !!!”



The doll said in amazement: “Eh! Wait a minute! After moving Raven here, Qinggang Shadow was released! In that case, the first floor of RNG is directly locked with Qinggang Shadow, and this hero is also Xiao An’s most skilled hero besides Raven! ”

Long Mao nodded, “Compared with the pure output heroes before, Qinggang Shadow is also more suitable for the current version, although it has been revised several times after the summer game, but it can be regarded as more suitable for Xiao An in the current list.” ”

“That’s right, RNG’s hand selection is good news, Xiao An got his favorite hero, and this hero played more calmly.” Miller smiled and nodded.

Longhair shouted: “This is Xiao An since Raven, took out the second hero in the world competition, see how SKT will respond.” ”

In the silent room,

SKT coach kkoma walked up to Faker and patted him on the shoulder, “Pick Bobby for Huni.” ”

Faker nodded slightly.

Although they have not seen Lin Goodnight’s Camille in the arena, it is obviously impossible to say that Huni will be crushed by the opposite side with a burpee!

To know that Bobby hit the blue steel shadow, that is absolutely Canter!

Both resistant to pressure and able to fight against lines, this hero has no problems except that there is no room for manipulation.

Click Bobby’s avatar, stay for a while, and click to confirm when the Faker mouse sees it.


Huni, who was sitting at the front, suddenly shouted.

Faker stopped moving and looked at him in annoyance, “What’s wrong with you again?” ”

Kkome also looked at him unexpectedly, “Is there a problem with Huni?” ”

“I don’t want to play burpee.” Huni made a face, looking unconvinced.

Coming to SKT this year and taking the starting position on SKT, Honi sees this as an opportunity for him.

He went to the LCS division for a few years, and although he made a lot of money there, there has always been a lot of opinion about him.

Some say he is the benchmark for Carrey-type orders.

Some people called him the most popular order in SKT’s history.

In the past, SKT’s top singles were rated as the world’s No. 1 single players.

But only he Huni is not!

At LCK, Honi was crushed by Khan and blasted by Lam Night Wayne in the opening game of the World Championship, and there were more and more doubts about him.

Huni is not convinced!

He thinks he is no worse than anyone!

At the very least, Honi feels that he is invincible in the output and Kerry list!

Faker and Kkome looked at him with frowns.

I wonder why this person has such inexplicable confidence?

Huni gave me an invincible expression and said lightly: “I want to play Kenji.” ”

Even Duke, who had a slightly less reputation last year, was taken away by the LPL’s local club after the game.

Honi feels that if he doesn’t prove himself now, let alone win the world number one, even his future will be in jeopardy.

One force wins ten times, one trick breaks a thousand pounds, this is the truth that Honi learned in LPL.

Today, he is going to use the Kerry hero head-on and beat the Hunter on the other side under the eyes of the world!

The coach turned his head to look at him, “Are you sure?” ”

“I’m sure!” Honi said firmly.

Kkome thought for a while, shook his head and said, “Sanghyuk, still give him poppy.” ”

Faker nodded.

He also didn’t think it would be a good choice to get Kenji for Huni.

Huni was suddenly anxious, “Don’t! Believe me! Just trust me this once! ”

Kkome and Faker were slightly startled.

Looking at Huni, who was pleading bitterly, the two were not easy to refuse for a while.

Bang spoke next to Huni, “Coach, just trust Huni, his Kenji is playing very well.” ”

“The opposite auxiliary is the wind girl, then AD should be able to play mice, two back rows, then we lack an incoming hero now, and Jianji is a good choice.” Wolf said with a narrowed eye.

Obviously, the last loss to RNG, not only Huni, SKT everyone looks at Lin Goodnight unpleasantly, Na Bobby is playing anti-pressure, if you take Jian Ji, then you can see the picture of the opposite single being hammered by Huni.

This scene is also the picture that the three SKT team members are most looking forward to now.

Coach Kkome was silent and knew that Napobi was not the best option for the team.

But it is the safest option at the moment.

Jian Ji fights Qinggang Shadow, about six or four open, at the same level, Jian Ji will be powerful, and Qinggang Shadow skills will be restrained a little.

While Kkome was thinking, Faker next to him spoke up: “Give him a chance.” ”

The coach’s eyes were startled.

Just listen to Faker continue: “We have now locked in the right to qualify, the most important thing is to play our confidence, before we lost to the opposite side, Huni was also played by the opposite side mentality problem, I think the best way now is to show your own hero to kill the opposite side.” ”

“This is what I think is the best way to get rid of my demons.”

After speaking, Faker looked at Huni with a grateful face.

If you want to become a ceiling on the position of professional players, in addition to operation, you must also grasp the depth of people.

The more cruel you are to your opponent, the more you can cast a shadow on your opponent.

S3~S6 period, the middle road, is undoubtedly the case.

Therefore, Faker understands the feeling of blowing up others, and can also analyze the psychology of the exploded person.

This is the strength of the ceiling of the Union!

The coach pondered, and after a while he nodded, “It makes sense, give it to Huni.” ”

Kkome still has some doubts about the judgment of others, but he only trusts Lee Sang-hyuk’s judgment.

At least so far, the probability of Lee Sang-hyuk making a mistake is very low, almost zero!

“Huni, if you lose this line, you must listen to my command in the team in the future.” Faker reminded.

Huni’s eyes were expecting his confirmation, and when he heard the request, he agreed without hesitation.

“No problem, as long as you help me with Jian Ji, you can let me do anything!”


Li Xianghyuk’s face was disgusted, in his heart, except for Eunjing, he could no longer hold other people, even men!


SKT Second Hand Lock!

Matchless Sword Ji + Lulu!

Seeing the character chosen, Huni’s heart finally fell.

“Hahaha, give Uncle Ben a look! Labor and management will kill the opposite side!!! ”

SKT player: “…”

Faker’s face was gloomy, and he always felt that this choice of sword Ji for Huni was a mistake!


On the LPL commentary table, I was amazed to see the hero chosen.

“SKT chose Kenji Garlulu?” The doll said in amazement.

Miller couldn’t help but shake his head and said with a smile: “Lulu can still understand, what the hell is this Jian Ji?” ”

“It seems that Honi still hasn’t forgotten that Wayne’s revenge! This one wants to be tough with Xiao An, then this game is a bit watchable. “This time, Long Mao accurately analyzed the psychology of the players.

The Haier brothers also understood this explanation instantly.

“Good fellow, Huni, this hero chose something!” Miller marveled.

The doll suddenly realized, “Wait, it’s not easy to say, Jian Ji still has an advantage in hitting Qinggang Shadow, Jian Ji’s W can block Qinggang Ying’s E skill, Xiao An’s Qinggang Shadow we just heard that it is very powerful, how is it, no one has seen it now, everything is not easy to say.” ”

Miller nodded, “It makes sense, this is on the road, or look at the performance of the players on both sides.” ”

On the big screen, RNG chose Marzaha for the second hand.

The second round of BP begins.

“This non-meat head is good iron!”

“Reasonable, this Brother An Zi is not too much to burst in twenty minutes, right?”

“It’s funny that you guys are so embarrassed! E-sports results speak, people Huni is the champion of MSI, Captain Raven Kennan these output lists have also exploded a bunch of geniuses, Jian Ji itself restrained Qinggang shadow. I think this one is four or six at most on both sides! ”


“Poof~! Brother, what you said earlier is still a serious book, how did it open in the end? ”

“Ah Shu, next time remember not to type so many words, I didn’t see the last sentence, I won’t be able to stop it!” Sorry silk! ”

“The iron juice on the top goes all the way!”


RNG silent room.

The puppy said in a mocking tone: “See it, choose Jian Ji!” The other side is obviously looking down on you! ”

Lin Wan’an ignored him, leaned back comfortably on the chair, and closed his eyes.

The RNG team members did not speak, as if they hadn’t heard.

In the team, Lin Night’s good night often makes hurtful remarks, especially against puppies.

For this, the puppy couldn’t react at first at first, but after understanding it recently, it was much better, and he slowly began his own path of incompetent counterattack.

The two taunted each other from time to time, and everyone was getting used to it.

The puppy glanced at it and saw that the man did not respond, and he just wanted to say two more words.

“The opposite is the champion ADC, is this putting you guys under pressure?” Lin Wan’an on the chair opened his eyes and turned his head and asked.

RNG team member: “…”

Hearing this, the puppy pouted, and instantly became speechless.

Psychological scolding: MMP! I already knew that I would not mock, but I was blocked by this batch of people’s words!

The RNG players stared at the puppy strangely, and they couldn’t figure it out.

With the low-level trash talk of the puppy, why should you play with the church-level trash talk of Lin Wan’an?

Do you say?

Fat, still affect this?

Little Tiger couldn’t help but guess.


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