Hanshi Gymnasium.

There was a sea of heat under the stage.

LPL commentator.

“Positive, now Xiao An enters the field and directly drops the big mouth with the highest SKT output in seconds! RNG now four people! There are only two people left in SKT! The doll shouted, “Faker is in the river right now!” But he did not dare to come down!!! ”

The doll cooperated and shouted angrily: “As soon as the big mouth falls, the SKT side is powerless to resist, and the RNG wave can kill them all!!! ”




LPL fans cheered enthusiastically.

On the big screen, several killing prompts also fell one after another!

“RNG-MLXG killed SKT-Blank!”

“RNG-UZI killed SKT-Wolf!”

Living up to expectations, this wave of RNG was actively driven first on the next road.

Zero for three, kill the opposite double Luke Daye!

The audience and the LPL commentary were crazy.

“My mom!!! This wave was originally SKT’s well-organized attack, seeing UZI and Xiaoming, they were caught in danger by the opposite four, but MLXG’s key move! There is also the admission of Xiao An in the follow-up!!! ”

“The cooperation between these two is simply magical!!!” Longhair shouted.

Miller couldn’t help but sigh: “RNG’s strategy and team play are now no less than any team in the world competition,”

The doll retorted and said: “Eh, brother, you can’t say that, but I think RNG is not just as simple as reaching the world’s top teams now, I think RNG’s current style of play is worth learning from teams all over the world!!! ”

“You’re right, for the first time in our class H, we played our own style on the world stage!” Longhair shouted in an agitated tone.

“This time, we at LPL are learning from teams all over the world!!!”

“RNG must win!!!”

This shout fell at the Hanshi Stadium, and all the LPL audience members stood up and shouted along with the commentary on stage.

“RNG must win!!!”

“RNG must win!!!”

“RNG must win!!!”

The shouts filled the venue, and the noisy and fiery atmosphere in the audience could be faintly felt even by the contestants in the soundproof room.

SKT voice.

“We…” Wolf was about to speak, and the screen of the three teammates snapped.

This wave itself is a good opportunity, but what the SKT players did not expect was that they would play like this now?

This kind of result, apparently none of the five people expected!

“Abominable!” Bang was livid and stared at the black and white screen.

His hatred for the Qinggang Shadow on the field at this moment has reached a deep bone.

This wave of attack was interrupted, but now three people have died!

For SKT, which is fading, this result is now unacceptable!

At the twenty-third minute point of time, the head-to-head ratio was 13:6, and the economic difference was pulled apart by 6,500.

This SKT wants to turn over, it’s difficult!!

Hearing that his teammates did not think of him, Huni, who was on the road, simply silently acted as a transparent person.

Although Jian Ji has TP, Fang Cai’s nightmare is big and he loses his vision, and Honi can’t pass it on at all!

Turn on the light the second time, and the front SKT big mouth is seconds!

If you think about it, it’s completely late!

Huni begged his teammates not to think of him, and now he just wants to be a little transparent.

All the grandiose words before the game were forgotten by Huni.

Kerry? Inexistent!

Help me I don’t C, don’t help me will explode!

To ask who am I?

– Canyon Daddy.

Blank on the side didn’t care about winning or losing, and he began to miss the old man before him.

Chicken brother, team danger!

Quick return!

In addition to the silence in SKT’s voice,

The man in the single position suddenly spoke up.

“Here, it’s a little noisy,”

Hearing these words, the four teammates were stunned, and immediately turned their eyes to the captain in the middle, that is, the world number one player recognized by the league!


He said a little noisy?

But this is the scene of the game! It’s not a library.

Why did he say a little noisy?

Under Faker’s heavy gaze, he spoke again: “I want to make the scene quieter.” ”

“…,” everyone in SKT looked at him helplessly.

They also knew that Faker wanted to win, but it was that 9/0 shadow.

Even Gario, who is one and four, already has a weak heart!



“This wave of bulls!” Little Tiger shouted.

“Pot boy, you’ve changed! Why didn’t this head give it to me? The puppy asked, pouting.

Xiangguo glanced at him, and then said: “You have also changed dog, when you were K-headed before, it was not like this.” ”

If you want to talk about who took the most heads before RNG, it is not UZI undoubtedly!

The puppy was speechless.

Lin Night’s good night mockery is also forgotten, why is the fragrant pot full of criticism now?

Is it really Near Zhu Shichi?

Qinggangying went home, directly took out a storm sword, and started to go out.

Lin Wan’an opened his mouth and commanded: “My TP is good, the three of you go to the middle road to huddle and push directly all the way, on the road I will take to the high and low, speed up the pace, and don’t give the opposite side a chance.” ”


RNG team members agreed in unison.

In twenty-four minutes, leading the economy by nearly seven thousand, today’s SKT frontal regiment is already difficult to resist the offensive of the RNG.

After going out, all three teammates rushed to the middle road, at this time, the defense tower on the middle route had been knocked out by the other side for most of the blood, and the tiger general’s Marzaha was still struggling to support.

“Brothers, you are finally here!” Xiaohu said with a crying voice.

Things are people who do not stop everything, and tears flow first!

One person, hold a city alone, hold on for twenty minutes!

Little Tiger’s suffering, who can understand!


Puppies don’t understand.

“Brother Tiger, you can’t do this! It was only twenty-four minutes before the tower was about to fall. The puppy said with a smile.

This kind of verbal taunting occurs from time to time in the RNG team, but the object of ridicule is usually a puppy.

Seeing that the puppy was now so up, Xiaohu’s eyes shrunk, and he explained: “Didn’t you see that the opposite side has been helping the wild?” They have always been two people in the middle, how could I have fought! ”

Ignoring the excuse of Tiger Ninety, the puppy smiled, “I understand, I understand, in this way, you go up and buy a PG, and the opposite side plus two Ao is fooled.” ”


Little Tiger has 10,000 MMP galloping in his heart.

There is reincarnation in everything, and the sky spares whom!

At this time, Xiaoming and Xiangguo also spoke to encourage.

Unable to stand the ridicule of everyone, the tiger 90,000 who immediately crossed the knife had to step forward to seduce.

The army line was about to enter the tower, and Marzaka deliberately showed flaws in his position, trying to clear the army line in front of the tower.

But all of a sudden!

I saw a pink memory cut through the perfect arc in the air!

“Foggy grass!”

Scolding angrily, Xiaohu’s face changed drastically.

It turns out that Zach on the opposite side of the grass in the middle of the road has already had an ambush!

Marzaha was instantly smashed into the sky, and the subsequent Gario’s skills and sustained damage followed.

Not too long,

“SKT-faker killed RNG-Xiaohu!”

Kill sound effects fall.

Little Tiger stared at the black and white screen stunnedly, “I’m Nima…”

Coming back to his senses, Xiaohu broke his mouth and cursed: “Your sister’s!” If you don’t understand, don’t command! The people on the opposite side are all in it, and the PG who sells wool by labor-management TM! ”

Disliked by his teammates, the puppy laughed and did not speak, but he did not expect that the opposite side also chose to huddle at this time.

This… It shouldn’t be!

Obviously can’t beat the group, why does SKT still huddle?

It doesn’t make sense!

Come to think of it, the puppy’s head is buzzing, but I can’t figure it out.

“SKT down the road duo came to the middle road, Zach squatted in the grass, it seems that they are ready to push ah!”

“This disadvantageous situation is not very good… Eh! Wait a minute!!! The doll wondered: “Little Tiger’s position is to sell his own flaws, Zach in the grass has been waiting for a long time, E skill directly smashed Little Tiger, and the follow-up Gario skill followed…”

A scene of slashing appeared,

Between the electric flint, the four SKT people who gathered in the group were directly pulled out of the outer tower of the middle road.

Miller frowned, “This wave of tigers shouldn’t ah, even if he wants to sell, he shouldn’t let his guard down so much, I feel that there is something wrong with this wave of RNG command!” ”

“SKT’s decision is beautiful! On the contrary, a wave of four-person huddles in the middle that no one expected was once again a little advantage. Longhair said.

Of course, this forced explanation is only whitewashing the RNG command.

The on-site commentators also thought that the conductor of RNG’s wave was Lin Night!

On the field, although Faker was calm on the face, he was still a little excited in his heart.

“Now, the scene should be quiet, right?”

Faker thought silently in his heart.

These two meetings RNG were robbed of the limelight by that Hunter, and it is impossible to say that it is not uncomfortable!

Even as a god, Faker still needs more games to prove his dominance.

Beating the talented players who have risen to fame is undoubtedly the best proof.

And this Hunter is now the most famous rookie in the professional arena.

Just beat him…

Thinking of this, Faker had a groundbreaking smile on his face.

In the contestant shot at the bottom of the screen, Faker’s smile was also detected by the majority of careful netizens.

“Foggy grass! Brother Li smiled! ”

“Reasoning this laugh, I’m afraid it will not be fished.”

“Catch your sister! Faker is a man who can’t even move his milk! ”

“There is a saying, in fact, if it is really a competition for strategic operation, RNG may not have beaten SKT!”

“Blow, you keep blowing, I love to listen.”

“The iron juice above, in the end, how can you win the game without playing strategic operations? Is there another way to win this game? ”


A small number of water friends in the live broadcast room were sprayed speechless, although the game was going to be won, but most of the LPL audience still believed that the win was unreal.

Fight and fight and win?

This game is cool, but it seems that something is missing…

In the middle of the SKT, everyone marched forward and came all the way to the second tower of the enemy.

In the absence of the control of Zhongdan, the three of RNG were forced to force themselves under the tower.

The line of troops enters the tower.

“Push directly, Blank is ready to start a group at any time.” Faker commanded.

“Good,” Blank nodded in agreement.

Just when everyone at SKT thought there was a turning point in the game.

“(Purple Fang) destroyed a defensive tower!”

When the sound effect fell, everyone in SKT couldn’t help but wonder.

How did this guy Honi guard the tower!

Previously, Huni secretly made up for a wave of development on the road, and now he also has a close two-piece set on his body.

Although this equipment is still not enough to see around Qinggang Ying, the ability to guard the tower alone is still there!

Just when SKT is wondering,

Next second!

SKT all expressions, frozen!

“RNG-Hunter killed SKT-Huni!”

On the other end, Lin Wan’an Qinggangying’s foot blade pointed to the high and low crystals.

With one slash at a time, the crystal’s blood volume dropped rapidly.

Lin Wan’an’s face was calm, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Operational strategy?

Think too much!


It’s always just a simple tower demolition game!


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