It lasted thirty-two minutes.

The final race is coming to an end.

EDG relied on a strong lineup in the mid-term, and several waves of team battles fought bravely and decisively SSG troops were in chaos.

None of the SSG staff expected to see why the EDG team’s style suddenly changed.

The regiment that did not dare to fight before suddenly dares to fight now, and what it did not dare to do before, now suddenly dares to do.

This magical transformation overwhelmed the SSG players.

Prior to today’s match, Team SSG was in a five-game winning streak and would be the third team to advance to the quarterfinals with a winning match.

But who knows, just because of a carelessness, in the case of BP and the opposite line, it was suppressed by the opposite side one after another, which made An Zhangmen and the four teammates a little unexpected.

In the game screen, EDG won the second big dragon, and all the members did not go home to take advantage of the offensive to point directly at the middle of SSG.

EDG Double C is now in a strong period, and under the condition of suppressing most of the equipment of Double C, the SSG loose lineup is becoming more and more weak.

Lucian’s double guns gradually weakened, and the front row of EDG Nar seemed to lack stamina, and Marzaha Development in the middle was directly thrown off the street.

Now the SSG’s team battles are all supported by Kennan alone.

CuVee, known as the king of single killing, did not have an AD suit with a line advantage, and made a set of AP Kenan who was biased towards the team, sacrificing for the team, hoping to do more things himself.

In the middle, a large wave of super soldiers arrived at the SSG High and Low Tower.

The cold ice, which was proud of the four-piece set of the audience, was like a tower pushing machine, shooting at the defense tower repeatedly.

“This wave of EDG took the big dragon, the team members are in good condition, EDG five people came to the middle road, it seems that they want to directly take the SSG middle road heights.”

At the commentary table, Rita said.

Xuanzi said: “This EDG table reality is too good, every wave of decision-making and command is to get a big advantage, and does not give the other party a chance, want to end the game with an overwhelming advantage in the mid-term.” ”

“As long as you win this game again, EDG can advance to the quarterfinals!”

Rita was full of excitement, “EDG is about to win three consecutive victories in a desperate situation, and today they will soon defeat their strong opponent on the first day of the group stage, SSG!” ”

“Finally, the master of kings we are familiar with has returned to this stage again!”

“EDG! Never give up!!! ”

The audience of the LPL competition area shouted along with the commentary on the field.




After two weeks, from the despair of EDG at the beginning, to the hope that Lin Wan’an led RNG to win SKT.

Now, from hope to desire for the S Championship!

All three LPL teams advance to the quarterfinals at the same time!

What does this mean?


This year is bound to be LPL’s most promising year!


The fans cheered at the scene, and in the commentary seat, the two female commentators fanatically touted.

Everything around him seemed so incompatible with the silent man on the field.

On the commentary table, Lin Wan’an stared calmly at the big screen, looking at it, he couldn’t help frowning slightly.

So far, EDG’s overall rhythm is very good, targeting the middle and upper two ways in the early stage, shooting from the two points of the opponent’s strength, and then slowly expanding the advantage.

Step by step, although not fast, but relying on the tight rhythm, the SSG played has no chance of adjustment.

Now after taking the big dragon, five people pushed forward in a group…

This move made Lin Wan’an look a little confused.

Isn’t it good for the four-point belt to slowly drag down, and five people have to gather in the middle to push together.

How did you lose the game before, have you forgotten?

Seeing this, Lin Wan’an sighed slowly.

Unexpectedly, EDG couldn’t hold his breath at the last moment, and was ready to end the game in one wave.

Although the lineup of this SSG team battle is not as perfect as the first one, the control chain is also complete!

Kennan, Zach, Malzaha, and the wind lady as an auxiliary.

Four points connected, the control chain is enough to hit a wave of miracles!

On the game screen, Kennan rushes from the upper road after closing the line, and EDG is about to push down the high and low defense towers.

Lin Wan’an explained: “This wave of EDG is a little radical, after the big dragon, go home and wait for Aixi’s watermark, or the golden body of the snake woman in the middle, and then huddle and push it may be better.” ”

“The control chain of the SSG plate is very sufficient, and in the case of five people propelling, the EDG aid is the nanny, which means that Ash will have no protection, no protection and displacement in the team battle, and the ADC point is too easy to be targeted by the entry of the opponent Kennan and Zach.” Lin said slowly.

After saying this, the audience suddenly burst into a burst of surprise!

No one believes that EDG will still have problems until now!

After taking the big dragon, in the case of equipment leading, directly push off the opposite side in a wave, isn’t this the normal process of the game?

How could it go wrong!

Many people think that Lin Wan’an’s words are simple carelessness.

Even fans of Team EDG scolded Lin for good night poisoned milk.

Seeing the situation in the audience, Rita’s little hand inadvertently squeezed Lin Wan’an’s palm and reminded: “Hehe, the Hunter player appeared on the stage as a commentator for the first time, and at this last moment when victory is about to usher in, it is inevitable that it may be a little nervous.” ”

“However, Xiao An is not wrong about this, this wave of EDG has both a dragon buff economic leading span and a large span.”

“In this case, EDG they don’t need to be anxious, they can consider a safer way to go home and update their equipment, and then push forward.”

Rita’s explanation made the fans on the scene much more stable.

“Harm, labor and management almost took out my forty-meter machete and threw it over, this Hunter is really unfounded!”

“This explanation is fine, but he always feels like he is jealous of my family’s Ming Kai’s popularity!”

“That’s right! Although Hunter has been very popular recently, his popularity in China is still pressed by the old people of the factory director, which is a typical jealous old-timer! ”

Although the heart was calm, the EDG fans’ unhappy emotions were still not vented, and they scolded Lin again.

Of course, this kind of speech suddenly made the RNG fans and neutrals on the scene unable to stand it.

“??? Is Mu Meng watching the game, or is it here to watch the players? ”

“To be reasonable, although I am not an RNG fan, I feel okay with this wave of analysis.”

“No, wouldn’t it be nice if Hunter said something wrong, and the voice attack rose to personal strikes, is that really good?”

“I think this Hunter is quite low-key, not like the kind of domineering personality.”

“Watch the game, watch the game, less over-analysis here!”

The words of EDG fans were all beaten back, and the two groups began to argue, and although Lin Wan’an was a newcomer to the world competition, he conquered the hearts of many LPL players with his personal strength.

Not to mention the director of the factory, one of the representatives of the older generation, known as the LPL001 player.

Maybe the two of them will be polite when they meet offstage, but at the moment, this group of spectators who are not afraid of the sky and are waiting to eat melons are looking forward to some pictures of both sides tearing up hand-to-hand.

The typical thing in the audience’s heart is that they are not afraid of many things, the bigger the melon, the happier everyone eats!


On the commentary table,

After Rita finished speaking, she also looked at Lin Goodnight next to her, with a small arrogant expression, as if she let the man praise his performance.

Lin Wan’an glanced over, quietly approached the right side, and whispered: “Yes, fortunately you didn’t say the wrong thing just now.” ”

“???” Rita’s face froze.

What do you mean? What do you mean I didn’t say the wrong thing?

Am I not speaking for you? How did it turn out that I wasn’t wrong?

And doesn’t this mean, do you want me to thank him?

Rita snorted, her heart bulging, and the restless little hands under the table attacked again, wanting to teach Lin Goodnight a little lesson and prove her dissatisfaction.

But her strength has not yet been used!

Saw! A scene occurred on the stage that shocked the audience!

In the game screen, the purple square defense tower in the middle has just been destroyed.

Suddenly! The SSG’s single ninja was attached to thunder armor and quickly slashed a figure in the screen.

Flash a big move!

Mysteries! Ten thousand thunder days traction!

Between the electric light and flint, Lei Gong roared, and the scene seemed familiar…

The audience watched the screams one after another!


Rita stopped the movement in her hand stunnedly, and the whole person was instantly sluggish.

No way?

Can this be guessed?

She turned her little head blankly and looked at the man next to her.

At the moment of turning around, Rita’s body couldn’t help but be shocked as if it had been shocked by electricity, and her body was full of excitement!

Only said that offstage, this time, Lin Wan’an actually took the initiative to hold Rita’s falling hand.

Rita’s expression was stunned.

Lin Wan’an gave her a look.

As if to say,

There is a brother,

You can’t go wrong!


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