G State Coliseum.

The third week of the group stage, the scene of the second day match.

The audience was already full, and the audiences from all over the world who arrived early were waiting for the start of this wonderful showdown.

Today’s playoff schedule is not as tight as the group stage, with only two teams competing in one day, that is, one BO5 match.

Under normal circumstances, the B05 of the knockout round is basically difficult to play.

But today!

All the spectators believe that these two teams, who have won the group stage and are very close in strength, may play the top showdown of BO5 in the knockout round!

In particular, there are two players on the road, one is officially certified as the world’s No. 1 single, and the other is a seventeen-year-old genius who is rising in his freshmen.

The collision of these two people immediately aroused the appetite of countless people.

“Some of you watched today’s game! Brother Hanzi to Brother Anzi! The world’s No. 1 singles battle! ”

“That’s right! LPL has finally released a world-class list! ”

“Strong my brother Anzi, strong my big LPL !!!”

In addition to the fans of the LPL division, some crooked nuts who understand Chinese couldn’t help but snort coldly when they heard these words.

“Our LZ’s Khan was originally the world’s No. 1 single, it’s ridiculous, and competed? Why do I still need to fight with you, are you worthy? ”

“That is, this game is at most Hunter as a challenger to challenge the king above his own realm, which will be understood by you as the meaning of competition? LPL audiences are hilarious! ”

“They, ah, just want the championship for too long, and when they see a little hope, they can’t help but start jumping out and bragging wildly.”

“Yes, it’s been a few years, not all of them are the same old way! This year, our LCK advanced to three teams, not to mention that Li Jun also reached the semifinals. ”

“There is no suspense, this year’s champion is still LCK! LPL is still your second eldest in 10,000 years! ”

The mocking words fell on the ears of the LPL audience, and in an instant these crooked nuts were counterattacked like a tide.

The crooked nut was declining in numbers, and he couldn’t help but scold: “Xiba, you have a lot of local fighters, is what we said not true?” Otherwise, why did you react so much! ”

LPL viewers said: “You yin and yang weird talk, we fight back, did you say wrong? ”

LCK and the person who had just shouted were silent for a while, but their faces were all unconvinced, and many people were still humming and cursing quietly.

Obviously, they are afraid to speak again because of the small number of people, but LCK viewers always think in their hearts that they are telling the truth!

It’s just that this group of natives of LPL can’t accept it!

“Forget it, brothers, if you are bitten by a dog, why bite it back again.”

“That’s right, let the results prove it, why talk to them in vain.”

LPL viewers said.

The two gangs looked at each other coldly, looked at each other with disgust, and simply took a step back.

The scene returned to calm.


At the same time, the four o’clock in the afternoon came.

On the commentary table, the three commentators are already in place.

“Welcome to the scene of the knockout eight into four, the first game of BO5, blue square RNG, purple square LZ! I’m the commentator remembers. ”

“Explain the rain boy.”

“I’m Su Xiaoyan!”

After saying hello, the commentary remembered to go straight to the point, “This BO5 determines the two teams, who can further qualify for the semifinals and go to the Jianghai Modu Sports Center!” ”

Su Xiaoyan smiled and said, “Two teams with six consecutive wins met in the quarterfinals, and this kind of scene has never been seen in the world competition. ”

“Yes, this RNG lottery LZ can really be said to be the king of heaven and earth, it depends on who can be superior!” Yu Tong said.

Remember: “Okay, the players on both sides are ready, let’s not talk about it, go straight to the BP screen!” ”

“Looking forward to the lineup of both sides.” Su Xiaoyan narrowed her eyes and smiled.

In front of the camera, the director quickly cuts through the faces of the ten contestants.

Finally stuck in the game screen.

BP has begun!

The Tigerfish platform, the official live broadcast room, is also caught in heated discussions.

“To be reasonable, these two teams played five sets today, isn’t it too much?”

“Too much to mess with! MD, you didn’t watch yesterday’s game, yesterday SKT played too hard, all three games did not exceed 30 minutes, straight clean sheet FNC. ”

“Harm! I know that during the post-match interview, Oucheng almost cried on the spot! Aunt Yu Shuang didn’t even look at him! ”

“There is a saying, the old aunt has been live recently, and now I feel that I have changed a lot! I always feel beautiful again, and I become so feminine…”

“Yu Shuang Weibo every morning at two or three o’clock, will post hugs and blushing expressions, brother Meng does anyone know what this means?”

“I don’t know what it means, anyway, every time Weibo is posted, the fastest like is Brother Anzi!”

“Hiss~~~! Do you say? ”


The audience couldn’t help but gasp for air, and this discovery suddenly made the melon-eating masses think about it with great fear.

No, it can’t be!

A seventeen-year-old!

And the other one, but twenty-four years old!

How could these two men and a woman with such a big age difference be together?

It doesn’t make sense!

While the audience speculated, they began to mumble in their hearts, still not quite believing in this matter…

Brother Anzi, who was at his peak, was just accepted by the old aunt?

Just kidding!


During the audience discussion, the first round of BP between the two sides in front of the camera has fallen.

RNG First Move: Small Cannon, Hammerstone, Kasumi.

LZ Heads: Raven, Qinggang Shadow, Calista.

“Eh, the first choice of RNG here directly locks the prince and pig girl!” Remember exclaimed.

Su Xiaoyan was puzzled: “Pig sister, this heroic incense pot is very skillful, is this prince planning to use it for Xiao An on the road?” ”

“The prince on the list… This is a little unexpected, this kind of conventional single hero is still rare to see Xiao An playing. Yu Tong smacked his lips.

Remember the analysis: “The two positions of LZ are aimed at the point of RNG on the road, which leads to Xiao An not having too many unconventional heroes to choose from.” ”

“This prince, in general, there is no problem, except for unconventional, it is the safest choice, after all, BO5 winning or losing the first game is very important.”

The two commentators nodded and agreed with this view.


The heroes of both sides were selected on the coaching staff.

blue square RNG,

Upper order: Prince.

Dano: Pig girl.

Middle Road: Airplane.

Down the road: policewoman Garlulu.

purple square LZ,

Upper order: Big bug.

Tano: Sake barrels.

Center: Clockwork.

Down: Verus and the Wind Lady.

In the first game of BO5, both sides looked very conventional, and they did not dare to come up and enlarge their moves, and took out a decent lineup.

On the stage, Lin Wan’an stared at the computer screen like a torch.

Finally… Finally the game is starting again!

Five days, five days!

Do you know how I spent these five days?!

When he thought of the past in five days, Lin Wan’an was sad.

Morning and twilight think about the arena, but seek the game to solve the love!

Who can understand this mood?

Perhaps, only puppies can be considerate.

“Xiao An, this lies you down, I will be Kerry in this game!”

Xiaohu smiled and said, “Come on, this game is obviously the home of my tiger 90,000, and everyone else will retreat!” ”

The fragrant pot was silent for a moment, and his thoughts were clear in an instant, “Understood, this game does not help.” ”

“Foggy grass! I didn’t mean that! Xiaohu was suddenly anxious.

He just casually pretended to compare, but he didn’t expect that his wild father had misunderstood.

Xiangguo looked at the computer, not paying any attention to Xiaohu.

The puppy was on the sidelines, letting out a merciless sneer.

Xiao Ming, who looked at it, was speechless for a while.

You two are born from the same root, why should you be too eager to fry each other?

Good night Lin, who had never joined his teammates to chat, snapped his fingers.

“This game,”

Hearing this, his teammates looked at the front and thought that he wanted to make a pre-match command decision.

Lin Wan’an looked at the game screen and said calmly: “This one, I want to fight nine!” ”

“…”RNG teammates.

Good guys, a dozen nine we don’t know if you can do it or not.

But round cup, we would like to call you the strongest!


On the big screen,

The player enters the game screen.

This much-anticipated competition has officially begun!


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