“The front barrel arrived, Xiao An turned around and wanted to leave, hand over the EQ…”

I remember commenting, my eyes suddenly widened, and I couldn’t believe what I saw in front of me.

Yu Tong’s face was full of horror: “My God! This EQ! ”

“Xiao An’s judgment is simply divine…” said Su Xiaoyan stunnedly.

Big screen!


The moment the big bug stabbed his hand, the E skill of the wine barrel has also been released!

Belly arches to red Lübu!

Meat and egg shock!

Double control, superimposed release, under these two controls, even if anyone comes, there is no room for manipulation!

Khan and Tano Cuzz thought the same.

It’s time for a hit!

At the moment when the skills of the two struck, the prince seemed to have expected it!

Plant the flag!


As soon as the ground thorn emerged, the wine barrel was instantly provoked!

The reflexive prince Fang Tian drew a halberd and trembled, and the rhythm of war moved!

While picking up the barrel, follow the trend of an A!

“Foggy grass!!! Brother Anzi, what kind of immortal hand speed is this? ”

“66666! I’m stupid! ”

“I now believe that this batch is innocent with the old aunt!”

“Maybe Brother An Zi didn’t practice by himself? Maybe…”

“??? You’re wrong! ”

“It’s worthy of Brother Anzi, extreme operation, backhand and don’t forget the skin!”

“Pi is very happy this time, Brother Anzi’s old shrimp pig heart is provoked!”


In front of the screen, Cuzz’s whole person froze.

A wave of gank, who will surely die if anyone comes, the person on the other side actually avoided the trend.

Not only that, this prince is escaping in an instant, and he doesn’t hurry back to fight back?

Dry and cool!

This is also too arrogant!

Cuzz was immediately beaten out by this prince.

On the other side, teammate Khan frowned, if this wave of operations is replaced by him, it is estimated that he is likely to be hit.

And this Hunter was able to release the skill pinching point accurately.

This is something that few people can do in LCK’s last order in time.

Sure enough, you still can’t underestimate these young juniors!

Khan said in a deep voice: “He can’t leave, you slow down, I can keep up, this wave of princes will die!” ”

“Good!” Cuzz promised.

The wine barrel landed on the ground, and the barrel in his hand drew an arc, just right falling on the prince walking down.

Drunken frenzy!

Roll the barrels!

With a ‘bang’, the barrel was ignited and exploded by the barrel before it turned red!

The prince was slowed down, and the wine barrel held up his drinking instrument and smashed it down.

The red Buff burned, and the prince continued to slow down.

Lin Wan’an’s eyes did not show the slightest panic, and he could even faintly see that there was a little smile in it.

A holy light suddenly appeared on the land 300 yards around the prince!

W skill, golden shield!

“Incense pot, it’s up to you.”

“Don’t worry!”

Kakanabe responded.

While the three of them were entangled on the road, the pig girl stepped on the jumping fruit from the blue buff, and landed exactly in the grass field of vision.

And the position of Khan’s eyes was not able to observe the entrance of the pig girl!

On the front, the wine barrel chased the prince with a hammer, and the big worm of Khan behind continued to chase.

The eyes of the two couldn’t help but reveal joy.

The prince’s blood volume has dropped by two-fifths, and he sees that the big worm must also follow and take down this one-blooded head.

Next moment!

Cold, the prince suddenly looked back.

This made both Khan and Cuzz stunned, how could it be okay before they eased up.

In the grass ahead, a goddess of war riding a Luo Luo showed a proud figure.

Extreme Cold Raid!


Khan’s pupils shrank, and their eyes flashed with a terrified expression.

Although I had thought that Pig Girl was nearby, I didn’t expect it to come so timely!

Caught with one’s pants down!

The wine barrel and the big bug that were themselves pursuers were instantly lifted up by the pig girl.

The prince held the halberd, and the rhythm of war fell on the fat body of the barrel.

Lin Wan’an smiled, these two prey did not know their next fate since the beginning of the pursuit.

Then next, hunting moment, begins!

“Oh my God! The fragrant pot flashed to the top, directly topping the LZ two! Yu Tong exclaimed.

Remember to quickly explain: “This wave of fragrant pot admission is very good!” The prince’s halberd swung a blow and a blow down, the pig sister Winter’s anger also hit the wine barrel, the barrel’s blood fell quickly, landing to control the contact, Cuzz flashed and wanted to go! ”

“Pig Girl’s backhand is another permafrosted field, the wine barrel is frozen again, where is the thief escaping!” Remember shouting at the end.

On the screen, the wine barrel just flashed and pulled the displacement, the ice light in the pig girl’s hand flashed, and an E skill froze it again.

The prince carried the halberd to the remnant blood barrel…

In front of the screen, Cuzz suddenly panicked.

Death is not terrible!

The terrible thing is death to move the grave!

Lü Bufeng arrived first, and the halberd in his hand waved, and each blow fell on Cuzz’s heart like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

To be reasonable, this is a little uncomfortable!

Cuzz’s face was ugly, as if he had just eaten a few pounds of baboons.

On the other side, in the face of this bloody wine barrel, Lin Wan’an didn’t even want to waste Q skills.

Chasing forward, several consecutive blows and slashes down.

With such a violent tide, the body of the wine barrel with its own residual blood finally could not support it, and fell to the ground shakily.

“RNG-Hunter killed LZ-Cuzz!”


The killing sound effect fell, and suddenly a stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The LPL audience in the stadium was in an uproar, and a tsunami roared!




On the commentary table.

Remember to shout loudly: “Kill! One blood in three minutes! RNG’s Ueno linkage is perfect!!! ”

“This wave of RNG decision-making and anti-squatting is really unexpected.” Yu Tong sighed with emotion.

Su Xiaoyan sighed, “RNG Ueno cooperation is too tacit understanding!” The skills between the two are very well connected! ”

“The barrel is dead! One Kogas is left alone! ”

“Xiao An EQ will be good immediately, can this human head still kill?”

Off-stage, the LPL audience also stared nervously at the big screen.

Kill a wine barrel and take down a blood and double buff to earn a lot.

Of course, if you can kill another one, then the rhythm of the early stage on the road will take off directly!

Match silent room.

His teammate fell, and Khan’s eyelids jumped.

I saw that after the prince finished killing people, he directly turned his offensive and walked towards his big bug.

The big bug itself has been stuck by the pig girl just now, and the blood volume has been knocked off half blood, if the prince comes.

Two red buffs, double burn.

This big bug will definitely die!

Lin Wan’an saw the E skill CD, without the slightest hesitation, the prince Debang Junqi shot!

On the other side, Khan suddenly had a joy in his eyes and felt that the opportunity had come!

Just now, I was still worried about how to escape, but I didn’t expect that the prince gave me a chance!

The big bug directly handed over his flash when the prince’s flag was just planted.

The prince then connected the Q skill, and the dragon struck!

Khan slowly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately it was not a straight angle, otherwise the prince EQ flashed, he would really be gone this time.

In the situation just now, the prince’s flag was planted in the direction of the river, and the location where the big bug flashed was in the direction of his own defense tower.

At two right angles, the big bug just flashed from the wall, and it was impossible for the prince to flash and jump!

The corners of Khan’s mouth couldn’t help but sneer.

Young man, if you can’t hold your breath, it’s easy to make mistakes, if this prince is not in a hurry, stick it with a red buff on his face, and squeeze the EQ skill in his hand, in this case, Khan will never dare to hand it over.

But it was Lin Wan’an who released his EQ, and Khan dared to escape so brazenly.

Speaking of which, Khan feels that this wave of escape, and should also thank the other side for this list.

It’s still too immature!

Khan thought proudly.

The audience and commentators in the audience were a little disappointed to see this, but unexpectedly, this head was not taken down.

“It’s a pity…” Su Xiaoyan couldn’t help but shake her head.

Yu Tong and Remember sighed slightly.

They also noticed that Lin Wan’an’s wave was a little unhandled, and always felt that this EQ should not be put first.

Fortunately, killing a wine barrel is already very profitable, and hitting a big bug flash, which is also a bonus.

The three commentators comforted in their hearts.

Just when everyone thought this wave was over!

“Wait!!! Su Xiaoyan’s eyes changed slightly, and her mouth opened wide.

The female commentator’s exclamation just fell, and the audience was attracted by her words to look at the screen.

It’s too late, it’s fast!


The big bug that just flashed away was invisibly poked by something, and the whole person took off in place!

Next second!

The halberd beats, the rhythm of war!

Suddenly, Khan’s eyes widened and he stared at the instantaneous black-and-white computer screen.

The big bug that had just flashed away turned into a corpse and lay on the ground under the attack of thunder!

Khan looked distracted and couldn’t believe it.



See this picture.

The hall scene suddenly fell silent!

The killing sound effect sounded in the canyon.

“RNG-Hunter killed LZ-Khan!”



The scene was like a frying pan, and suddenly there was a deafening and fanatical shout.


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