“The fragrant pot pig girl came to the road again, and the prince directly pushed the army line under the tower, is this wave of RNG planning to cross?”

“Eh! Xiao An directly did it! The Prince Tower under EQ provoked a big bug! ”

“The follow-up pig girl control is given, and the two cooperate very well! This wave of Khan is gone again…”

The exclamation of the narrator on the stage fell.

I saw that under the purple square defense tower, the corpse of the big bug was already lying safely on the ground!

“RNG-MLXG killed LZ-Khan!”

Dead again!

This big bug has just been online, and before even eating the soldier line, he was hacked to death by the prince and the pig girl under the tower.

This scene gave the audience a great shock!

“Kill again! Oh, my God! This Khan is also too miserable! ”

“Khan: Can you still play games? My TM has just gone live! ”

“Fragrant pot, this wave of vision card cow! It is worthy of being the first wild king of LPL! ”

“The world’s number one list, that’s it?”

“Brother Anzi !!! approved”

The world’s number one single, in four minutes, died twice!

This is the top eight competition in the final eight of the World Finals!

Not playing rank!

Even if it is an ordinary rank, the upper order dies twice in four minutes, and the line completely collapses!

LPL commentary table.

Su Xiaoyan covered her small mouth and exclaimed: “My mother! This big bug is dead again! ”

“This is also too miserable, Khan has just gone online, and the soldiers in the tower have not eaten, and they will return to the spring…” Yu Tong couldn’t help but feel sorry for Khan.

Remember: “It seems that RNG has a strategy for a long time!” Their focus is on the LZ on the road to open up the situation! ”

Of course, the results of these two times proved that this strategy was very successful! LZ on the road, this line is now completely impossible to hit! ”

The audience and water friends at the scene agreed.

On the other hand, the LCK explanation is a crazy anger.

Specifically, it is all around the RNG Ueno, spraying two players is too cunning and despicable.

This kind of powerless statement is actually just for its own audience.

Everyone in the neutral lineup can see it.

Cunning, mean?

Isn’t that all because your family is easy to catch?

Who can be blamed for this?

No one paid attention to LCK’s explanation of crazy biting.

E-sports always only recognizes strength to speak.


In front of the screen, Khan stared at the black and white picture in front of him, and the whole person was stupid!

Just coming online? I TM… Khan’s heart rushed with 10,000 MMPs.

This wave of death is simply a huge loss!

This is equivalent to directly giving up the opportunity to stand up in the early stage, and in the follow-up process, his big bug will be pressed and beaten by the other party.

It is even possible that this one will not rise …

Thinking of this, Khan’s heart couldn’t help but become gloomy.

When LZ teammates saw this kill, they were silent.

Pray frowned, “Khan is on the road steadily, anti-stress development to keep up with the level first, don’t give the opposite side a chance.” ”

No matter how scolding this situation is, Pray is afraid that his mentality will completely explode.

After a long silence, Khan gloomy, “I see.” ”

After the resurrection, the defense tower had already cleared the soldiers under the tower, and saw that the other party did not choose to push the line but went home.

Khan thought about it, but still did not decide to hand over the TP, but walked directly back online.

Of course.

Khan never dreamed that his action, I don’t know how many people in the audience pinched him in a cold sweat!

“The big bug is resurrected, and it is rushing to the line on foot again…”

“The prince and the pig girl have not left yet, they are squatting in the grass in front of the stone man!”

“If Khan comes over here, he may die again!”

LPL commentator couldn’t help but marvel when he saw the two people squatting in the grass and preparing to commit the murderer.

RNG this Ueno… It’s a bit of a mishuman!

“Hiss~ good guy, come up and engage in military training in the first session!”

“In the end, Brother Hanzi is really his own person!”

“That’s a bit miserable! I feel sorry for him! ”

“Old silver coin, Brother An Zi is really dead!”

This scene on the field, even the LPL audience of the Tigerfish platform was a little unbearable to watch it.

Come once in three minutes and twice in four minutes!

This Khan is really going to be played badly!


On the big screen, Khan focused on the follow-up line.

That’s right!

Even if he is two heads behind, as the world’s number one single, Khan did not choose to give up until this moment!

He constantly imagined in his heart, three points of simulation, five points of application.

Even the details to pay attention to the line, and the time point of the single kill after the follow-up equipment is formed, Khan thought of it.


Only Khan doesn’t understand until he dies!

Two batches opposite, why do they appear in the grass?

Why is the prince on the road?

Why are they always two people on the road?

Three questions filled Khan’s mind a few seconds later.

The big worm approached the grass step by step.

In RNG’s voice, a man’s bold voice sounded.

“Hands on.”

“Okay!” Kakana replied with a smile.

Just as Khan’s thoughts are dying.

Between electric flints!

The goddess of war appears, and the pig girl Q skill is extremely cold raid!

Khan’s pupils suddenly struck, his eyes widened, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul.

Subconscious first reaction, bad!

Before the big bug landed, a military flag fell from the sky and landed right at the feet of the big bug.

At this time, Khan completely understood the seriousness of the matter, and only two words remained in his heart.


No doubt!

In the case that neither the prince nor the pig girl red buff disappeared, there was no big bug that flashed, and there was no chance to run!

The world’s No. 1 list!

Poured again!

“RNG-Hunter killed LZ-Khan!”


Big Kill Special Kill!

In less than five minutes, the prince was 3-0!

The killing sound effect sounds!

This time there was no cheers, no applause.

Just hearing as if the audience still had an explanation.

At the same time, take a breath of cold air.


Ah, this…

For a while, the three commentators on the stage were speechless, and even they couldn’t help but feel sorry for Khan on the stage.

Three waves of death, not even touched the line of troops …

In this case, let alone the world’s number one on the list, even if he comes to a normal person, he can’t stand it!

“Brother Hanzi is worthy of being a good brother from our LPL, and this opportunity is really in place!”

“Don’t scold, don’t scold, Brother Hanzi has tried his best to provoke!”

“It’s not that brothers are not people, but the head is too charming! Meet ~ distressed brother man! ”

“Khan: I’m really hard!”

“Brother Anzi, please be a person!”


On the field.

In front of the computer, Khan looked dumbfounded.

To say that he thought about it, he really thought about it, but often it is the kind of unbelief in evil, and this energy can always kill a group of curious people!

The last wave died him, and the pair of lines could not be right.

As soon as this wave dies, then there is nothing to say … All fried!

The line exploded!

Even Khan’s mentality exploded!

On the other side, Lin Wan’an had a gentle smile on his face.

Go home and directly take out a Tiamat.

Plus a straw shoe!

On the big screen, the director cut back the shot of the fragrant pot and stayed on Lin Wan’an’s face.

It just so happened that the scene of the man with a smile on his face was captured.


Backfield, female staff lounge.

At this moment, a group of well-dressed women gathered in front of the screen, watching the game.

Yu Shuang looked at the face in front of the camera, and couldn’t help but show an old aunt-like giggle.

This smile was also included in Rita’s eyes, and she couldn’t help but sneer in her heart.

“Ghost, this person is also too ruthless! I saw Khan’s expression and I was about to cry! Sugar Xiaoyou on the side covered his small mouth and said in surprise.

Several women gathered in a circle couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

Xiao Yu snorted coldly: “Cut, this product is also this skill, you know that you are fighting against your own family and bullying people!” ”

Hearing this, Rita frowned, “Bullying? I don’t think you quite understand the meaning of this sentence, right? ”

“Real man, shouldn’t you take down the opposite side 1v1? Isn’t he just relying on wild fields to help? What a skill! ”

Xiao Yu can be said to hate Lin Wan’an, and in front of outsiders, spraying him is also merciless.

“What do you say!” Yu Shuangjiao drank.

When Xiao Yu said the first sentence, she didn’t want to be angry, but in the second sentence, Yu Shuang couldn’t help it!

“Is he a man, what does it matter to you?” Yu Shuang raised his eyebrows coldly.

Being drunk suddenly, Xiao Yu was stunned, she thought that someone would speak for Lin Night’an, but she didn’t think that this would be Yu Shuang!

In the hosting world, Yu Shuang and her have always been well water does not violate river water.

Xiao Yu did not expect that today Yu Shuang would break the apparent friendship between the two for the sake of that bad man.

“It’s none of my business, but I said he’s getting in your way?” Xiao Yu is also a little temper, and he does not give in at all.

Miss Duan’s little face was frosty, “You say another word about him, believe me smoking you?” ”

In the room, everyone originally thought it was just a joke, and the meeting would pass.

But when they heard Yu Shuang’s words, except for Rita, everyone was shocked in their hearts.

Yu Shuang, who has always been known for his good temper, would have such a big temper in public today?

Or for a man?

Are we dreaming?!

Remembering the few words Yu Shuang said just now… Everyone can’t help but find some intriguing places!

Xiao Yu locked his eyebrows, in fact, as long as he was not a fool, he could hear the meaning of Yu Shuang’s words.

Seemingly…… Some rumors may be true!

In the lounge, the atmosphere was tense, and Yu Shuang and Xiao Yu looked at each other coldly.

Neither of the two daughters would back down.

Xuanzi, who had just wanted to speak, saw that no one spoke, and she took the initiative to speak: “Okay, okay, Sister Shuang is just joking, you don’t have to be more serious.” ”

Seeing that someone spoke, the rest of the female commentators also came in to help adjust.

After a while, Xiao Yu was a little annoyed by being surrounded by a group of people, and then threw his hands away.

“It’s not just a broken man, what is great is great.”


The door was slammed slammed.

Yu Shuang had cold eyes and watched the woman leave.

She also found that Xiao Yu seemed a little abnormal today.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, although Xiaoyu was scolding Lin for good night just now, she always felt that she seemed to care about good night Lin again.

A hint of hostility appeared in Miss Duan’s eyes, and she couldn’t help but be secretly wary.

The female commentators around were all human, and after seeing that they were safe now, they all gathered in a circle again to watch the game.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

Only Meng Xinxuanzi quietly pulled her girlfriend’s arm, leaned over to her and asked in a low voice: “Xiaoyu, do you know why Sister Xiaoyu and Sister Yushuang quarreled?” ”

“And what does Sister Xiaoyu’s last sentence mean?” What a broken man? What the hell are they talking about? ”

Xuanzi blinked her big eyes, like a curious baby, and looked at her girlfriend suspiciously.

Rita was silent, and in the face of these questions, she was speechless.

If the only one in this room is stupid… Ah, no!

The only one who can’t understand what just happened.

Then I’m afraid, it’s Xuanzi!

“Go back… Forget it, I’ll tell you about it later. Rita sighed softly.

“Uh-huh.” Xuanzi shook his little head obediently.

After calming, everyone’s eyes focused on the big screen again.


Although an unpleasant little farce has just happened, recall the original topic.

This Lin Night, it seems that he really relied on the help of the wild to successfully destroy the other side.

In this case, it really cannot be said that Khan is weaker than Lin’s good night.

At most, it is certain that the tacit understanding of LZ’s Ueno is inferior to RNG’s Ueno!

As for the strength and weakness, it is impossible to distinguish.

After all, until now, Lin Wan’an had not achieved a single kill.


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