“Down the road to fight! Xiao An TP landed, the control contact between the frontal Verus and the wind girl, the wind girl opened a big move to revive the monsoon, this RNG under the tower should not be hard…”

“My God!!!”

On the commentary seat, the machine gun had just been fired, and I remembered that it suddenly jammed, and then stared at the big screen with a shocked face.

Yu Tong’s face was shocked as he followed the explanation, “This big move of the wind girl did not repel the prince!” At the same time, the prince made a big move, covering two people at the same time! ”

“RNG this wave is perfect!”

Interpret the front mutation, on the game screen.

Under the purple square defense tower, the moment before the wind girl made a big move!

Lu Bu jumped through the air, and the red light on his body appeared like a demon god descending, majestic!

In the blink of an eye, I saw the surrounding land explode and change drastically, and a wall stood tall, firmly trapping the LZ duo.


Seeing this scene, LZ assisted GorillA’s heart sank, but he didn’t expect that this prince actually dodged his big move and pushed back!

Did he want to land and make a big move, or did he have already predicted the actions of the two?

It’s good to say if it’s the former, if it’s the latter… Second Elder Xuanlu’s brows couldn’t help but furrow.

Without further thought, the two people who were as stable as old dogs did not choose to flash, because of this position, the three people behind the other party could not connect to the output for the time being.

Verus surrenders the treatment, and the auxiliary wind girl surrenders the weakness.

On the other side, the wine barrel with a big belly also came out of the grass.

Cherished wine glasses are thrown away as if they were waste.

R Skill – Blast Barrels!

The RNG trio, who themselves were repelled by the wind girl, were once again knocked apart by the big move of the wine barrel.

Yu Tong: “Cuzz wine barrel directly broke up the RNG formation again with a big move, Lulu set the prince with a big move before rushing away, and the UZI policewoman opened a big move to let the bullets fly!” Now the skills of the two sides are very chaotic! ”

“Although several key skills of RNG have been given in this wave, on the front, the prince is alone under the tower, and he has to face the attack of three people at the same time!” Remember the way.

Su Xiaoyan turned her mouth and said anxiously: “The wine barrel is too good!” If Xiao An is controlled by the other party for a second, RNG may lose a lot of money this wave! Little Anke is an adult head! ”

Countless audience members of the LPL looked nervously at the big screen.

“Brother Anzi, this immortal hand speed, really kneeling!”

“RNG is a bit reckless! The position of the barrel is so good! ”

“That’s right! RNG This wave even if the tower can kill Verus and the wind girl, then they will not earn, this prince is an adult head! ”

“RNG is a little anxious…”

The audience felt that RNG showed something different in the first game of the quarterfinals.

In the group stage, although RNG played recklessly, there was still a way to speak of, and whichever way to have an advantage, it would open the situation around which way.

And in this game, it was obviously a big advantage on the road, and he just played a wave of counterpoint single kills.

But RNG did not continue to fight around the road, but on the road TP down, inexplicably a wave, four more than three.

This was very sudden, so that everyone at the scene did not understand.


Under the purple square defense tower, the battle quietly begins!

The prince made a big move, and then because he was weakened by the wind girl.

Lin Wan’an was not in a hurry to hand over the skill, and he had no skills to hand over, although he didn’t use a big move to kill on the road just now, the CD of the small skill has not yet eased up.

At this time, the prince could only wave the halberd extremely slowly.

Two painless strokes fell on Verus.

Pray sneered, Verus gave a big move with his backhand, corrupting the chain!

The python was wrapped around the feet of the prince, the wind girl protection skill was given, and then another gust of wind blew the prince up, and the entire control chain was perfectly controlled by the second elder.

On the backhand, a violent output fell on the prince, and in the blink of an eye, the prince’s blood volume had fallen at a palpitating speed.

Lin Wan’an frowned, his belly was under the enemy, surrounded on all sides, and there was a wine barrel next to him.

Just thinking about it, it’s too late, it’s fast!

A belly streaked through the air… A different kind of scenery!

Meat and egg shock!

Cuzz’s face was full of trepidation, and his belly was about to touch the prince.


The prince’s figure skyrocketed, and the Fang Tian Painting Halberd in his hand was like a giant sword, which was terrifyingly visible!

Lulu’s big move, crazy wild growth!

The skill comes with an effect that knocks all nearby enemies away!

The E skill of the wine barrel is not mandatory, so at the moment when it is about to hit the prince, this meat and egg impact casting is stopped!

A flash of panic flashed across Cuzz’s face.

The two elders Pray and GorillA, who were doing continuous output, were also stunned, but they didn’t expect that the E skill of the wine barrel was empty.

“This guy is so lucky.”

Seeing this scene, Khan, who was soaking in the spring water, gritted his teeth and said.

The other three LZ nodded with ugly faces.

The prince was bound by Verus’s big move, and in this case, the E skill of the wine barrel was not hit, which was really God giving face.

Compared to the enemy’s irritation, Lin Wan’an couldn’t help but smile.

Sure enough, if Yan is good, luck will also be good!

The weakness effect disappears, and in the skill box below, the three skills have been CD!

“Look at my divine power, invincible!”

Amazing photos!

I only listened to Jiawen Zhuangzhi and drank proudly.

Next second!

The German flag shot!

The prince EQ two times, hard against the hurricane roar of Naga, a shocking halberd pierced Verus in the rear!

Seeing the prince attacking, Pray looked disdainful.

Although the prince has the advantage of equipment, just with a giant hydra, he wants to lose most of the blood of Verus at this point in time?

This is obviously a fool’s dream!

That’s what Pray thought, GorillA thought, and even Guzz and Khan thought so.

However, the truth is always so fickle!

Next moment!

Euphorbia quick triple strike!

War Rhythm Plus Hydra’s power!

Hit it hard again!

“RNG-Hunter killed LZ-Pray!”

“(Prince) Unstoppable!”


A Verus with flash protection, caught off guard!

Seeing this picture, the whole world was stunned!

“My mother! Seconds! The prince set dropped Verus in seconds!!! On the LPL commentary table, Su Xiaoyan opened her mouth and said in shock.

Yu Tong opened his mouth to explain: “To be precise, it should be the UZI policewoman’s big move to cooperate with the prince’s set of skills to give Verus a second.” ”

“Hiss~… However, Prince Xiao’an’s injury is really terrifying! Pray had a flash in his hand, and he didn’t even hand it over! ”

I remember hysterically pulling my throat and shouting: “After being blown up by the wine barrel, although the RNG teammates are not around, the skills have never left!” Lulu’s big move to protect, the policewoman’s big move to let the bullets fly! At the same time, the weakening effect on the prince disappeared, and the flag shot! It’s like the God of War has arrived! Half a second! Verus fell!!! ”

“Ten thousand will take the enemy from it! It’s like finding a bag, it’s a breeze! ”

“This prince, no one can stop !!! now”

The enthusiasm of the commentary on the stage was like a stone and its thousand waves, which instantly infected all the audience.




The LPL audience was all red-faced and shouting madly.

RNG is still that RNG, and Brother Anzi is still that Brother Anzi!

In the lower right corner of the lens, Lin Wan’an’s quiet and beautiful face is once again shown, and his eyes are shining, revealing a little adult male taste.

But in the eyes of the audience, he is still the boy who used to be spirited!

Even when you first enter the World Championship, nothing has changed!


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