Don’t talk about live commentary.

The audience was also stunned!

“Foggy grass? Jace Level 2 went up just now? ”

“How could Jace II have hit Lucian!”

“Wouldn’t you? Play the same old trick? Want to deceive people again? ”

“Brother Anzi, you think clearly! This trick deceives 957 that kind of cute new is also enough, this time you are the world’s number one on the list! ”

“It’s so flavorful! I went down eighteen floors in one go! ”

Seeing this scene, the LPL audience was amused by Lin’s good night.

As everyone knows… Ahhh! Everyone knows it!

Second-level Jess can’t beat Lucian, not to mention Khan Lucian also brings war enthusiasm.

Thunder’s Jess hit a set, and it’s gone.

In the early stage without equipment, Jace does not have high damage, and the skill CD is long.

Lucian, however, was able to chase Jess and beat him up.

Knowing that he couldn’t beat it, he was still on top, which made the audience instantly awaken his memory.

Dream back that summer, dream back… That Runaway BO5!

It is said that 957 played rank after the game, and each time the first floor quickly moved three heroes.

Yasso, Lucian, Youji!

Of course, these people naturally understand!


Then again, the people who can fall into the world’s top list are not simple, it is no exaggeration.

These people are a group of old men who can survive the intrigue of the harem!

A batch of black hearts!

The 957 is still a little worse than Khan’s level.

LPL viewers do not believe that Lin Wan’an’s low-end deception can deceive the opposite world’s number one list.

Review the game.

On the commentary table, the three LPL commentators continued to be confused.

“This wave to two, little Angeles chose to go up to fight, EQ blasted, was twisted by Lucian, backhand switching form and playing a set of skills, this wave… It’s not profitable to fight! ”

I remember saying it very tactfully.

Yu Tong on the other side shook his head, “It’s not just not earned, Lucian’s side of the war enthusiasm A out of the fifth layer, Jace this wave of blood change, blood loss!” ”

Su Xiaoyan hesitated and said, “Xiao An shouldn’t be on this wave, I feel a little impulsive.” ”

“Maybe Hunter is looking at the Doran sword brought by Lucian on the opposite side, and Jace on his side is bringing a compound potion, which is one more medicine than Domian, so he went up to exchange blood…”

The more Su Xiaoyan spoke, the weaker she became, and in the end, she simply didn’t say anything.

Although the three LPL commentators did not say it explicitly, the meaning of the words was obviously what they wanted to say.

Lin Wan’an went up to change blood this wave, it was simply Shi Lezhi!

Game screen.

After this wave of beating Lucian, his HP dropped by two-fifths, while Jace dropped more than half of his HP.

In the silent room, Lin Wan’an’s face was calm, looking as if nothing had happened just now.

Moreover, Jace was below half-blood, and he did not choose to sip the two bottles of matching potion in his hand.


The third wave of troops on the road arrived, this wave with artillery vehicles!

Khan’s blood limit is suppressed, and Lucian has been pretending to press forward and harass Jace to replenish the troops.

The two fought for a while.

At this moment, the two sides hit the field at the same time and began to walk out of the wild area for the first time.

LPL commentators chatted with the trio.

Remember: “On the road here, the barrel is a quick three-brush method, did not take red, the first wave of gank is detoured to the upper road.” ”

“There is no chance, Khan has been controlling this line, and little Angeles is playing very steadily, and he doesn’t come forward at all.” Yu Tong said without care.

Su Xiaoyan shook her little head, “Yes, this wave of wine barrels should have no chance to go on the road.” ”

“The fragrant pot here chooses to go to Zhonggank, the middle road is actually very likely, if the rock sparrow is carried to Gario first, the prince will cooperate with EQ…”

Don’t wait for Su Xiaoyan to finish.

Just as the backstage director waited for the barrel to emerge in front of Jess and then cut to the middle.

A sudden scene on the road caught people off guard!

I saw that the wine barrel went up from the triangular grass, wanting to carry out a wave of gank on the way.

After all, Jace’s blood volume is not high, maybe…

Maybe there is a 1 in 10,000 chance to win this head?

Cuzz thought to himself.

For the prince’s performance in the last game, although he did not admit it verbally.

But the LZ team members also understand that this person is not only as simple as luck, but also his strength should not be underestimated!

Cuzz believes that this Hunter at least has the level of world-class orders!

This is the case on the road right now.

If a second- or third-rate order comes, Cuzz feels that there is a chance to force a flash, and if you are lucky, you can still take this head.

But for a first-class order… To be reasonable, this gank cannot have a little effect!

This is the gap between red fruits!

And Cuzz this wave just wants to catch it routinely and complete the instructions given by the coach, there are not too many requirements at all!

Hit the road with grass.

The barrel showed his head, and Cuzz used his fastest speed to open his E skill in an instant.

Meat and egg shock!

Because of the stuck wave of vision, this position wants E to a bit of a limit.

But Vanjess turns on acceleration, goes up a bit, and this displacement can be pulled apart.

Cuzz was a little upset.

Sure enough, did it still fail?

Damn Hunter!

It’s really robust!

The other side.

Khan ignored his own gank, who seemed to him that the barrel at the bottom of the tower was impossible to reach.

You know, the reaction power of professional players can be very scary!

Moreover, this Shangshan is still a man who can line up with him Khan.

If you casually get caught by such clumsy means?

How can it be! No kidding!



Facts, no one ever imagined!

Just when the belly of the barrel was about to be loaded, the other party did not have snakeskin positioning, and there was no limit throwing skill!

Without warning!

The space in front of Jace’s eyes is torn apart!

It’s a flash!

Jess flashed and dodged the barrel’s E skill!

Cuzz was stunned!

Khan stopped pushing the line in his hand!



Seeing this picture, the scene was as silent as death!

Many people’s eyes widened, as if they couldn’t believe this scene!

Half a day,

The LPL audience reacted and there was an uproar.

“Foggy grass? This is… Flashed? ”

“Isn’t it? This position is twisted off when it is slightly out of position, how can it be necessary to cross-flash? ”

“This… Just Nima is outrageous! ”

“MD! This time I’m on me, I really can! ”

“Leave you alone, this time platinum… Ahhh~! On the silver player, it is possible to twist it! ”

“One thing to say, is it really Brother Anzi on the stage?”

“This operation… An Huang! It’s Anhuang! The Emperor we know is back! ”

“Hiss~~! This time it really tastes! ”


LPL commentary table.

The three commentators were on the scene, and everyone looked stupid!

“Xiao An, this wave…”

“Kind of doesn’t make sense!”

Remember and Yu Tong smacked their lips.

Su Xiaoyan opened her mouth wide and said in amazement: “The wine barrel this E… Maybe Xiao An thought that E might hit him in E. ”

“However, then again, Xiao An’s reaction was really fast! When the barrel is almost E, the last moment hand over the flash! This flash is too limiting! ”

As soon as the words changed, Su Xiaoyan forced the topic back again.

I remember being with Yu Tong and I couldn’t help but praise her secretly.

Sure enough, it’s sweet.

It’s still a female commentator!

Just this flash can still blow back a wave?


Anyway, the two male commentators on the scene are completely down!


However, having said that, the commentary and the audience also found out.

Lin’s good night state is a little wrong!

The first wave of honey for blood, and the second wave flashed outrageously?

How can these two sets be silver operations!

Could it be said that Brother An Zi is really offline?

An Huang returned to the game?

LPL spectators looked at the arena with questioning eyes.

Match silent room.

After this wave, Lin Wan’an’s expression did not seem to change.

But look closely!

Under that waveless face, there is a wisp hidden that is extremely difficult to find.



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