“I can’t stand it in the middle!”

“How can I fight between the two people on the other side, has anyone come to help me?”

LZ asked eagerly in his voice.

BDD said worriedly: “I’m also on the road, the rock sparrow is so difficult to fight, and it can’t take advantage of it at all.” ”

Staring at the black-and-white picture in front of him, Pray roared with a gloomy face: “What about Cuzz? What are you doing? ”

Named by the captain again, Cuzz said helplessly: “The prince on the other side is in my wild area, they keep telling me to go, how can I go?” ”

In the LZ team, if you want to say the most innocent person, it is Cuzz!

Several waves of gank are all following the command and acting, although there are small mistakes, but it is not harmful!

After ten minutes of gameplay, inexplicably he controlled the resources in the wild area, and all of them were lost?

The prince on the other side was like a ruthless invader, and there was no grass wherever he went.

Or that sentence, there is no advantage online, and the entire wild area of the wild will suffer!

The teammate asked him to help catch people, Cuzz didn’t even have the level and resources, this TM took the head to catch?

Khan they are in a hurry, then who will Cuzz go to reason with?!


Silence is destined to be tonight’s LZ player.

In front of the computer, Pray clenched his fists tightly, and blood welled up in his eyes, as if he was about to drip blood.

“Change again!”

When the teammates heard this, they all shook their heads helplessly.

The purpose of changing the line is to be comfortable with the line and ensure the development of each path.

But in the space of three minutes, change the line twice in a row, and there will definitely be more or less loss of the troop line.

In addition to the LZ team members on the road, there is a small advantage in the early line, and it will only be better to play if they change lines.

But now if you forcibly change the line again, even if you match the heroes who are suitable for your line, then their development will be overtaken by the opposite side.

What’s more, if it fails again this time…

It is very likely that the development of LZ in the line stage will completely collapse!

This set will also be in jeopardy!

Seeing that his teammates did not move, the anger in Pray’s heart did not come out.

“Are you deaf? Can’t understand people? ”

“I said change the line!!”

The teammates were silent again, and all LCK teams have one characteristic.

That is, the coach is greater than the player!

Everything that the coach arranges before the game, the players must obey.

Before the game, the LZ coaching staff handed over the on-site command to the second elder Xuanxi.

After all, with the experience of the two, it is easy to make people feel a sense of belief.

Their performance in the group stage proved that the LZ coaching staff did not look at the wrong person.

But now…

The LZ team’s voice was surprisingly quiet.

Pray pressed on their heads in the name of the coach, and everyone did not dare to breathe.

Half a day,

BDD sighed helplessly, and took the lead in agreeing: “Understood, change!” ”

Seeing that someone was the first to speak, Khan immediately disdained and mocked: “After the game, I will truthfully narrate this game to the coaching staff, your command is really rotten!” ”

The words fell into Pray’s ears, which immediately made the anger in his heart soar.

“When do I need you to tell me what to do?”

“Both games are being hit by the opposite side with their heads pressed, why do you complain?”

“Just new to me, shut up honestly! You are not qualified to speak! ”

Khan looked at him darkly.

Cuzz next to him pulled the corner of Khan’s coat and signaled that he was still racing.

Khan and Pray looked at each other and couldn’t help but snort coldly at each other.

Immediately, attention returned to their respective computers.

There is no doubt that the team suffered a disadvantage, and the mentality of the LZ players began to have problems.

“Let’s carry all the responsibilities, let’s change.” GorillA said expressionlessly.

Another elder spoke, and the faces of the LZ players warmed up a lot.

“Received.” The players replied.

LZ for the second time, the second turn of Pray’s conductor, unfolded again!


LPL commentary table.

Remember to exclaim, “Wow! This wave of Hunter went home directly and made another serrated short dagger after the double kill on the road! ”

Yu Tong: “This is too rich!” At eleven minutes, a large item on his body was more than a thousand dollars more! ”

Su Xiaoyan smiled and said, “After all, seven heads are on the body, and Xiao An’s development is unmatched!” ”

“Eh! Here, the two lines of LZ go home again, and the small cannon and hammerstone resurrection are going to the middle…”

I remember wondering, “What are they trying to do?” ”

“LZ wouldn’t want to change the line again, would it?” Su Xiaoyan couldn’t help but say.

Yu Tong frowned: “There is no need for this, even if they change the line again, the situation will not be better than now.” ”

“They are stable in the middle and upper levels, LZ still has an advantage in the lower road, the combination of small cannon and hammerstone plays Jess very well, just now Xiao An is because there is a flash.”

“Now that there is no flashing situation, the double road does not have to be afraid of a crispy single at all!”

“Makes sense!” Su Xiaoyanhe remembered to nod.

Of course, in theory, Yu Tong is not wrong.

But actually!

These two waves of kills have cast a shadow on Pray’s heart.

Now don’t talk about letting him and Jace go on the line, even if he sees Jace, he can’t help but tremble.

Pray’s mental thinking is simple.

As long as he doesn’t line up with Jace, then everything is good to say!


“The purple side killed the Purgatory Fire Dragon!”

At 11 minutes and 45 seconds, when Lin Night killed the opposite lower road combination, he took the opportunity to steal the second fire dragon.

Hit the road.

Khan came online with no grudges.

He secretly decided in his heart that when this game was over, he must make a small report to the coaching staff.

Let Pray continue to command?

How is it possible to win!

Lucian’s skill was quickly thrown out, clearing the line of troops under the tower.

Stepping forward, Khan looked suspiciously around the empty road.

“Why is there no one?”

Just when he was confused.

Next to Lucian, a voice sounded coldly.

“Oh, hello!”

A mouse appeared in space, throwing a gas cylinder in his hand.

Barrel of poison!

Khan’s face was flabbergasted!

“Why are these two still these two!”

Down the road,

BDD frowned, “The rock sparrow is below.” ”

On the other hand, look at the middle road.

In front of the screen, Pray almost sprayed a mouthful of blood on the computer.

Across the middle road.

A man with the Hammer of the God of War approached.

“Electric energy stirring!!”


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