LZ lounge.

The LZ head coach pointed Pray in the nose and scolded.

If nothing else, after the game just now, Khan came back and told the coaching staff the complete story of the game.

Looking at Pray’s dejected look, Khan gloated and let out a merciless mockery.

“No matter how brilliant your results were before, now, you are all a player in the quarterfinals!”

“Don’t tell me about your previous results, just get me a world champion if you have the ability!”

After scolding, the head coach glanced at Pray coldly and looked at everyone.

Suddenly, the lounge was silent, and even Khan withdrew his smile.

LZ Head Coach continued: “In the next temporary change, Khan will be the team commander and BDD will be the deputy commander. ”

“In terms of tactics, our coaching staff has finalized the process of the game, and everything is under command on the field, does anyone have any opinions?”


The LZ players looked at each other and replied in unison.

In fact, it doesn’t matter who directs, the most important thing is that they play next.

Next game, win no matter what!

After all, for LZ, they have no way back!

As long as you win, you can say anything.

If you lose… Then they will become the most humiliating No. 1 seed team in the LCK division.

The first team to reach the World Championship with the Summer Championship champion and then the quarter-finals to be sealed to zero.

This has never been done before in LCK’s previous S Race!

No one wants to be a pillar of shame, even if the Second Elder Xuanlu wants to!

After a short break.

With the help of counselors and coaches, the mentality of the LZ players has been greatly adjusted.

As the strongest team in the first division this year, the players have regained their former proud glory in their eyes.

“This plate, we are bound to win!” Khan clenched his fists and vowed.

“Inevitable !!!” The teammates shouted in unison.


RNG Lounge.

Lin Wan’an nodded, “I don’t have a problem, just follow what Brother Feng just discussed.” ”

Coach Firefox clapped his hands, “Good! Then it was decided that it was decided as originally planned. ”

The five team members put their palms together.


“Come on! Come on! Come on! ”

Hit it off,

The LZ players don’t want to lose, and Lin’s good night their idea is simpler.

Since it’s all hit here.

If you can seal zero, who wants to let the other side!

This plate, too, RNG they are also imperative!


State G Gymnasium.

After a twenty-minute break, the passion of the audience did not fade in the slightest.

Instead, everyone is quietly waiting for the next one to begin.

This game is also a duel that everyone is looking forward to!

On the stage, two teams appeared one after another.




“RNG Come on!!!”

The live LPL audience shouted enthusiastically.

LCK viewers on the other side are also cheering on their battle.

On the commentary table.

Seeing the contestants enter, the live commentary also ended the small talk.

“Good! Audience, everyone is back again! This is the stage for the S7 World Finals, the knockout round! ”

“This game is the third game of BO5, blue square RNG, purple square LZ! Both players are ready to take their places! I am the live commentator Wang remembers. ”

As is customary, every time the live screen is cut, remember to read the opening statement again.

Su Xiaoyan smiled and said: “Today’s game is a little different from what everyone predicted before the game. ”

“Everyone thought that these two teams with six consecutive group wins would give us a very good match, and maybe even play five games today.”

“But what I didn’t expect was that RNG’s performance today was shocking.”

Yu Tong nodded and sighed: “That’s right, RNG’s performance today is too surprising!” ”

“Actually, you can’t say that LZ didn’t play well, on the contrary, I just think that LZ’s performance today is in line with their results in the group stage.”

Remember saying: “No one expected that RNG would change its routine after entering the knockout round, and instead of continuing their fighting system, it came up with a set of fighting styles that none of us have ever seen!” ”

“It turns out that it’s not that LZ isn’t doing well enough, it’s that today’s RNG is too strong to mess with !!!.”

When the explanation fell, the LPL on the scene suddenly sounded in an uproar.




The fans in the competition area all shouted with red faces and ears.

Seven years!

This time, they finally saw that so-called hope at the World Championship.

The first two sets ended cleanly and beat the first seeded team in the LCK division.


As long as they win this one more, RNG they can create miracles!

In the knockout round, the zero-sealed sent off the No. 1 seed team in the first division.

This scene is the picture that LPL audiences don’t know how many days and nights they have waited for, and they want to see.

Tigerfish platform, the official live broadcast room of the league.

At this time, the time just came to five o’clock in the afternoon, and at this point in time, the popularity of the live broadcast room was approaching 5000W!

Compared with the live audience, the atmosphere of the barrage fans is relatively relaxed.

“RNG Flow Batch (Broken Sound) !!!”

“Ma Ya, cry for the whole master!”

“Woo hoo, my twelve-year-old sister and I both cried, although at first it was just me crying, but then I gave her a punch and she cried too.”

“If RNG blocks zero LZ today, my TM will brush a hundred super fires for the rita live broadcast room!”

“??? Brother, you have a problem! RNG won, and rita has a half-dime relationship? ”

“Doesn’t Rita have a leg with Brother Anzi, I watched her live broadcast yesterday, and she said that Brother Anzi was sleeping in her bed.”

“If a bad woman says it, can Nicole believe it?”

“66666! Who looks at rita for serious people? You see? ”

“A bunch of old P!”


Seeing the fiery atmosphere under the stage, the commentary was on the table.

The three commentators also relaxed.

Remember: “So since the game is here, we might as well boldly predict how the two sides will end this BO5.” ”

Yu Tong thought for a moment and said: “I think it should be 3-1 or 3-2, because the first two of Team LZ were caught off guard by RNG. ”

“Now that the third game has eased down, I feel that their coaching staff should have adjusted, and RNG should be careful in this set.”

Remember to nod and look at Su Xiaoyan.

“I think it could be a 3-1 situation, a zero goal is unlikely, and today the LZ players were all very good except Cuzz.”

Su Xiaoyan said hesitantly.

In fact, she believes in the players on the field, believes in Lin Goodnight, and what she wants to say more is that RNG can win the game with zero seals.

However, as a commentary, some words still have to be said more neutrally.

Three to zero this kind of thing, just think about it in your head.

Say it, and it’s too much to mess with.

Remember nodded and said, “As I predicted, I guess RNG ended the game 3-1 today.” ”

“Good! Then both sides are ready, and you can see on the big screen that both players are confident. ”

“Then let’s not talk about it and go straight to the BP screen!”


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