Moba: Peak Era

Chapter 107

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Acorn's head was sweating and his hands were shaking.

When the pressure on the line was too great, people would inevitably make mistakes.

And as long as there was a mistake, even if it was just a small mistake, he would be chased down to low health and use flash

——This is Reaper.

This kind of meticulous and fierce online strength is unmatched in the entire LPL top unit.

When the tree came back online, the sword girl had already reached level 6.

The difference in the last hits between the two also increased to 30.

At this moment, in just 8 minutes, the economic gap between the top units reached 1000

"Ah Quan, go help relieve the pressure on the top lane."Ah Quan, go help relieve the pressure on the top lane."

Hirano Aya, who was looking at the overall situation, commanded.

The tree just didn't dare to go forward to last hit, but if the top lane continued like this, the snowball would only get bigger and bigger.

Before long, even the experience zone wouldn't dare to enter.

"No, I've been there several times and I ran into the factory manager every time."Seeing A being bullied like this, Taobao Quan had long wanted to find an opportunity to go up. But at this time, the factory manager's keen"anti-ganking awareness" can be said to dominate the entire LPL. He had already figured out when Taobao Quan would initiate a gank.

The vision control was also very tricky, blocking all the opportunities for Taobao Quan to gank in the top lane.

"Then we should gank the bottom lane." Imp interrupted.

Mingkai was concentrating on protecting the top lane, so he would definitely neglect the bottom lane.

There were only a few wards in the early game, and he also had to take care of the jungle. It was impossible for a jungler to protect three lanes by himself. At most, he could only protect two lanes, and it was impossible for them to be the two longest lanes, the 'top lane' and the 'bottom lane'.

"Yes, let's go down and look for opportunities. As long as Kog'Maw is up, we will be invincible in teamfights with four protecting one."Aya Hirano said:"The opponent is pushing the line, we have a chance to win!"

The combination of Corki + Ni, it is unreasonable not to suppress the combination of Alistar + Kog'Maw.

Considering that Deft has Imp phobia, Abu specially selected a strong hero on the line

"I can support! Lulu can't push me."Wei Shen also spoke.

Lulu will be very good against assassins like"Enchantress" in the line because she can turn into a sheep.

But when facing a traditional mage, this hero who switched from support to mid-lane is a little weak.

The higher the segment, the more fixed the advantages and disadvantages of the line.

When the players are of similar strength, hero restraint means disadvantage in the line.

It is difficult to play, and you are not bullying. Why do you use dog head to beat crocodile?

There are very few freaks like Reaper who can occasionally suppress the opponent with disadvantaged heroes.

Wu Tian and Buddha are compared in this way, which proves that in the eyes of the world, Godv is not inferior to Pwan in the mid-lane.

Clockwork has an advantage in the line and has the right to push the line.

After pushing the line, Wei Shen began to lean down.

He plays Clockwork and likes to bring the speed essence.

This kind of rune formula may be weak in the early stage of the fight.

But it will be effective in development, jungle, catching up, and support.

At this time, the effect came out

【Command: Noise (W).

Clockwork accelerated to the bottom lane and met up with Lee Sin on the way.

When Pwan realized something was wrong and found that Wei Shen had disappeared for too long, he began to signal his teammates, and EDG's bottom lane just began to retreat.

Minotaur flashed WQ, forcing Annie to flash.

But soon, Clockwork, who came from the river, flashed QW directly, slowing Annie.

Lee Sin's Golden Bell Cover stuck to Clockwork, and the Sound Wave hit accurately.

Annie had no way to escape.

Deft's Corki could only sell out his teammates and directly escape with W.

The kill was naturally given to Imp.

LGD scored a goal in the bottom lane.



Historically, the reason why LGD was able to beat EDG in the summer season was in the bottom lane.

Godv and Pwan were on top and bottom, Taobao Quan was a carnivorous gank, and occasionally he could break through the restrictions of the factory manager. The top lane was a mixed match, and it depended on the team battle.

The other lanes were evenly matched, except for the bottom lane. This season's Imp was a natural counter to Deft, but with Chen Ziyou joining EDG, history would naturally be different.

Seeing LGD's mid and jungle appearing in the bottom lane, Fiora directly pushed the line, and the factory manager's barrel immediately rushed to the top lane, and Pwan disappeared in the middle lane.

Acorn was experienced and had already retreated to the autistic bush in front of the second tower and escaped death.

But as a price, he missed another wave of soldiers, and saw the top lane first tower being ground to half health.

Every time a professional team operates, as long as it is a collision between strong teams, it will definitely not let you take the advantage for nothing, and will definitely make you pay the price.

EDG's response this time is a typical thinking of"you can make money, but you can't get it for free, you must leave something behind."

The gap in the top lane was widened again.

But LGD's mentality has changed. They have decided to give up the development in the top lane and focus on nurturing this Kog'Maw.

As long as the hero has basic equipment, the Treant will still be useful in teamfights. In the four-protect-one lineup, as long as the core"one" develops well, the other heroes only need to play their functions.

Weak teams often defeat strong teams by relying on four-protect-one.

Royal Club's world runner-up in S3 and S4 was achieved by four-protect-one. This tactic has created many miracles for LPL. So far, there are still many LPL teams that make good use of, or even (cgbh) believe in this tactic. The popularity of this tactic is also a great contributor to the production of top ADC players in LPL.

Nine minutes into the game, LGD continued to organize the attack.

In this wave, Lee Sin reached level 6 while jungle farming, but Annie did not flash.

Kog'Maw flashed directly with his E skill to slow down and keep the enemy. Lee Sin's ganking route is"online", directly emerging from the blind spot behind Kog'Maw.

Even if EDG is cautious in the bottom lane and has good vision, it is impossible to place a ward on the defensive tower.

Lee Sin directly touched Imp, hit with Q and then R. He took Annie away again, and the kill was still given to Kog'Maw.

In this wave, since only Lee Sin appeared in the bottom lane, EDG could not three-command-one in the top lane like in the previous wave.

But there is a chance in the middle lane! Clockwork used flash to gank the bottom lane.

Zweimaster used E flash to force a gank in the middle lane, and blew up Clockwork with his ultimate. He cooperated with Pwan to chase to the first tower and forcibly killed Clockwork.

At the same time, Chen Ziyou was ready to go.

Right now, Fiora's equipment has been updated to 'Tiamat + Blood Vampire Scepter + Boots'.

From the outfit, Acorn has the killing intent.

Indeed, the transition of Tiamat and the mid-term switch to Greedy Hydra is the normal route for Fiora.

Most of the pub games now have this outfit.

However, after Tiamat is out, 'lane control' becomes impossible.

——How can he control the lane when every basic attack has an AOE attached?

The laning phase has not yet passed, and the best way is to continue controlling the lane and suppressing the growth of the tree.

An equipment error?

It would be too naive to think so. Acorn might underestimate Reaper.

In fact, he has demonized this man in his mind. Even every time Fiora makes a last-hit attack, he thinks it is a premeditated plan to kill him.

But this time, it is obviously not premeditated.

"He's going to push the lane and kill me!" Acorn suddenly realized.

That's right, both junglers were not in the top lane, Gragas was ganking the middle lane, and Lee Sin was ganking in the bottom lane, and he couldn't catch up to the top lane even if he tried hard.


He couldn't defend. The extremely underdeveloped Maokai was only level 5, while Fiora was already level 7, holding the ultimate + flash.

The health of the first tower was too low, and Fiora could completely push the first tower with the damage of Maokai, and then kill Maokai.

——Acorn was a steady person, and had no urge to show off his Reaper under the tower, so he made this decision.

"Really stable……"

After pushing the troops forward, Chen Ziyou saw an empty top lane tower.……

‘You wouldn't even give up on the experience, would you? '

Fiora used Sky Break to move forward, attacking the wave of minions that had just come online, while reducing the cooldown of her Q skill.

Then, he seemed to accidentally place a ward through the wall in the three-corner bush on the blue team's top lane.

The figure of Acorn Tree suddenly appeared.

Even the most stable players must be greedy for things that they can theoretically take, otherwise it would not be 'pressure-resistance', but 'giving it away for free'.

What the hell are you doing if you give up on everything?

Therefore, Acorn is unlikely to give up on this wave of minions pushed under the tower.

Even if he can't get the last hit, as long as he stands in this bush, the tree can still gain experience.

The moment the tree's figure appeared in the field of vision, Chen Ziyou pressed the D key without hesitation.


Lock the mouse on the tree and release the ultimate move

——【Unparalleled Challenge (R)]_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection and recommendation

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