Moba: Peak Era

Chapter 114

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Chen Ziyou really planned to develop steadily this time.

But there was no way, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

The stress-free laning, and Acorn's"steady" laning style like a bullied girl, made him feel that there was a chance to kill. Faced with the temptation of 400 yuan, he couldn't resist the impulse, designed a wave of single kills, and successfully implemented it with his operation

‘Unfortunately, this hero will not survive more than a few versions.

Chen Ziyou knew that in the next version, Gangplank's E skill would be weakened, and only in the late game would he have five barrels, making him even weaker in the early game... Maybe Riot designers thought this was a good balance, weak in the early game and strong in the late game. However, this weakening did not affect Gangplank's status in the S game at all, and he was still a must-ban pick.

"The top laner was killed again?"

After hearing this information, the LGD team surprisingly had no reaction.

EMMMM……Last time, he was killed by a single player at level 1. This time, he managed to make it to level 5. Should he be praised for his progress?

Not only the audience, but also many LPL professional players have become very accustomed to the fact that Reaper26 killed all the top laners in the LPL twice during the regular season. The most exaggerated thing is that he has never been killed by a single player so far.

‘Who can kill Reaper' and punish this fierce man has become a topic of discussion.

Even Faker, who has killed all the world's mid laners in a round, will occasionally be killed by the opponent.


Active attacking is risky.

No matter how strong the calculation is, it can only determine the situation of 30, and the rest depends on on-the-spot response.

No one can guarantee that their response is correct and there will be no mistakes.

Chen Ziyou is no exception.

It's just that no one can catch his mistakes for the time being.

"……The captain didn't flash, he synchronized with me."Acorn held it in for a long time, and found that no one asked him why he was killed. He was relieved, but also felt helpless.

You guys are used to it, right?

Yes, yes, I was killed in the training game and regular season, from the first round to the semi-finals...

But who else is the same when facing Reaper?

Since no one is capable, let's go our separate ways.



After getting the first blood, Gangplank went home and made Radiance + Hammer + Straw Shoes. With only eight minutes left in the game, this development speed is too amazing.

The last hits that follow the time, the bounty of Q, the first blood money...

After TPing back to the line, Gangplank can already ride on the tree to suppress without restraint.

The damage of the Q skill combined with Radiance instantly transformed.

Before, Gangplank's Q was a small water gun, but now it is a rubber gun, and the basic damage has doubled.

In addition, there are two consecutive barrels with tricky angles from time to time, making Acorn Tree miserable.

But this overly strong pressure on the line can easily give the opponent opportunities.

Taobao Quan is ready to attack the top lane.

During this period, he did not do nothing, and he went to the middle lane once.

However, this time EDG focused on operations and tried to gank twice, but was countered by the factory manager to kill two groups of wild monsters.

In terms of experience and operation development, no one in PL can beat Clearlove.

Taobao Quan knows this very well, so he doesn't plan to play honestly.

——What kind of jungler is it if you don't gank?

These are the two junglers' different styles and understandings of the game.

A master can be defeated by a random punch, and Taobao Quan's carnivorous fighting spirit can occasionally break the factory manager's operational control.

"The barrel seems to be coming……"

Chen Ziyou suddenly said.

Gragas was not in sight, and Chen Ziyou did not turn on perspective.

But the arrival of the jungler often leads to the desire of the teammates on the line to"attack"... At this time, acting skills are required.

But Acorn's acting skills are not good.

Or rather, the hard conditions do not allow him to show his acting skills.

He has always been good at being steady, and he is very careful in positioning and last-hitting. Why did he move forward so much all of a sudden?

……‘Pretend to be a jungler? '

Other players might do this, but it's very unlikely for Acorn.

""Be steady, hold back, I'll be there soon!"

Mingkai quickly killed the three wolves and rushed to the top lane.

Mingkai's command was not wrong.

However, a general is not always able to obey the orders of his king.

Everyone has a different playing style and their own understanding.

Chen Ziyou did not immediately hold back and retreat. On the contrary, after calculating the number of explosive barrels, he hid a barrel in the bushes and continued to suppress.

There are two reasons for this judgment.

The first reason is that, like Acorn, if the captain who has been aggressively suppressing suddenly holds back, Taobao Quan is likely to give up this gank.

Chen Ziyou is unwilling to give up this opportunity to fight back.

The second reason...

I took a look at the experience bar. The captain is only two soldiers away from level seven.

——Level 7.

For the hero Captain, this is the first leap forward in the growth curve.

The gunpowder barrel (E) has a total of three bars of health. In the early stage, it decays once every two seconds and takes four seconds to detonate.

In four seconds, the people would have already run away and would be on guard. Therefore, in the early stage, the barrel can only be used for defensive positional battles and is almost impossible to use for offense.

This decay rate will be evolved once at level 7 and level 13 respectively.

At level 7, the Captain's barrel decays once every second and can detonate in two seconds.

Speaking of seven, Chen Ziyou couldn't help but look at the blind monk Qijiang who was running on the small map.

There is a seven-meaning in the dark... I think all this is within the expectations of the ancestor Seven, right?

217 Destiny is in my hands, this wave can be fought!


The moment Captain reached level 7, LGD's top and jungle moved!

Gragas had already circled and appeared from the red side's Golem.

Seeing where Gragas appeared, Chen Ziyou instantly got a piece of information.

‘He just used E——’

When playing the top lane on the red side, vision must be placed in the three-corner bush.

Qijiang has always been very fond of his father, and he placed a true eye there early, and it has never disappeared... When the lane is at a disadvantage, Maokai will never dare to remove this true eye (this is one of the reasons why junglers eat lanes. If the opponent has vision and you don't, the risk of ganking is higher).

This is common sense.

Therefore, ganking by bypassing vision is also common sense.

It is impossible for the barrel to go around in a circle before coming out of the stone man. It is too time-consuming and the probability of running into the blind monk is too high.

He must have used E to go through the wall and bypass the vision.

"Ah Quan works very hard……"

Chen Ziyou smiled slightly, and his confidence in this counterattack increased from 60% to 80%...

With his style, as long as the chance of winning is more than 50%, he dares to fight.

Killing Reaper alone has become a"topic", but Chen Ziyou will not give up his usual style of play just because the fishing reel tilts, and choose to be steady... In his eyes, only winning the game and only victory are meaningful.

As long as you can win, even if you are killed a few times, what does it matter? _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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