Moba: Peak Era

Chapter 124

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"Weapon is missing again?" Upon hearing Flame's dangerous signal again, Wei Shen frowned.

"I...can't push the lane against him." Flame explained in awkward Chinese and English.

""Okay, I got it."

Wei Shen nodded, but this time, he didn't move as cautiously.

Anyway, Weapon should be going to the jungle again...

However, Wei Shen must have forgotten the story of"The Wolf is Coming" that he heard when he was a child.

After several alerts, the wolf did not come, and it was difficult for people to be seriously alert again.

But in fact, every time Chen Ziyou entered the jungle to brush the jungle, he would observe whether there was an opportunity on the middle lane. If there was no opportunity, he would go to the jungle to develop. If there was an opportunity... he would take the initiative to attack.

Since he was given the opportunity, Chen Ziyou would not be polite.

Weapon quietly came to the middle lane.

LGD didn't have much vision in the bottom jungle, and the reason was simple... their resources were oriented towards the bottom lane duo. At this time, the bottom lane duo switched to the top lane, and the vision naturally went to the top jungle. Taobao Quan's main attack direction was also in the top lane. In contrast, Mingkai and Zhu Mei also had to frequently counter-camp in the top lane.

Wei Shen was always very alert to the top jungle and always stood close to the bottom.

When Flame reported Miss several times before, Wei Shen would retreat cautiously, but this time, he only symbolically dropped 26 wards in the bush below.

And this ward was just caught by Pwan.

After the weapon was in place, the Tsar, who had been steadily last-hitting, suddenly changed his offensive and WEQR. pushed Diana to the river below.

In an instant, the Master Yi activated [Counter Storm (E)], inserted a ward Q at the extreme distance, and stunned Diana.

Under the output of the two, Diana, who had given up the flash in the four-to-two situation before, had no possibility of escape and died.

The kill was taken by the Master Yi.

——The reason why Diana is an unpopular AP hero is that she is a melee AP assassin. It is very easy for her to die suddenly when she enters a team fight. She is also afraid of long-range heroes in the lane and is easily caught.

This wave killed Diana, and the head money is only secondary. The most important thing is that the two of them can push down the middle lane tower.

Wei Shen’s previous roaming had already caused a lot of blood loss to the middle lane tower. This time, with a weapon that can destroy towers very quickly, the middle lane tower was destroyed in just five seconds.

The strategic significance of the middle lane tower is too important.

In an instant, EDG regained a certain degree of vision and immediately switched Deft and Meiko to the middle lane for development.

For this reason, it doesn’t matter even if LGD pushes down the top lane tower.

The middle lane is the shortest, and at the same time it is connected in all directions, and teammates can be supported at any time... As long as the duo lane does not seek death, it is impossible to die while developing in the middle lane.

EDG’s duo lane originally had difficulty even developing, and now, they are completely relieved.

"My My……"

Wei Shen pursed his lips and blamed himself.

His teammates all knew his arrogant character and understood him.

But it must be said that the chain reaction of Reaper's roaming + the first tower was too great.

Although LGD pushed down the enemy's upper and lower lane towers, because they did not have a tower as a backup, the duo lane did not dare to push the line and attack at will, for fear that EDG would come with a five-on-two attack at any time and ruin all their advantages in the whole game.

EDG regrouped, heavily guarded the middle lane, and Weapon led the team alone to develop the jungle.

The rhythm was successfully slowed down by EDG.

Summoner's Rift fell into a long period of calm



"How can he grow so fast? ?"

This is the feeling that everyone who plays against Reaper will have.

Flame is no exception.

In the game time of 23 minutes, Weapon killed himself and had 276 last hits, which was a last hit beyond time.

In comparison, Ekko's 197 hits is a bit pitiful.

——The difference of nearly 80 last hits.

Although he was only killed once, the economic difference between the two was close to 3000.

A little advantage in the early stage could be snowballed into such a big one by Reaper.

Flame finally understood what it meant by"a person's reputation is like a tree's shadow".

Being able to kill all the top laners of LPL teams alone, being praised and feared by all the top laners... Reaper is indeed terribly strong.

But it was not until thirty seconds later that Flame realized that he was still too naive.

When Ekko was pushing the line in the bottom lane, a weapon with a rotating electric fan suddenly emerged from the bushes.

Between QA, E stuns, AA (triggering R), and a basic attack with a giant hydra.A.W(Trigger R)——

The smooth reset of the general attack instantly triggered the double R damage, causing Ike to lose 60 health points.

Not only that, after this combo, the weapon's passive will be fully stacked soon.

"What the hell is this burst?"

Flame couldn't believe it, but he didn't have time to think about the principle, and quickly controlled Ekko to escape with E.

However... the burning slowing effect of the red buff was always on Ekko, and the E skill couldn't pull away at all.

Flame hurriedly threw Q at Weapon, wanting to slow down Weapon and hit three rings by the way.

However, after triggering the fury of the three-phase force, with the blessing of movement speed, Weapon reacted very quickly and twisted Q.

In desperation, Ekko could only use Flash again to pull away.

However, Weapon was determined to kill.

After the skill CD was turned on, Chen Ziyou deliberately waited for a while for the shadow position of Ekko's R function, and then followed Flash with Q

AWA(The damage of the weapon's E skill was much larger than the animation effect.

By using the acceleration of the trigger, the E skill stuns Ekko at the maximum distance, and then walks and attacks several times to complete the single kill again.


Flame's scalp tingled, he quickly opened the TAB panel and looked at Weapon's equipment.

Trinity + Nine Force + Silver Boots + Pickaxe.

This outfit, except for Trinity Force, the other items are different from the mainstream.

This wave of single kills once again made LGD very uncomfortable... It was now twenty-three minutes, and they were preparing to do something around the big dragon to force EDG to come out for a team fight, but with Ekko's death, they had to send someone to defend the line, otherwise the high ground might be demolished.

Godv's Diana returned to the city to defend the line, and at that time, Weapon was demolishing the second tower.

Boom boom boom - Weapon's R passive, every hit was hitting the defense tower, and the speed of demolition was very fast.

"Still not leaving?"

Wei Shen raised his eyebrows and rushed forward directly.

But at the moment he rushed forward, Chen Ziyou's eyes narrowed.

——【Grandmaster's Power(R)】

Level 2 ultimate, instantly giving Weapon over 60 dual resistance.

Diana's burst only knocked off a third of 217's HP.

Counterattack began.

Weapon instantly launched a counterattack storm, A (triggering R),WA.Giant Hydra (triggering R), second stage E releases to stun Diana.

Full passive attack speed, within one second of Diana's stun, the weapon attacks three times again, triggering the third R,

Diana dies immediately


Looking at the dim screen in front of him, Wei Shen was stunned.

The whole process took only two seconds, and Weapon couldn't even use Q. Even if he flashed away, Weapon could immediately chase him.

Most importantly, he didn't understand how he died?

Why did the health bar disappear immediately?

Was he cheating?



But in Chen Ziyou's eyes, this burst of weapons is normal.

The cooling time of the radiance effect is 1.5s. This combo triggered radiance twice, hit twice with a flat attack, and triggered R three times. A giant hydra, with a pure output value of more than 2000... As an AP, Diana has neither armor nor magic resistance equipment, and it is impossible for her to withstand the burst of weapons.

Perhaps in terms of sustained combat, the sheep knife flow of weapons will be stronger, but whether it is a team battle or a line, the opponent will not give weapons time to continuously output, and will avoid the strong period of weapons with E.

Once there is no E skill, the effectiveness of weapons in team battles will drop by several levels.

The significance of the giant hydra is to make all the damage of weapons instantly hit during the time of [Counter Storm (E)], and the burst damage is increased by a level. The significance of the giant hydra to weapons is no less than the significance of 'light speed QA' to Riven.

Unless there is equipment that can bring greater improvement to weapons, such as the S9 version of the Blue Dragon Sword, the new version of the Extraction..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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