While Chen Ziyou was sleeping, a topic about him was stirred up on the Internet.

The two most famous troll sites on Baidu Tieba that were discussing this topic most enthusiastically were the Beiguo Bar and the Kangzai Bar, which are known as the"Louvre of E-sports".

Just when his identity was exposed during his first broadcast, someone posted a post titled"Reaper, the No.

1 passerby king in Korean server, is actually a Chinese!

?", which was immediately pushed to the top.

The poster seemed to be a young lady, who seemed to be attracted by Chen Ziyou's appearance and immediately became his fan.

She changed her Tieba profile picture to Chen Ziyou's profile and attached a link to Chen Ziyou's live broadcast room.

It was instantly filled with comments.

"Holy shit, I went to check it out, and it’s really Chinese, officially certified!"

"This guy is a bit cheeky. He pretends to be a Chinese in a duo with the factory manager and keeps typing 7777777"

"This guy is so strong. If he joins EDG, I think he will definitely win the MSI this time."

"The above bragging makes me sick. How many so-called"King of the Street" are exposed once they play professionally? They are so bad that it's unbearable to watch. Why are you still bragging? How is my Tong Yang not better than him?"

"It's confirmed that a female dog bit someone. Are there any dog lovers who can help?"


"I just like watching piglets fighting in the den, hahahaha"

"Stop arguing, no matter how much you argue, this game is still won by Chinese people"

"Han Za also came to see my mother off?"

"I'm not a Korean guy, hehe, garbage lol"


At first, they were just teasing each other, but soon it turned into an earth-shaking war of words. Rational passers-by, cross-dressing dogs, brainless fans, Korean miscellaneous, Dota players at the top of the e-sports contempt chain...all kinds of people gathered together and fought for 300 rounds in one post. This is the daily routine of the Guokangliang bar, and everyone is used to it.

But I have to say, it is quite interesting.

Many professional players like to visit here. Suddenly, the news that Reaper is a Chinese spread throughout the entire e-sports circle overnight. After a night of live broadcast, some people made GIF pictures of his wonderful shots of several games that night and spread them on major websites. The first passer-by king of the Korean server was originally a foreign server god who was high above and had nothing to do with many Chinese server players.

But now, Chen Ziyou, who has exposed his"Chinese" identity, has suddenly become a god in the hearts of Chinese people.

In S5, the period when the global enthusiasm for Korean aid is the strongest, there are people from their own country who can break the domination of the Han Chinese on the game of LOL and occupy the first place in the Korean server for a long time. It really makes many players feel a sense of national honor. However, Korean players were in an uproar, and the local Inven forum was flooded with comments.

"Oh my god, this Reaper is not from Korea?"

"Oh my god, I've been a fan of this reaper for a long time.……"

"Our No. 1 position in the Korean server has been occupied by someone else for the past month? Isn't this too shameful?"

"What are the professional players in this country doing? They have no skills at all!"

"It seems that there is no professional team in our LCK who says that he is a local?"

"It is very easy for the game operation company to check the IP address. They must have known about it long ago. Why didn't they issue an announcement?"

The collective honor and national pride of the Chinese people are so twisted and fragile. Anyone who understands will understand. The entire Inven forum was sprayed all of a sudden.

Chinese players think that there are many trolls in China, but in fact, the keyboard warriors in China are basically"giants on the Internet, but stinky little brothers in reality".

They always keep their abuse and slander on the Internet, but they are very cowardly in reality.

It is different in China, because the Korean entertainment fan circle system is very mature, and their e-sports circle is also very similar to the fan circle culture.

There have been many professional players who received razor blades, dead mice, and rotten banana peels mailed by black fans.

Basically, except for the SKT members who have already set off to Los Angeles, USA to participate in MSI, the other LCK professional players who are still in China have been labeled as"incompetent" and"waste". It's not enough that people from other countries have topped the Korean server, but the winning rate is unprecedentedly high, and it has occupied the top spot for a whole month.

LCK professional players were inexplicably blamed, and they were miserable and had some resentment towards Reaper.


Must snipe!

Whether it was the pressure from the fishing reel or the resentment in their hearts, they made the decision to snipe Reaper in Rank.

This caused Chen Ziyou to lose two games in a row after waking up and starting the broadcast the next day.

"What's going on?"

Chen Ziyou looked confused.

He got up early in the morning and played two rank games. In one game, he played Jayce and got 16/5/8, and in another game, he played Master Yi and got 12/6/3. All the data were MVP-level performance.

In the past, when he had so many advantages, he would have won. But today, his opponents were as strong and tenacious as if they had a small universe, and even seemed to have a deep hatred for him. For example, in the first game with Jayce, he received two forced tower crossings from the top, mid and jungle players within five minutes.

‘Did I kill your mothers? ? ? '

Chen Ziyou really wanted to curse like this at that time, but thanks to the opponent's irrational tower diving, his Jayce exchanged 1 for 2, 1 for 3, and soon became fat. But his teammates were also blown away, and they raised four fathers. Jayce alone could not make a comeback. Chen Ziyou realized that something was wrong, and in the second game he directly took out the weapon that made him invincible after gaining the advantage.

This time he was finally not targeted by the jungler's mindless military training. In the situation where his teammates collapsed, he relied on his own laning and solo laning to become a solo boss. But the good times didn't last long. In the middle and late stages, when he was solo laning with weapons, his teammates didn't know what happened. They had a brain cramp and went to fight the opponent 4 vs. 5. They were beaten 0 for 4, and it was a wave of GG

"Something is wrong... Hmm?"

Chen Ziyou found that someone had added him as a friend.

This was not the point. After all, as the number one player in the Korean server, he would receive thousands of friend requests every day, and he would usually ignore them.

But the person who added him as a friend this time had a familiar ID.

It seemed to be... the jungler who played Lee Sin on the other side in the last game.

This Lee Sin left a good impression on him. In the current version, Slag Jungle Blade is extremely strong, and tank-type junglers are popular in both Rank and professional competitions. Those who play Lee Sin in this version are either faith-based players, or they are really good at playing Lee Sin... and the opponent's performance in the last game was obviously the latter.

Without hesitation, Chen Ziyou accepted this application.

‘Xiao-Xin, HanGuoRenYaoGaoNi! (Be careful, the Koreans are going to mess with you!)'

The familiar pinyin made Chen Ziyou immediately confirm the other party's identity as a compatriot. He replied (pinyin omitted)

"What's the meaning?"

"Just look at this forum.……"

After that, the other party sent a forum link to him. Chen Ziyou clicked on it and used translation software to understand the whole story. He was inexplicably targeted and felt angry and amused, but then he thought that this rhythm could become a hot topic during his live broadcast.


"It is also more challenging……"

Chen Ziyou couldn't help but raise his lips slightly.

To be honest, as he got more and more used to his talent during this period, he felt from the bottom of his heart that rank games were becoming boring and losing their challenge.

‘Thank you for letting me know, brother, what's your name? '

The other party was silent for a while before throwing out four letters.


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