The first professional player to use Riven in the middle lane and pioneered the mid-lane Riven play style was none other than Faker, who also had a deep understanding of Riven.

At the same level, when Riven is laning against Yasuo, from level 1 to level 3, Yasuo is in a strong period.

Even at level 4 or 5, Yasuo can still fight.

But as long as Riven reaches level 6 and piles up certain CD equipment, the situation will be completely reversed.

From level 6 to level 16, this interval will always be a long period of strength for Riven.

During the strong period, even if Yasuo's equipment is slightly better than Riven, a careless operation will kill him.

Facing unknown passers-by, or familiar professional players, Faker will be very naughty, and his Rank play style is very reckless. He will even use mid-lane robot, mid-lane Titan and other tricks to mess with his teammates' mentality.

But this game was different.

Reaper has been matched in Rank games at least ten times, but it was the first time that he really ran into the No. 1 passer-by king in the Korean server during the laning period.

Naturally, the fighting spirit that surged in Faker's heart made him serious.

‘So stable, no chance at all……’

Chen Ziyou frowned.

This"steady" does not mean cowardly.

It does not mean that as soon as Riven moves forward, Yasuo will immediately give up last-hitting and hide under the tower.

This kind of pure J8 mixed Yasuo will only be left further and further behind in last-hitting and development, and will not be able to restrict Riven's roaming, dragging down teammates.

Faker's stability is similar to the"Iai Slash" before it is unsheathed, hanging in the air.

It is hard to figure out.

He always stands in a position where he can rush into Riven with his E soldier, and retreat to the protection of the defensive tower.

Sometimes, facing Riven's blood exchange, he will leave as soon as he touches the blood exchange with aq.

Sometimes, he suddenly rushes forward fiercely, as if the jungler is right behind him.

Sometimes, it seems that he sees the figure of Mlxg in his vision and does not leave the tower for a step.

This kind of fake and real play is very easy to work in high-end games. After all, Rank games lack communication and cooperation, and are far less rigorous and integrated than professional games.

Of course, there are also many young people in Rank who will go up and fight you.

Although this kind of rookie will pay the price for his youth in 80% of cases, there is also a 20% chance that he can beat the master with his random punches.

This is the first time Chen Ziyou has seen a player who can use this kind of fake and real, and fake and fake so 'slippery'.

‘Faker's style in S3 was not like this.……’

Chen Ziyou muttered.

In S1 and S2, everyone was feeling their way through the game and making progress together.

The quality of professional competitions at that time was not even as good as a game of King of Glory today. It was not until S3 that the most mainstream system and playing style were formed, and professional players finally understood the game.

All the talented players shone with their own light in professional competitions.

In the S3 period when the gods rose, Faker was a level above everyone else.

His understanding of the game and operation reached the level of professional players in the S4 period in advance.

At that time, he was aggressive, fierce, confident and stubborn.

As long as the team regarded him as the core, they could win the game.

He was partial to personal heroism...

and this deep-rooted style, in the S4 period when concepts such as team operations gradually matured, caused Faker to suffer a Waterloo and fell into the trough of his career.

Faker has not recovered from this trough until now.

He is still a frequent guest on the bench of SKT's mid laner.……

‘Are you transforming, changing and growing?……’

Chen Ziyou's eyes flickered.

In the"history" he was familiar with, after the MSI defeat, Faker completely completed his growth and transformation during the S5 World Championship, and once again became the perfect mid-lane devil.

‘I am really looking forward to the confrontation in the professional arena.……’

Chen Ziyou smiled expectantly, and then, he controlled Riven to push the line.

He gave up the idea of competing with Faker online... There are more ways to win the game than just beating him online. It is too difficult to find a breakthrough in Faker who is serious, and the gains are not worth the losses... I don't know how many professional teams have paid a painful price because they are obsessed with targeting Faker and want to find a breakthrough in him.



The pace of the game suddenly began to speed up.

At 8 minutes in the game, Score's Spider cooperated with Smeb's Crocodile to kill Clockwork by crossing the tower. Lee Sin arrived in time and took down Crocodile's head, completing a 1-for-1 exchange.

At 8 minutes and 40 seconds, Mata's Braum had good vision control in the jungle, which led to Riven's successful capture of Spider in the jungle and a single kill.

At 9 minutes in the game, Spider died, and Riven + Lee Sin, who had cleared the line, approached the bottom lane and completed a 4-pack 2.

The jungle was dark, Yasuo gave up support, and the bottom lane duo also wisely gave up a tower. At

9 minutes and 30 seconds, the upper and lower lanes of both sides tacitly switched lanes, and the duo lanes switched to the top lane. At

10 minutes and 43 seconds, Crocodile killed Clockwork in the bottom lane.

At 12 minutes and 3 seconds, Spider ganked the top lane, and cooperated with Titan to force open Sivir. The mid and jungle support of both sides arrived, and a 4v4 wave was formed in an instant.

However, at this time, the defect of switching lanes between the middle and top lanes came out.

Crocodile had TP, but Clockwork did not.

Even if the clockwork had TP in this wave, we can't expect the 0/6 clockwork to play a role.

Five against four, facing the unreasonable advances of Titan, Spider, Crocodile and Yasuo, Uzi had no room to operate. After the ADC died, the team battle was lost. Riven and Lee Sin forced to replace the enemy's duo lane, and they also died together, and were beaten 2 for 4.

The game time was 15 minutes. Lee Sin cleverly ganked from behind, touched the eye and flashed the roundhouse kick, and took Yasuo out of the tower, successfully ending Faker's Yasuo, allowing Riven to get a big head.

Unfortunately, Lee Sin, who crossed the tower, was also taken by the spider who came later.

At the same time, seeing that the junglers all showed up in the middle lane, the duo lanes also fought unwillingly. Both ADs showed a wave of extreme A walking and dodging skills. In the end, Uzi+Mata's skills were superior and completed a wave of 1 for 2.

All kinds of fairy fights, extreme operations, sparks and lightning all the way, made all the OB audiences in this game dazzled.

The only thing that affected the viewing experience was that Clockwork's record became 0/8/1 without anyone noticing.

This Yasuo-specialized passerby king was simply not on the same level as the other nine teammates.

……Everyone is showing off, only Clockwork is getting beaten. Have fun reading books on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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