clearlove, literally translated as Minglian, phonetically as Krel Lawu, whose real name is Mingkai. This ID is a household name for the audience and players in the LPL region.

Chen Ziyou from S9 knows that this ID will be known around the world in the MSI in half a month, as they defeat the legendary SKT to win the championship, and will be praised as the world's number one jungler. Clearlove in the MSI during the S5 period was at the peak of his career. He was a jungler that even Faker wanted to play with, and he was also the peak of EDG.

Now he is not 4396 in S6, nor is he 777 who was willing but unable after S7.

Although Clearlove's career was still at a low point until S9, and he still did not go beyond the quarterfinals, it did not prevent Chen Ziyou from appreciating this player.

There was a time when Chen Ziyou became a factory hater out of disappointment, occasionally cursing on the forums,"Waste Mingkai, every word is eight strokes, every year in the quarterfinals", but when he found that many professional players who were worse off than Mingkai chose to retire and become game anchors, making a lot of money, this waste Mingkai was still playing professionally, even if he was sitting on the bench to teach newcomers, he was unwilling to retire...

From that moment on, he never blacked the factory manager again.

Maybe Clearlove will never win the world championship in his life.

But he does have a dream.

Life has dreams, each is wonderful

""Ziziyou is actually on the Korean server. There is still half a month before MSI. Hasn't EDG gone to the United States yet?" Chen Ziyou asked in confusion.

The first MSI was held in the United States.

If you are in the United States, you generally won't log in to the Korean server. You know, when you log in to the Korean server in the United States, even with the best network speed and accelerator, you will have to withstand a delay of at least 100 ping. This is an unbearable delay for professional players. Even if you force yourself to log in to the Korean server, you will only lose points, and you won't get any training effect.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Ziyou's eyes suddenly lit up.

He clicked on Mingkai's Korean server account and sent a message


On the other side, at the EDG base, a young man with a bowl cut and those iconic dead fish eyes raised his eyebrows.

In order to prepare for the MSI, EDG has been conducting high-intensity training for fifteen hours a day for half a month. Tomorrow is the day they fly to the United States, so the club deliberately gave them a day off. On the one hand, it is to allow the players to combine work and rest, and on the other hand, it is to allow them to take care of all trivial matters and devote themselves to the game without distraction.

But for Mingkai, it is better to play a few rank games to maintain his feel, so even on a rest day, he chose to log in to the Korean server, ready to play a few rank games and then log off.

But he didn't expect that someone would send him a message as soon as he logged in. It

's the off-season, could it be a professional player?

Thinking of this, Mingkai saw the ID


"It's the No. 1 Passerby King in the Korean server."

Mingkai naturally knew the Passerby King ID that was popular in the Korean server in the past month.

"But what does it mean when he sent me 777? Is it a popular greeting in Korea?"

MingKai asked in confusion.

With the emergence of SKT in S3, and the two Samsung giants in S4 dominating the world.

In S5, the whole LOL world was full of Korean aid fever, and there was at least one Chinese in the strong teams in each major region.

Either a Chinese player or a Chinese coach.

In 2015, Chinese LOL was the undisputed number one in the world... This concept is not a boast, but an objective fact, and it will maintain its dominance for at least three years. EDG, the unrivaled EDG in the S5 Spring Split, and LGD, who played a wonderful BO5 with them in the Spring Split finals some time ago, both made great progress and transformation after introducing two Korean aids.

Chen Ziyou still remembers that this year, the national ID of uzi, another famous LPL player, was 'Chinese people are monsters'.

MingKai also ranked first in the Korean server, but was squeezed out the next day. In S5, the top ten in the Korean server were basically dominated by Chinese for a long time, so he instinctively thought that Reaper9 was a Chinese.

Out of courtesy and respect for cultural differences, MingKai also replied

"Hi, IamClearlove,formLPL,Doyouknowme? 777!"

""Puff! Hahaha!"

This reaction made Chen Ziyou laugh out loud.

In fact, he was just about to send a pinyin (Chinese characters cannot be typed in Korean servers) to ask the factory manager if he wanted to play duo with him.

Live streaming is not as easy as many viewers imagine. Those famous anchors are either too lucky and talented, or have an agency to operate and hype them up, so that they can stand out from countless anchors and become the representative of traffic. Therefore, for the sake of his own live streaming popularity, Chen Ziyou is preparing to take advantage of the popularity.

Mingkai, who just won the LPL championship, is undoubtedly the most popular in the LPL region.

Chen Ziyou looked at the time in the lower right corner and found that the agreed live broadcast time was about to arrive. He looked at the factory manager who treated himself as a Korean and continued to interact with him in standard Chinese English, and immediately showed a sly smile. The most important thing about live streaming is the program effect.

Look, the program effect is delivered to the door


Chen Ziyou invited Mingkai.

"Duo queue?"

Mingkai thought for a moment and agreed immediately.

Because of the preparations for the Spring Split and MSI, Mingkai had not played much rank these days. He only played one match with Reaper9, the famous No. 1 player in the Korean server. The opponent used Riven in that game, and the final record was 16-2-8. He carried the whole game perfectly, and he basically won by just brushing the jungle.

In that game, the details of Riven's operation and the handling of team battles left a strong impression on Mingkai.

Not only that, Reaper9 is now recognized as the No. 1 Riven in the Korean server.

That's why he sent a friend request to Reaper9 after the game.

"Just in time, let me see how strong the top laner of the Korean server is, and what the difference is with Tong Yang."

Thinking of Koro1, who has been in increasingly hot form and has been brought up by himself, Mingkai smiled like an old father.

The duo started, and after about five minutes, the match was successful.

Mingkai was on the first floor, and immediately banned Riven.

Chen Ziyou:"???"

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