At the start of the second training match,

LGD banned Maokai, Gragas, and Void.

EDG banned Spear of Vengeance, Twitch, and Azar respectively.

The TO level (optional) in this version include Maokai, Azar, and Spear of Vengeance. The former two are invincible in teamfights, while the latter is very powerful in laning.

Deft is very strong in laning, and even Uzi finds it difficult to suppress him.

But every thing has its own strength, and Deft will be very weak only when facing Imp.

Banning Spear of Vengeance is because they are afraid that Deft's laning and mentality will be destroyed.

And the Azar that Imp marked with the champion skin will basically be banned by default by all teams when facing LGD this season.

ADCs with strong carry ability in the later stage of this version are basically not weak, and Imp has not yet become Omp.

The next moment, on the blue side, LGD, 1L instantly locked a blue bald guy.


Abu's eyes lit up and he said with a smile,"Wow, Lao Gandie finally came up with something new! It's okay, the plan remains unchanged, we will continue to select players as discussed before."

EDG locked in Titan + Lulu on the first and second floors

"It should be Lulu in the middle and Titan in the top……"

Chris pushed his glasses and inferred uncertainly.

There was no way... Reaper had never played a professional game, and there was insufficient information. He could only infer based on EDG's previous training game. General Pwan was also very good at the hero Lulu. EDG's classic four-protect-one

"The plan remains unchanged, continue to select players."

After Chris's instructions were issued, LGD locked in Kog'Maw + Alistar on the second and third floors.

Everyone who knows how strong Kog'Maw is in the four-protect-one system knows, and with the strongest auxiliary equipment 'Lulu', it is natural that he cannot be released.

And this season, Pyl's Alistar is also a joke... He is called the Guardian Bull by LPL audiences.

Then, EDG locked in Jinx + Sejuani on the third and fourth floors.

"Auxiliary counter position on the fifth floor?"

Godv exclaimed subconsciously, and then suddenly reacted

"No, Titan is a support, the opponent is……"

""The top laner counter position."

Chris frowned.

Leaving it to the top laner to counter is not like EDG's usual style, it's a routine...

However, this version of Ryze really has no absolute"natural enemy". With Acorn's stable laning ability, he is not afraid of being countered. (Ryze in S5 is basically in the top lane, and Faker was the first to get the mid laner in the professional arena)

"Continue to choose."

As soon as Chris finished speaking, LGD finally locked in a pair of classic combinations with two hands.

"Lee Sin + Yasuo.

LGD's lineup is officially formed.

Top laner Ryze, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Yasuo, ADC Kog'Maw, support Alistar

"This lineup... is very strong in the early stage, and not weak in the mid-to-late stage. Chris is a real talent."

The mid laner picked Yasuo, so he has no pressure against any mages in the lane, and his late-stage ability is not weak either. Cooperating with the jungler Lee Sin, he is the best in the league in terms of mid-jungle 2V2 ability. The only flaw is that the AD damage will overflow, and the kitchen knife team is easy to be targeted. But the AP damage + late-stage protection of Ryze + Kog'Maw makes this lineup extremely perfect and fitting...

It can start a team fight, output, control, and has the ability to cut and protect the back row.

On the other hand, EDG has Jungle Sejuani + Mid Lane Lulu + ADC Jinx + Support Titan. Although their abilities in other aspects are not inferior, they only have one Jinx as the output point... The single-core lineup has too low fault tolerance. It depends on what hero EDG's top laner will add. If it is still a pure meat tank, it is far inferior to LGD's lineup.

"Reaper should provide additional output……"

Chris tapped the notebook, trying to figure out which hero Reaper would pick.

But the next moment, his eyes widened, his mouth opened, and his face was full of disbelief.

"This, is it true? Is this hero really... confirmed! ?"

"Hahaha, this pussy is a bit tough, I like it."Godv smiled appreciatively

"call out——"Taobao whistled.

Acorn breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Imp beside him.

"imp, you see, I said it was Fiona"

"………"Imp is a bit like Asi.

EDG's fifth choice is……

——Fiona, the unrivaled swordswoman!

A cool and majestic profile, with a domineering look.

At this time, the swordswoman has not been updated yet, and it is hard to say which one is stronger, but one thing is certain...

From the perspective of Asian aesthetics, the old swordswoman's head and original painting are much better than the new one, and her figure is also super good, with a protruding front and a curved back, and extremely sexy.

——Reaper is the No. 1 Sword Princess, No. 1 Weapon, and No. 1 Riven in the Korean server.

Everyone in LGD knows this information very well.

If Weapon and Riven appear, they will not be surprised, because in the S3 period, these two heroes were once the hot candidates for the finals.

But Sword Princess...

Sorry, from the time she was created to now, Sword Princess has never appeared in the top league of League of Legends.

In the game, many players choose tanks in the top lane, not because they are cowardly, but because of the need of the lineup.

As the pioneer of the team, the top lane has a responsibility: when teammates are at a disadvantage, they rely on their own tankiness to defend the tower, so that the opponent dare not easily cross the tower. In the worst case, they can also use their health to block skills, create space for their teammates to clear the line of soldiers and develop, and drag the whole team to develop.

Output-type top laners can certainly carry the game when the wind is favorable, but it is easy to collapse when the wind is unfavorable.

Crocodile, Riven, and Jax who can go for half-tank warriors are fine, but Sword Princess...

This hero has a very low tolerance rate.

Her tankiness is basically zero, and she can only go for pure output equipment as an assassin.

The old version of Fiora can only focus on W. If you want to gain an advantage in the early and mid-game, you must rely on the damage of W. However, in the eyes of professional players, the hand-raising action of W is too obvious, and basically everyone can use it.‘S’The key position cancels the basic attack and dodges Fiora's W. The nature of the R skill is the same as that of Zed. Once the golden body is out, it can be useless.

Even if Zed can't kill people, he can escape with his shadow.

As for Fiora... basically, once you enter, you can't get out.

There is no Fiora in the professional arena, which does not mean that professional players will not play Fiora, but all the Fioras selected were basically beaten to pieces in the training match, so naturally they will not be moved to the main game.

"Another person who wants to try something new?"

Chris curled his lips.

The first person to try something new is indeed very brave and can gain the greatest benefit... but he is also the one most likely to be poisoned.

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