After the first wave of ganks was successful, Lucian went home and directly bought a Storm Sword.

In the S5 version of Lucian, the mainstream order of equipment is - Infinity Edge, Electric Knife, Armor-piercing Bow, which is no different from other ADCs.

After gaining the advantage, Lucian's play style became more aggressive. As long as he found an opportunity where Morgana's Q couldn't hit him, he would directly use the E skill to face him and output 'Deft'.

How could the wheel mother withstand the shooting of this black and thick double gun? After two waves of blood exchange, the blood volume dropped sharply.


Deft cursed in a low voice.

Although he was ganked by the jungler, he had to admit that the Lucian played by the player named 'Namei' was really good, steady and strong.——In the S4 period, Namei's performance was indeed not the"world's best ADC", but players who can be healed by Riot must have their own unique features.

At least, Namei did a pretty good job of snowballing after getting the advantage.

The game lasted ten minutes, EDG vs. King, the score was 1:0.

The rhythm was not fast, but of course... not slow either. In some S5 games, even 30 minutes could not get a single kill.

Under this rhythm, what is being compared is the development ability of professional players.

Meiko looked closely and saw that his own Sivir had 64 last hits, while the opponent's Lucian had 84 last hits, which was a full twenty hits lower.

Including the first blood money, Sivir was already nearly a thousand gold behind Lucian.

This is already a huge gap.

This thousand gold will allow Lucian to make big items earlier, form earlier, and join the team fight with his teammates earlier.

One side has an ADC to join the team, while the other side's ADC is underdeveloped, which has a huge impact on the mid-term team fight.

Meiko stared at the number of last hits on the panel and sighed secretly

……It seems that Deft is rarely suppressed like this?

……The top lane-centric playstyle is still immature. As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Meiko exclaimed,"Fuck!"

"Reaper, what is this last hit of yours?"

On the team panel, Ryze's last hit number showed an astonishing value.

——102 hits.

In the game of League of Legends, the number of soldiers sent out in the top lane in ten minutes is 107, including five cannons.

As a professional player, this is common sense.

When professional teams train, they often open custom rooms to practice last-hitting. Meiko, a player who mainly plays the support position, can also do 100 hits in ten minutes. For professional players who mainly play ADC, it is easy to hit 107 soldiers without missing a single hit.

But - that is custom!

No professional player can not miss a single hit in ten minutes in a professional game.

Because the opponents on the field are at least professional players who have played in the King rank.

Players who like to watch live broadcasts know that the last-hitting of anchors in low-end games is often ridiculous, but when playing high-end games, the last-hitting will be much less. Some low-rank barrage masters are selectively blind. When they see the last-hitting number of anchors in high-end games, they will laugh at"the anchor's last-hitting is rubbish" and"I can do it too."

But in fact, this is because of the difference in opponents.

Facing a bronze player is completely different from facing the strongest king.

The former may give you a kill at level 1, while the latter will use tricks and operational details to kill you.

In addition to last-hitting, you must also consider how the enemy will trade blood, control the line, block experience, and block CD... What's more, sometimes you have to go back to the city for supplies, which will inevitably miss the kill. You also have to consider the jungler's gank, so you have to retreat and give up some kills that cannot be last-hit. In the ten-minute laning period, Reaper only missed five kills?

How did he do that?


Chen Ziyou raised his eyebrows and answered as a matter of course,"I developed very well this time, what's so strange about that? Ryze was laning against Maokai, there was no pressure, just control the line and make up for the damage. The opponent's Maokai played rather chaotically, not very aggressive. Thanks to the factory for giving me a good vision this time, the opponent's Gragas had no chance to gank me."


Meiko was speechless for a moment.

After hearing what Chen Ziyou said, it didn't seem like a big deal.


Meiko resisted the urge to complain and took a look at the Treant who was facing Ryze. He only had 74 last hits.

The single player in the top lane suppressed him by nearly thirty hits...

Looking at the mid lane, Varus and Clockwork, who were also developing steadily, only had 83 and 81 hits respectively.

With the same jungler controlling vision and the same low pressure in the laning phase, how did Ryze get twenty more last hits? Ryze

's current equipment is Doran's Ring + Tear of the Goddess, and he has also used TP, which proves that he went back to the city for supplies.

If Ryze hadn't made the 'Tear of the Goddess' as early as possible and had to go back to the city for supplies, would this Reaper really be able to hit everything without missing a single hit? A monster, right?

Because the laning pressure in the bottom lane was relatively strong, Meiko didn't pay much attention to the top lane before.

So, he could only cast his puzzled eyes on the factory manager.

"How did he do that?"

"This is a good question. The factory manager nodded seriously and whispered,"The good thing is that this question touches on my blind spot in knowledge."

"I don't know how he somehow managed to get almost thirty bucks out of Dashu."

If Qijiang didn't have to use his hands to operate the keyboard and mouse, he would probably do his signature hand-spreading gesture and make up a Bible on the spot.


The game was still going on, so it was inconvenient to talk about this kind of off-field stuff. Meiko could only suppress his doubts and decided to watch the replay after the game.

In fact, the factory manager had some guesses about Reaper's terrifying growth ability.

‘Probably... because of the troops. '

This time, the factory manager, who stayed in the upper jungle for a long time to ensure the development of the middle and upper lanes, spent 70% of his time staring at the movement in his line of sight, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Many times, when he cast his eyes on the upper lane, the troops were basically stuck in front of the blue side's (EDG) first tower.

That position is very delicate.



"How come you are being suppressed by so many knives?"

You don't know until you see it. You are shocked when you see it. Mid laner Yumi just realized the astonishing difference in last-hitting in the top lane and couldn't help but ask this old partner who has been fighting with him in the world championship since S4.

"There's nothing we can do, this line of troops is too difficult."

The top laner Kele replied with a depressed look on his face.

"How on earth did this guy control the minion line... It was too tricky. I didn't dare to last hit many times. Clearlove also kept popping up nearby. I didn't dare to go up to exchange blood."The minion line in front of the enemy tower is the most uncomfortable minion line for every top laner.

In this position, the minion line can neither enter the enemy tower nor push back to the team. If you go up to last hit, you will be easily ganked by the enemy jungler.

Especially in this game, Clearlove put too much pressure on the top lane and could launch an attack upwards at any time. Many times, the big tree didn't dare to go up to eat.

Facing this kind of minion line, the safest way to deal with it is to rather take a set of skills from the opponent, but also to grit your teeth and force the line, push the minion line into the enemy tower in the shortest time, and then leave quickly.

Coke did this. He had two Doran's equipments and the big tree could clear the back row of soldiers with one EQ.

But soon, the next wave of minion lines... Ryze blocked the minion line again.

It was uncomfortable.

It was too uncomfortable.

The King team follows the old Royal Club system, which is the traditional LPL mid-bottom protection style. The jungler will never give too many resources to the top lane. Compared with the treatment of the opponent's Ryze in this game, Cola's Treant is just like an orphan.

Fortunately, he is playing Treant, so even if he lags behind in development, he can still survive in the line. He can also survive in team fights, otherwise the gap of thirty knives behind will directly explode in the line.

Clever line control skills...

The hero Treant can't put pressure on the opponent's line...

The opponent's top lane vision is very good, and his own jungler can't gank...

Clearlove's living in the upper jungle area caused ganking pressure on Treant...

All the above factors made him fall behind by thirty knives without realizing it.

Of course, the most important factor for Ryze to have so many knives is only one

‘How did this guy practice his basic skills of last-hitting? It's too detailed!……’

Kele buried this emotion deep in his heart, but his pride as a professional player prevented him from saying it to his teammates.

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