"Probably got sniped."

After taking a look at the Korean server Rank list, Chen Ziyou said with certainty.

The current score structure of the top five Korean servers is very subtle.

First place: Reaper9, Rank score: 1688

Second place: Reaper8, Rank score: 1601

Third place: Dopa4, Rank score: 1470

Fourth place: Reaper7, Rank score: 1463

Fifth place is The-Shy, whose Korean server ID is a string of Korean characters and Rank score is 1461.

The current score means that whoever wins the next game first among the third, fourth and fifth place players will become the third place in the list.

Dopa used to rush for points in the afternoon, and rarely played so late.

"Don't you want to fight a protracted war? That's exactly what I want."

Chen Ziyou smiled.

He is no longer obsessed with the Rank game, and his focus has gradually shifted to the game. He is still playing just for the"promise" he made to the audience before.

And Dopa... was banned from the LCK for a hundred years, and he was also banned as a punishment, so he has no way to play in the Korean server for a long time.

Basically, each of his accounts will be banned by the Korean server officials within a month.

This time, he can maintain the top few in the Korean server for so long, which is already a"special treatment".

I'm afraid that the Korean server operator also hopes that Dopa can regain the title of the first in the Korean server, so he has chosen to wait and see for the time being, turning a blind eye.

"Let's use this to decide the outcome."If he wins this time, Chen Ziyou will successfully occupy the top three seats in the Korean server and fulfill his promise to the audience and fans.

After that, he will devote himself to the game wholeheartedly, and will only play casually in the Rank game. In this game, Chen Ziyou and Pwan were ranked on the red side. At this time, the other nine players on the field had chosen their heroes, and only Chen Ziyou had not yet chosen.


"This lineup is so luxurious.……"

"Yes, the opponents have Dopa's Zed, the-shy's Nidalee, and Marin's Rumble, all of whom are signature players. It's amazing.……"

"The best Nidalee in Korea, the best Rambo in Korea, wow!"

"R God's side is not bad either, with Pwan and Faker……"

"Phew, are you sure that Guapi’s auxiliary Minotaur is not bad?"

"Why do I feel like Reaper is going to be in trouble?……"

Chen Ziyou also glanced at the ID of his own Minotaur, his face full of helplessness.

After the Canyon of Heroes server came out, there was a type of high-ranking player called"Canyon Ghost".

When they play the position they are good at, they are Super Carry passers-by gods.

And once they play the position they are not good at, they are terrifying... idiots.

Li Ge's auxiliary robot Thresh is okay, but Minotaur... EMMMMM, it is not an exaggeration to call him a Korean server ghost.

Chen Ziyou knew that Faker was not acting secretly, but he has always been quite casual and willful in playing ranked.

If there is a mid laner, he will play mid, if there is no mid laner, he will fill in the position. He will play whatever he wants and does not care about the points at all.

Are you angry?

Of course.

But looking at the ID, the Korean teammate dares to be angry but not to speak.

Faker in a"serious" state like the last time he met Chen Ziyou is rare.

"Are you laning against Rambo?……"

Chen Ziyou scrolled the mouse.

Riven and Fiora were already banned, and the weapon... was too dependent on teammates.

It was you.

Chen Ziyou locked the avatar of a giant beast.

"——"Welcome to the catastrophe!!"

Desert Butcher Renekton, commonly known as Crocodile.

Just this morning, the Korean version was updated.

The content of the update is the weakening of several tank heroes, and... Crocodile's rework.

The changes to the Crocodile's rework are not big. Like the rework of the Sword Demon in S9, most of the skill effects remain unchanged, but the gameplay mechanism has changed.

The rework of Crocodile is a change in the rage mechanism.

——The rage gained by Crocodile when attacking a minion, and the amount of health restored when attacking a minion are reduced.

——The rage gained by Crocodile A hero and the health restored when Q hero are greatly increased.

——When W and E skills hit a hero, they will immediately restore 10 rage points. The amount of health restored by Q skill has increased from the original (0.12 additional AD bonus) to"0.36", an increase of nearly 0.4 coefficient.


Simply put, the rage mechanism of the crocodile now makes the crocodile more confrontational in the early stage, with stronger burst and combo, and endless rage in team battles.

Before the revision, the crocodile could only produce one black cut at most, and then it would have to start switching to tank equipment. After two large items, it began to go downhill.

But the new version of the crocodile is different, he has the possibility of producing output equipment...

Of course, now there are very few people who can see that the crocodile is going the"output equipment" route.

In the eyes of many professional players, the main role of the crocodile at this time is still to assume the responsibility of a tank, but the output has been slightly enhanced.

This is not because professional players and professional teams are too stupid, but the conditions have not yet been gathered.

……What conditions?

Suitable equipment.

Before the S5 revision, there was no absolute"warrior" in League of Legends. It was either a tank or an attack.

The reason is simple. There was no equipment in the entire League of Legends store that was"both tanky and attackable". The only dung fork that met the standard (Halberd of Atama) was removed as early as last season.

For the top position, you can either equip it with pure attack equipment or tank equipment...

Want to be both tanky and attackable?

Sure, you have one more big item economy than the opponent, so you can equip it in any way.

If you are ahead of the opponent with an Infinity or a Berserker, you will certainly be both tanky and attackable.

But with the same equipment, it doesn't exist.

To use the words used in history textbooks, the rework of Crocodile is a signal that the era of"heavy armor warriors" has arrived...

In the following versions, Fiora, Gangplank, Noxus, Iron Man, and Crystal Vanguard will be reworked one after another, and equipment suitable for"heavy armor warriors" will also be released in the world version.

By then, it will be a version that truly belongs to"heavy armor warriors, top order is king!"

The sun is strong, and everything is visible.

In that version, a top laner without the ability to carry would be reduced to a fish on the chopping board, at the mercy of others.

Chen Ziyou remembers the changes during this period very clearly.

Because, in his previous life, it was during this period that he officially started playing top lane.

The lineups of both sides were locked.

Blue side (Dopa's side) - Red side (Chen Ziyou's side)

Top laner: Rumble vs. Crocodile.

Jungle: Nidalee vs. Lee Sin.

Mid laner: Card vs. Ryze.

ADC: Jinx vs. Lucian

Support: Janna vs. Alistar



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