"This Jayce is a bit annoying."

Marin frowned. He walked from the defense tower to the line of soldiers. In such a short distance, he was secretly hit twice by Jayce, and was hit by a cannon-shaped Q.

Marin also played Jayce, so he naturally knew that this was Jace's unique way of playing.

But when Jayce appeared on the opposite side, he still felt disgusted.

What happened in front of him was one of the reasons why Jayce was so dominant when he went to the top lane.

In fact, if there is no consumption, no blood volume and equipment advantages, and he just goes head-on, the strength of the hero Jayce is not outstanding. There are many heroes who can beat him. Just from this point of view, it is far from being evaluated as"invincible in laning ability" (you can try to open the customization yourself. If you stand and shoot, Jayce is actually not strong))

Jayce's advantage in the top lane is his long arms and flexibility, while his advantage in the middle lane is his high-intensity poke and physical burst. For top lane heroes with short arms, if you want to last hit, you have to eat Jayce's A+ skill consumption to reduce your health. Do you want to rush in and hit me? Switch to hammer form and use E to knock away, and you won't have a chance to exchange blood at all.

Jayce can frequently go in and out of the bushes, lose vision, and not attract the hatred of the minions.

When your health is consumed to the kill line, Jayce will switch to hammer form to fight hard.

This is Jayce's early play style, which is quite rogue.

No matter how good the top laner is, facing the same level of Jayce, he can only avoid being killed alone. When his health is consumed to the kill line, he will go home to replenish supplies, and then be suppressed in last hits and economy, lose the line right, and can't support the jungler.

Of course, there are ways to crack it.

Put a ward in the bushes, the minions will not lose vision, and then stand close to the river, and Jayce will not be so easy to consume you.

But then, problems arise.

In the early stage, there is only one trinket ward, and it is placed in the bush in front of the opponent. How can we prevent the gank from the jungler?

At the same time, standing close to the river makes it easier to be ganked by the jungler.

LOL is a five-player game, not a 1v1 solo laning. There are too many things to consider. Let’s not talk about the low-end games. The junglers in the Korean server’s king’s game are all smart. Even if you have vision, as long as they know the ward position, they will find a way to go around the vision to catch you, not to mention that you have no vision at all.

Especially when thinking about the opponent’s jungler is Clearlove, Marin would rather take a few basic attacks and be suppressed a few more times than to randomly place wards.

Fortunately, he started with a crystal bottle, which can withstand pressure to some extent.

Of course, there is a very simple and rough way to deal with Jayce.

"Shanjiu, help me catch it."

Marin chose to call for help.

Facing the request of the oldest brother in the team, Blank was willing to do it. He replied:

"When I reach level 3 and get the red and blue buffs, I will go there immediately."


Marin nodded, carefully last-hitting, keeping his distance, and trying to avoid Jayce's health pressure.

Even so, when Blank controlled the prince to the top lane, the centaur only had about two-thirds of his health, while the opponent's Jayce was full of health.

"Man, this lane is a bit hard to gank! If they get counter-ganked, it will explode."

Blank said in embarrassment.

"There is no way. He controls the lane at level 1, and I have to use Q to last hit, so I will definitely push it over."Marin also knew that this lane could not be caught in a short time, so he sighed and said,"Help me set up vision and go help other lanes. After I push this lane, I will go to the jungle to kill some stone men. I will resist the pressure this time... This Reaper is really a ruthless person. He is too meticulous in laning. I heard that he has hardly been caught by the jungler."

Marin decided to resist the pressure this time.

This version of Slag Giant is very buggy.

The advantage of punishing Centaur is that even if it is a pressure-resistant game with a change of lanes, it can make up for the development by brushing the jungle. After the red punishment is released, not only can the jungle be brushed without damage, but also the dual effects of damage reduction and true damage can be caused by punishing the opponent's C position. 400 health points, the damage reduction of the red punishment, plus the 25% extra health bonus of the Slag Giant.

It can be said that the developed Punishing Centaur is completely different from Jayce in team battles.

There is no need to completely compete online, just be stronger than you in team battles.


Blank nodded. That was the only way.

However, Marin didn't expect that just after Blank left his vision, a level 3 excavator in the blue team's top lane triangle grass, used the E skill to dig a hole, and came to the front of the defense tower.

Ganking from behind the triangle grass, the classic ganking position of the Void Burrower Rek'Sai

"It's over."

Marin frowned, knowing that he had no chance of escaping this wave, but he still wanted to struggle.

However, how could a level 2 Centaur without flash escape this kind of gank?

Without any fancy operations, the excavator walked in front of the Centaur in a simple way, knocked him up and slowed him down, aqqq full anger e, Jayce didn't even want to switch to hammer form to fight, he hit a few times, calculated the damage, and a QE enhanced cannon, perfectly took down (Kobe)'s head and got the first blood.

"The timing of this appearance was too clever, completely avoiding vision, worthy of Clearlove."

Marin shook his head.

This season, this version of Clearlove is too strong, even in the Korean division, his legend is spreading. The new jungle mechanism revised in S5 is almost tailor-made for him, testing the efficiency of jungle clearing and awareness of counter-camping... This is also the biggest reason why EDG was able to defeat SKT in the subsequent MSI.

On the other hand, Chen Ziyou and Mingkai both thought it was normal.

When the team's top laner picked Jayce, the jungler who didn't come to help the top lane gank was stupid, and the jungler who didn't help the top laner counter-camp was stupid, even Sorry, jungler who doesn't even help with vision, please go to the second tree to get his mother.

The nature of Jayce's hero is that he has no natural enemy in the laning phase, and his ability to snowball when the wind is favorable is unstoppable.

But disadvantages are absolutely not allowed.

Even if he can't kill the opponent alone, his last hits, level, and health status must be stronger than the opponent's top laner.

Once selected, there is only C or jumping, no mixing.

If the jungler doesn't raise a father who can be C, does he really only play jungle?

However, it must be said that Qijiang's timing of this gank was too clever.

Chen Ziyou posted a line of praise on the public screen.



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