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All professional players have a strong ability to think in other people's shoes.

When some anchors play in a segment lower than their own strength, they will comment on the game while playing.

The opponent has someone behind him this time, he will definitely come up to fight me this time, he will go to the top lane to support this time, he will use flash...

Tell the audience in advance how I will deal with it and how to show him off, the show effect will be explosive.

Only when you are much stronger than the opponent, you can predict the opponent's actions so calmly, and tell them how to play first, and then go up to kill according to the script.

But as the opponent's level gets higher and higher, this kind of thinking and behavior will become more and more difficult to predict.

In the confrontation of the same level, advance calculations can only determine 30% of the situation.

Just like this wave of top and jungle fighting, the situation was completely beyond everyone's calculations.

Chen Ziyou shouted jungle at the beginning, and even just wanted to force the flash away.

The key to the remaining 70% is to deal with it on the spot-!

Only after a large number of games have been accumulated, and the details of various confrontations have been imprinted in the mind, and after combining experience and hundreds of operations to form physical instincts, can a counter-kill be completed in a subtle confrontation of 0.1 seconds. Sometimes even the players are driven by instinct and make operations that shock the world, and they may not be able to reproduce them in their entire lives. - (For example, two Jies)

The instincts that have been tempered through thousands of times are very important for e-sports that involve subtle reaction confrontations. Only when a hero is engraved into the instinct can it be said to be"mastered".

In Rank, you dare to play any hero, and you can kill any hero, but in the competition, there are always a few players who are proficient in heroes.


"This monster."

Marin felt that he had some psychological trauma with the ID Reaper.

"How did he train his Crocodile?"

The Crocodile's skills haven't changed, but the mechanics have changed a lot. The gameplay combos can be said to be different from that of a hero.

How did Reaper train his Crocodile to such perfection in less than a day?

There seems to be an EDG match in LPL today, right?

Reaper couldn't have had time to train his Crocodile before.

In other words, this was his first time playing the new version of Crocodile.

Could it be that someone's talent is so strong that he can beat himself in the first game of a new hero?

Marin, who couldn't guess the truth about the 'Reborn', couldn't help but demonize Chen Ziyou in his heart... So much so that when the troops were pushed into the tower by the Crocodile, he barely reacted and smelled a hint of danger. It was too late.

The moment he entered the tower, the Crocodile activated [Ultimate Domination (R)】

"——I will fulfill your dream with my own hands."

The blind monk stuck to the side of the crocodile like a lackey, looking at Rambo under the tower with a smile.

Here I come again!

Marin interrupted the situation, and it was a desperate fact. It seemed that he couldn't leave at all, and could only wait to die...

As expected.

The crocodile first used AW to stun him, and the blind monk took the opportunity to make up for the damage with a combo, and Rambo died on the spot without any resistance.

And the crocodile used the red fury Q+segment E to get out of the tower, and even his health was

"The top lane is gone this time, the breakthrough is too big."

Twisted Fate just reached level 6, Dopa glanced at the top lane, and after a calm judgment, he immediately gave up the idea of supporting.

Twisted Fate + Bo can't kill Crocodile, even if Nidalee is added, the result is still questionable.

But, it's just a collapse all the way, it's definitely not a sure loss. After playing Rank for so many years, Dopa has seen many games where three lanes collapsed and then turned around in the ranking.

Although the top lane collapsed in this game, the jungle Nidalee has the advantage, the mid lane is evenly matched, and the bottom lane is also slightly advantageous...


Unknowingly, the bottom lane has suppressed the opponent by more than ten knives.

Wind Girl + Cs, two soft girls, suppressed Lucian + Minotaur.

There is no way, the Minotaur of a certain idiot mid laner is poisonous.

Li Xianghe is very skilled in using the WQ combo of Minotaur. Countless mid lane heroes are played so well. He has no pressure to control a hero like Minotaur, and even showed off a WQ flash. It looks cool, but it is meaningless if the timing is wrong, and you will get beaten up.

Bottom lane, you can tear open a breakthrough.

Dopa judged.

Eight minutes into the game, Lee Sin cooperated with Crocodile to kill Rambo by crossing the tower. Seeing Lee Sin showing up in the top lane, Nidalee started to steal the little dragon.

Eight and a half minutes later, the moment the little dragon's death sound effect appeared, Card used the Eye of Destiny to gank the bottom lane.

The two Cs on the blue side each got a kill.

At ten minutes, Rambo was trained again, and the kill was taken by Crocodile again, and the top lane tower was directly destroyed.

·······Request flowers·······

Lee Sin's mentality changed from the initial confidence of"I can carry this game too" to now"Top lane is the boss", completely impressed by Reaper's operation in the 2v2 between top and jungle.

Helping such a strong top laner, we will definitely win!

Eleven minutes into the game, Twisted Fate + LeBron once again siege the bottom lane.

This time, Li Ge's Alistar finally showed off, using R to take tons of damage for his teammates, and using the control skills of WQ appropriately.

With the support of Ryze from General Pwan, this wave of bottom lane barely won 2 for 3.

Pwan got two kills, but... the enemy Jinx got a triple kill!

‘Dopa consciously gave the kill to Jinx……’..........

Chen Ziyou discovered this.

It's not that Jinx is so strong that Dopa should protect her, but that the lineup needs it.

Rumble + Twilight Sparkle + Card, the blue team's lineup is too AP-oriented. In the late game, the red team's magic resistance is too strong, and the blue team can't fight at all.

Especially when Rumble, the most important in the mid-term team battle, collapsed, it directly led to the lack of output on Dopa's side.

They really need to raise Jinx to make up for the lack of AD output.

In the next ten minutes, both sides fought around the crocodile in the top lane and Jinx in the bottom lane.

Card + Twilight Sparkle led the rhythm and fattened up Jinx, and Chen Ziyou was not to be outdone, with smooth combos, complete control of anger, superhuman awareness, and domineering against many.

There was a wave of The-Shy's Leopard Woman and the auxiliary Wind Woman roaming to the top lane to try to catch him, but he flashed a full anger combo to kill Wind Woman in seconds, and cruelly fought one against three, smashing their heads, and only the most flexible Leopard Woman escaped in the end.


This game is still a bit difficult.

Because, on the red side, except for Crocodile, the other four players' records are basically negative. On the blue side, except for Rumble who collapsed in the top lane, the other four positions are all advantageous, and Jinx's economy is not inferior to Crocodile at all, the difference is only the level of the single lane.

The longer the time drags on, the more advantages the blue side has.

After the revision of Crocodile, although the burst and combat power have been greatly enhanced, from the perspective of the growth curve, this is still a pre-mid-term hero... a few..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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