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Game time, 25 minutes, EDG launched the last wave of attack, Snake was unable to resist, the crystal main fort exploded

"Let us congratulate EDG for their perfect 13-0 record and shutout of Snake."Changmao said

"A shutout is really exaggerated. A shutout in a game means that the two teams have a huge gap in their status in this game. It can even be said that the entire EDG team did not make even one mistake. Their top and jungle performances were amazing. Reaper beat Saint Spear alone, which was completely different from the previous game."Xiaomi said. Xiaomi spoke his mind unconsciously, but Changmao felt it was a bit abrupt.

These words could easily be understood by the audience as"Koro is worse than Reaper"...

Regardless of whether this is true or not, the Chinese have always advocated the doctrine of the mean, and these words are not appropriate and may be blasted by fans on Weibo.

As the controller, Changmao quickly tried to smooth things over:

"I think this has something to do with EDG's tactical choice. Have you noticed that when EDG sends Reaper, they always like to play around the top lane. When Koro or AJ are rotated, EDG plays the mid and bottom double C system that they are very familiar with. Coincidentally, Snake is a team that focuses on the top lane. When Saint Gunge is out of power, Snake is completely silent."

"This Snake was tactically restrained, so he appeared to be powerless to resist.~"

Although it was about controlling the game, Changmao's words really saw through the situation of the game, which made many people suddenly realize.

Many viewers always felt that EDG was different from the past, especially after Reaper came on the court, it was like two different teams, but they couldn't tell what the difference was.

"Hey, the director's data came out, and sure enough, the MVP of this game is still Reaper!"

On the big screen of the game, Chen Ziyou's personal photo appeared again.

The luxurious record of 6/0/7 attracted everyone's attention.


"Another 100% participation rate, all 13 kills were related to Olaf"

"This means that Reaper not only gained an advantage in the line, but also became the rhythm engine of the team."

"Wow, the data shows that Reaper has played four small games since his debut, and he has achieved MVP-level performance in each game. So far, he has 4 MVPs, ranking first in the MVP list."

Changmao and Xiaomi were more and more surprised. Except for the period when LPL was just starting, after the league matured, there has never been a new player who could play such dominant data and performance right after his debut.

"However, to be honest, there is a gap in hard power between these three teams and EDG. For Reaper, a new player, next week's game will be a real test."

Changmao raised the suspense and sold tickets for next week's game. Xiaomi also responded:

"Yes, EDG’s next game will be against IG, a veteran and powerful team in our league!"



——IG base.

Because EDG is the opponent next week, all IG members are watching the game between EDG and Snake, and the data analyst is constantly recording something.

"This Reaper is too strong, Liu Zhihao, can you hold up?"

Xiao Hai Youshen, who plays the ADC position, laughed.

In S3, Xiao Hai Youshen, the ADC player of IG team, and Zzitai, the mid laner, were collectively known as the Gemini Stars of IG...

When they debuted, they were both well-known talented players.

However, their performance in professional competitions was not satisfactory.

Xiao Hai's hands trembled during competitions, and Zzitai got carried away easily, and the two always ruined a good game at the critical moment.

Magneto, Chinese Sturgeon, Lost, Geminis blocking the atomic bomb for Principal Wang... and other nicknames and stalks made the title of genius become unworthy of the name.

In S5, the arrival of Rookie replaced Zzitai's position as the starting mid laner of IG. In order to get a chance to play, Zzitai had to transform to play top lane

·······Request flowers·······

The twin stars have become a thing of the past.

But it must be said that Zzitai's transformation to the road has given him a second spring in his career.

In the S5 period, the top laners were all blue-collar heroes, not famous for their"operations". When a mid-laner like him who is proficient in assassins plays a tank hero, there will always be some very fine details of the operation, which makes people shine.

"You have to support me even if you can't." Zizi curled his lips and said,"Don't talk nonsense to me, Ge Yan, have you figured out how to beat Deft? Don't let your hands shake, or you'll get beaten again."

In the spring season, IG lost to EDG 0:3 in the semifinals. The biggest problem was not only the team's core Rookie's silence when facing Pwan's army, but also because of Deft's super performance. Mr. Dai's teamfight output and personal development were ahead of Xiaohai Youshen in every game...........

"……Let’s not talk about this, we are still good brothers."

The kid looked gloomy.

There was something wrong with his mentality when playing the game, and he knew it without anyone reminding him.

However, this illusory"mentality" cannot be corrected just by saying it.

Once the thought comes to mind, the knot in the heart may be untied in the next second, but it is also possible that the whole career will not be able to get out of it.

After the post-match summary, the IG coach said:"The regular season does not put much pressure on EDG. They are now trying to run in the strongest lineup. If nothing unexpected happens, EDG will also use the top single rotation method to play the game next week. In the game with Koro, we played normally. In the game with Repaer, I have an idea"

"The top-core system with Reaper as the core has a shortcoming."

PoohManDu, commonly known as Fu Mandu, is a former SKT champion support player. He came to IG as a coach this year.

With the help of the translator, everyone in IG also understood what he said.


Fu Manduo raised his glasses and said,"Reaper has a weakness that we can target."

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