"So that's it!"

Mingkai's eyes lit up, his expression suddenly realized, and he was also a little surprised.

"This guy... is he too greedy and too confident! ?"

Not only Mingkai, but all ten players present are Korean champions, with a very deep understanding of the game. Almost all of them instantly realized the beauty of this TP.

In case ①, if Jayce chooses to TP the moment when Marin's side starts to kill the dragon, then he can indeed protect the dragon without any risk, making the opponent afraid to act rashly.

But in that case, Jayce's solo laning without TP is not unsolvable, and it will give the opponent at least five minutes of development time...

This result is undoubtedly a loss.

In case ②, when Marin's side is halfway through killing the dragon, TPing down may kill one or two people, but when the adc is lost and the opponent's lineup has Tsar and Annie, it will be difficult for Chen Ziyou to take down the dragon.

There is also the risk of the dragon being snatched by the prince...

This result is a small profit.

After the TP was strengthened in the S4 season, almost every top laner had a teleport.

The degree of understanding and application of the summoner skill TP is also a criterion for measuring whether a top laner is good or not.

In this case, an excellent and experienced top laner would at most choose situation ②.

But this Reaper is different...

He chose to TP down after he had destroyed the high ground and the opponent had killed the Baron.

This is - situation ③!

The meaning of this behavior is very clear.

——If I destroy your high ground and kill all your people... what does it matter if you take the Baron?

He wants to get a high ground and five kills for nothing!

"Ah Xi!"

Marin frantically signaled his teammates to retreat while cursing.

This guy's playing style is too crazy and too confident, right?

But it must be said that Jayce's tp was like a thorn in their throat, making them very uncomfortable. The

Centaur Prince did not have a big move, and their health and mana were in very poor condition after killing the big dragon. They could not accept this team fight at all.

Even if they accepted it, they could not win.

They could only retreat.

In this wave, as long as more than three people survived, it was a profit. If two people survived, it was not a loss.

If only one person survived, he could defend the home with the help of the dragon seed and continue to develop.

If the team was wiped out... a high ground and five heads were given away for free, the sky collapsed and the earth broke, and the game was completely over.

"Want to run!? All of you stay here!"

Mingkai's eyes flashed with a strange light. As the founder of EDG's never-destroyed team, how could he not see the thoughts of the little bastards on the opposite side. He controlled the excavator E to enter the dragon pit, flashed to push up the Tsar and the wheel mother, and interrupted the Tsar's operation of WEQ on the wall. And the ice girl and Braum also hurriedly entered the field, using their respective skills to deal sufficient AOE damage


Lissandra's R skill froze the Desert Emperor into an ice sculpture, freezing the entire dragon pit.

"You can always trust Braum!"

At the moment when the opponent focused on his squishy mid laner, Braum raised his shield and moved forward, using the shield wall to block tons of damage for his teammates.

At the same time, he jumped high and slammed the ground with his shield, creating a glacial crack, knocking away the Centaur Prince and the Tsar, but was blocked by the Wheel Mother with E.


The Queen of Monsters from the void screamed, as if cursing someone.

The Queen's Wrath madly hit Annie, and Thresh quickly used his E skill to throw Rek'Sai away, and activated his R skill to protect his own ADC.

A fierce fight unfolded in the dragon pit, and the health of both sides dropped madly.

""Let's go!"

SKT's top and jungle had very clear ideas, and they couldn't take on this team fight.

The Centaur, who had no ultimate and no flash, couldn't run away, and could only choose to cover his teammates, but the Prince, who had EQ, still had hope of escape.

After breaking free from Braum's knock-up control, Blank used EQ to climb onto the dragon pit without hesitation. The Desert Emperor, who had escaped from Lissandra's Frozen Tomb, quickly used his R skill [Wall of the Forbidden Guards] to push the two away, flashed to the dragon pit with a sliver of health, and fled with the Prince... The figures of the emperor and the prince running away looked very much like the scene of 'letting the leader go first'.


The tall, rich and handsome man from Piltover, who appeared with a red whirlwind, completely shattered their hope of escape. As soon as the TP landed, Jayce suddenly activated Phantom Dream, accelerated to run for two steps, and suddenly flashed to close the distance.

"——Electric energy surges!"

This flash-powered electromagnetic cannon killed the unrelated emperor and prince.

Without wasting any time, Jayce turned around and headed for the dragon pit the moment he fired the QE combo.

Because they all wanted to escape, the five blue team members were very close to the wall above the dragon pit, and at this time they were only separated from Jayce by a wall.


Switch to Hammer Form!

As usual, Jayce switches to Hammer Form after activating his W skill [Supercharge] in Cannon Form.

No doubt, Jayce will use Sky Leap next, leap into the dragon pit, and instantly hit WRQWAAAE explosive output.

This is Jayce's classic combo.

But because it is classic, it can be predicted


The Reaper of Souls turned a circle, and the Shackle Warden, who had been holding back his Q skill, made his move.

As a Korean server king who specialized in support, he had very clear ideas. He would not simply give all his control skills to the Ice Maiden, Excavator and others who came up to delay time. He kept his Q skill and waited for Jayce, who was the most threatening, to enter the field. As long as Jayce's Q skill Sky Leap was interrupted, they would have a chance to escape after clearing Lissandra and others in the dragon pit!


Jayce's movement speed was too fast!

Phantom Dream + Speed Gate + R skill transformation 1.5s acceleration made Jayce's movement speed as high as 500 at this time.

Fast movement speed means... it is much easier to dodge skills.

The Thresh player's calculation was very successful. The battlefield was in chaos. Chen Ziyou didn't expect the opponent to have hidden this trick, and he was completely unprepared.

However, the super reaction power obtained after rebirth allowed Chen Ziyou to see the forward trajectory of this hook clearly.

Relying purely on reaction, turning his head 90 degrees, Jayce narrowly avoided the detection range of Thresh's Q skill. In the desperate eyes of Annie and Thresh standing together, he raised his Hextech hammer high, jumped across the sky, and slammed it down!

The Q skill plus two basic attacks instantly evaporated Annie's health.

Basic attacks, basic attacks, and E skills killed Thresh with a percentage.

With the sound of quadra-kill, Jayce's body flashed with thunder, raised the transformed cannon, and walked towards the Centaur who was stunned by Braum's passive and was struggling to death.

"One wrong step, all wrong steps!"

After the cooldown of the Q skill was over, Jayce used a ray of light with armor-piercing thunder, and harvested the last head on the battlefield!


Jayce, who TPed down, completed the harvest like a god descending from heaven.

This extremely shocking scene made the audience in the live broadcast room scalp numb and goose bumps all over their body.

In a trance, many viewers somehow thought of Chen Ziyou's self-introduction at the beginning of the live broadcast.

"The ID Reaper means reaper in English.……"

The young man once said so.

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