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"Swift's Gragas went to the top lane, but it didn't look like he was ganking, but helping the Troll push the line and relieve the pressure... Tsk, in just ten minutes, the Troll was suppressed so much, and he even went home once in the middle. Reaper's laning suppression is still as terrifying as ever."Miller said.

The Troll went home this time and finally made the 1,200-yuan Ghost Cloak.

The only passive of this equipment is that after suffering damage from the enemy hero, it provides 150 basic life recovery for the carrier, which is very useful for both pressure resistance and blood exchange.

After getting this equipment, it will be much easier to face the consumption of the long-handed mage.

As for Chen Ziyou, his health has always been almost full, and there was no need to go home before.

After eating this wave of soldiers under the tower, he went home for the first time.

Since the opponent has updated the equipment, you must also keep the equipment ahead to continue to suppress.

In S6, Semb's Kennen's"217" move 'Sky Thunder Destruction' shocked the world, making Kennen instantly a hot topic in the version and the arena. Riot had to urgently weaken this hero. The AP bonus of various skills was cut, the 'electric shock frequency' of the ultimate move was reduced, and the damage directly declined by several levels. This hero instantly became T3.

Although AD Kennen's routine was developed later, it can only be regarded as a surprise move and cannot become the mainstream of a version like the top lane Ekko.

Chen Ziyou naturally went for AP.

This time, Kennen was chosen to make up for the lack of AP damage of the two AD heroes, Varus and EZ, in the middle and bottom lanes.

In the current version, Kennen's AP equipment is also the most cost-effective way line.

However, there is a reason why Kennen has never become a T1 favorite in the arena and has always been in an awkward position. He can only be selected as a spare hero when"there are no heroes to take, make up for some AP output, take Kennen".

The reason is simple... this hero is too slow.

Kennen can only come out when the three major items, mask, Zhongya, and hat, are missing.

Without magic penetration, the tank cannot be suppressed in the line.

Without Zhongya, the body is too fragile and it is easy to die in a team fight.

Without a hat, the damage is very embarrassing and cannot pose a threat to the squishy.

Without one of these three big items, Kennen lacks the effect of making the final decision in a team fight.

Compared with the convenience of Rambo who can join the team with a magic penetration mask, Kennen is a bit hesitant.

‘There is no rocket belt transition in this version, which is also the reason why Kennen has to carry a three-piece suit. '

Chen Ziyou thought to himself.

When he played Ekko before, he felt a little uncomfortable without the rocket belt.

However, it does not affect his performance.

As a truly high-skilled and hard-working player, even if there are fewer small props to assist, and there is no rocket belt to help push the waist and charge forward, he can still make the opponent feel so comfortable that he can't breathe, and electrocute the opponent's whole body.

Kennen, the first priority is development.

You can suppress, but don't be too murderous.

After the small mask + shoes came out, Chen Ziyou took out another extraction.

The price of this extraction is exactly the economy that Kennen suppresses the number of trolls.

It is equivalent to getting it for free.

By taking the lead in the economy through last-hitting, and then waiting for another ten minutes of last-hitting, the three hundred yuan will appreciate in value, and doubling is the minimum.

Seeing Kennen with this equipment, V was angry

‘A financial expert? I'm impressed……’

Because this means that even if he develops without missing a single hit from Qi, when he finishes 100 hits with extraction, this Kennen will be at least 1,000 gold ahead of him.

And can he not miss a single hit?

No. If he continues to be suppressed, when Kennen comes out, he will be at least 2,000 gold behind.

This is equivalent to the price of half an Infinity.

Money is omnipotent.

Even if you have an Infinity with Uzi, Uzi can't beat you.


"QG is having a hard time opening up the situation!"

Miller analyzed the situation carefully and suddenly said

"Then I realized why QG couldn't play out their proud 'ganking system'. It wasn't just because EDG's mid and jungle played well, the main reason was this Kennen!"

"What?"Xiaomi opened his eyes wide.

Is Brother Miller going to praise Reaper?

I know Reaper is very popular now, and there will definitely be a lot of audiences who will like to hear him praise him...

But you can't praise him awkwardly...

Why don't I see what this has to do with Kennen?

"Because Kennen never used TP!"

After all, Miller is a veteran commentator for many years. Although his rank is not high, he can see it clearly.

——Which one is more important, the top lane or the bottom lane?

The LPL style is undoubtedly inclined to the bottom lane.

However, everyone knows that the top laner is the backbone of the team. In the interval of ten to twenty-five minutes, the conversion rate between the economy and combat power of the top lane is the highest, and it is the most important point in the team battle.

After establishing an advantage, the top laner can take the initiative in destroying towers, taking dragons, and invading the jungle. With TP in hand, the opponent does not even dare to take the initiative to start a battle in the bottom lane.........

One person can influence the overall situation. The dark force OMG in its heyday is an example. Xiaosan's laning ability is far inferior to Uzi, Namei, and Weixiao. He was pressed under the tower and consumed a lot of energy. He fell behind in last-hitting, but no one would ever force a kill on OMG's bottom lane.

Because the opponent's top laner has TP.

If the top laner with an advantage comes down, one person can play the role of two people in the early stage.

Within ten minutes of the game, QG failed to open a breakthrough in the bottom lane...

After those ten minutes, Kennen's damage was initially formed, and he kept holding TP, so they had even less chance.

Although the current situation cannot be called"chronic death", QG is indeed tied up and can't play their own style at all.

Kennen, who was 0/0/0, became a thorn in QG's flesh, making them extremely uncomfortable.

Competition has never been about"getting heads and single kills". This is what can be called Carry.

This invisible deterrent power and effect are often more uncomfortable.

"No, we have to knock down Kennen's TP!"

When the team was in a stalemate, Doinb took the initiative to step forward and command, livening up the atmosphere.

After coming to China, he found that there were so many opportunities, life was so bright, Alipay and WeChat were extremely convenient, he adapted very well to life in this country, learned Chinese very quickly, and recently started dating a local girl.

He wanted to win, wanted to be famous, wanted to make money from live streaming to support his wife!

Take the blame?

It doesn't matter.

Just winning is fine

"1.7Swift, let's gank the top lane together! V. Did you notice where the opponent's wards are? We'll go around them later.……"

He spoke loudly, arranging the battle plan in a rambling manner, and did not notice Swift's slightly frowning eyes.

In fact, Swift has always disliked this guy's optimistic, self-acquainted, and noisy personality.

However, the current QG team's performance is good enough to cover up all the trivial contradictions.

"I'll go over after I finish clearing this group of junglers!" Swift said.

QG once again implemented their most familiar three-on-one tactic.

However, the target was not the bottom lane, but the reverse thinking, three-on-one top lane


PS: After being reminded by a book friend, I checked and found that Extraction was only released in the S6 preseason. This is my problem... Although I check the information every time I write about a game, there are still some omissions. Many of them are based on impressions. I hope you can forgive me! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel

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