Return to the game, because it is the red side, so you can wait for a wave of the other party to go online in the lower triangle grass.

In addition, the blind man was not so injured to fight wild by himself in the early stage, and Qiu Sheng directly took Poppy and the two to squat in the grass.

Bobby brings a weak flash, and a brilliance brings a light flash.

Qiu Sheng: “Field, wait for the opposite side to come down the road, kill Jiela, I AQA ignite A, after the skill is over, you knock, AA, it is estimated that you can face the opposite side in seconds!” ”

Poppy looked at his skills and smiled: “Five flat A’s, two skills, one ignition, can be seconds!.” ”

The blind man listened, and suddenly looked at the blue buff in front of him, and it was not fragrant.

And VG’s early offensiveness is very strong, plus the Tejas plus wave is not high in the early stage

So the duo on the road is not worthwhile, and they go directly towards the triangular grass!

The main thing is that they will not think that the Radiant Bobby Level 1 will squat grass.

Normally, this harmless combination of the next road needs to rely on the wild to gank to be ferocious.

This is what normal people think, so it’s not to blame the down-road duo.

I saw Jela take the lead into the grass!

Tian Ye was excited at this time, but did not go out flat, but waited for Jie to pull into the grass.

And at the moment when Jela was about to enter the grass, she was instantly flattened twice, and there was still a lighting effect on her body, and she was controlled by the glorious glow constraint and could not use the flash.

The binding time is two seconds, and when Jela saw this, she hurriedly gave the weak Bobby, because Poppy still has skills, and the damage is definitely higher than the brilliance without skills!

And a winding root hit Poppy.

Verus also quickly recovered, lost an E skill, and began to level A.

However, the confinement effect of the Winding Root is only 0.75 seconds, and the difference between the 2 seconds of the Light Binding is extremely large!

Poppy instantly released control, and a wall knock directly slammed Jela against the wall.

At this time, Jela was already bleeding, and if it weren’t for Jela giving Poppy a weakening in advance, and Verus lifting dozens of blood in a recovery, this wall plus a flat A she estimated would be gone.

But the brilliance is still in A, and Poppy is still in A!

Jela only had a hundred blood left under her eyes, and she couldn’t bear it at all.


With a word, Guanghui successfully got the head.

Seeing this, Verus also hurriedly retreated, Qiu Sheng looked at the skill CD for ten seconds, and thought about it or forget it.

Poppy was delighted to have managed to get an assist.

And the troop line on this side of the middle road is also online, and the small cannon is fiercely pressed, and the first level is directly learned to explode sparks.

And the little fish man tentatively came over to mend the knife and was directly hung up with an explosion spark and beaten violently, so that the little fish man had to leave.

But the little fish man also knew that before the wild hit, he was afraid that his knife was not replenished.

After all, facing a long hand and naked white sword, with a weak burning ADC, the little fishman brought a flash teleportation, which could not be fought at all.

Yes, the center of this VG is to play in the early stage around the lower road combination.

The early Qing soldiers of the Shangxiaoyu people are definitely not as brilliance as they are.

Guanghui began to run the line, he estimated that he was still in the Qing army, and when the time came, the situation of fighting more and less in the lower road field area would be.

So VG’s choice here is belt transmission, but VG never expected that Guanghui would not go to the middle….

This makes the little fish people a little depressed, if they are lit, the second-level little fish people will definitely have a wave of fierce with the small cannon!

Who, like now, can only promise to rub experience, waiting for the arrival of the tower knife…

With a wave of troops pushed down the road, Lax chose to go home, and Poppy’s economy was not enough, and he was almost money, so he did not choose to go home.

Qiu Sheng directly bought a pair of straw shoes, and then directly spelled the signal to the other party’s blue BUFF to spell the signal.

At this time, the blind man who had just brushed the three wolves looked at Lax, and the wild monster did not brush anymore!

With the second-level Laxes field area, a set can be a second centaur.

Yes, Lax’s murder ring and straw shoes are still quite strong.

Qiu Sheng unreasonably bypassed the river on the road, and the blind man followed Qiu Sheng.

Xiao Cannon: “Shall I go over?” ”

Qiu Sheng: “Yes, but I don’t care if the head is not a head, blue buff I want it!” ”

The junior brother leaked a cruel smile: “There is meat to eat!” ”

As the third wave of troops was pushed out, the junior brother returned directly to the tower, and the little fish man also tentatively said a small cannon and disappeared.

But the people of VG didn’t care, everyone came to arrest people in the first few minutes?

Tian Ye also felt itchy in his heart listening to the linkage of the three people in Zhongxiaye, but he couldn’t walk and could only go down the road to resist pressure.

Of course, it is also very exciting to go on the road, if you can, you even want to give up the army line on the road and go straight to the opponent’s wild area!

But this is not destined to work.

Under the assembly of the three-person team, everyone came to the Blue Fangye District.

Qiu Sheng threw a Q skill directly towards the position of the blue buff!

And the centaur who was playing Blue BUFF found that he was suddenly imprisoned, so frightened that he quickly punished Blue BUFF back a wave of blood, and sprinted to start preparing to run!

But the centaur was too naïve, and with Qiu Sheng’s Q skill hit, he also threw out the E skill, and the blind man and the small cannon also saw the vision in the grass, and the two instantly turned into reckless men!

The blind man directly Q to the face of the centaur, and the small cannon is directly lit by WAEA!

And Lax’s E skill directly exploded the blue buff that collected the residual blood, and the ignition and explosion sparks of the small cannon directly made the horse evaporate!

EDGscout kills Bangi


The centaur exploded: “What the hell is this, the second-level three people wander away in a group??” ”

The little fish man looked at the small cannon with the red BUFF back on the line: “Brother, I exploded, the red BUFF cannon, I can’t eat it!” ”

Jela: “Titan go quickly, the other party Lax and the blind man are in the upper half of the wild area!” ”

At this time, Lax and the blind man walked directly towards the winding grass on the road.

The sword demon saw his two brothers coming, and also turned into a reckless man and rushed directly over.

The scared Titans ran directly over the Q wall.

However, the Titan is still too young because the sword demon is still chasing.

The Titan looked at the sword demon and rushed over, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, “This is going to cross the tower to me?” Level 2 three pack one! Little fish TP come over! ”

When the little fish man heard this, he also gave up the military line in the middle and directly lit up TP

This group of reckless men, neuropathy, second-level Yueta, it’s good that I brought TP!

Be sure to kill back this time!

Direct Lax’s precise light binding just controls the titan, and the blind man instantly picks up Q, and goes past the anti-tower!

Sword Demon Flash EQAQQ hit the Titan directly in the face!

Even if the Titan opened W, only a quarter of the blood was left in an instant, and A was blind against the tower.

Because everyone is level two, they do not learn the third skill.

But that’s enough, Lax once again has an E skill, plus a flat A to take the Titan directly.

And at this time, the little fishman TP fell, and the EDG people were still waiting for CD time, and Qiu Sheng directly and decisively flashed to sell his teammates and slipped away.

The sword demon also turned his head and ran, and the blind man was stunned and directly W sword demon, but the Q skill of the little fish man has already been used, and the blind man carried two tower-level residual blood!

Killed in an instant, this wave for one!

But EDG is definitely not at a loss, because the small cannon ate another wave of troops!

And the road soldier line is also coming, and the little fish man can only helplessly eat the tower soldiers on the road.

As for the sword chasing demon, forget it, a sword demon close to full blood, a small fish man without equipment himself, took his life to kill him.

And the glorious appearance of the other side, the ghost knows if he is still on the road.

But the brilliance did not flash, this is an opportunity, after the sixth level

The little fish people cooperate with the centaurs, and will definitely let Guanghui know what the flowers bloom!

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