This lottery is not the best, but it’s not bad either! (Subscribe)

In fact, it would be good if ig and g2 meet together, you can see theshy and this Chen

Compared, who is stronger on the road.

There are also some people who want to play against g2.

G’s top laner theshy performed very well this year.

The top laners who performed best in PL this year with Laitemi.

the strongest shield

It is the sharpest sword!

At this moment, everyone’s heart is tugged

Hope to get g2. “uz muttered silently in my heart

Instead of fighting kt, he wants to fight g2

This is not only because the overall strength of g2 is worse than that of kt, but more importantly, there are

Chen Hao is here.

If he can send g2 back in the quarterfinals, he will be in a very good mood

The two are rivals

Naturally, I want to meet them more in the game.

This is not only Uzi’s idea, but also Chen Hao’s idea.

Chen Hao also wants to send rng back in the quarterfinals

I am afraid that a favorite to win the championship will be sent back in the quarter-finals, and the opponent will be stopped in the quarter-finals.

It would also be a cool thing.

And can successfully avenge rng

Under the team led by him, he personally defeated rng

I’m afraid there is nothing more exciting than this

Other people also have their own “zero nine”


But on rmng’s side, most of them still want to meet g2.

as said before

Basically everyone thinks that g2’s overall strength is worse than kt

Many people subconsciously still maintain the idea that g2 is the European and American Lobby team.

Of course, there are also analyzes by major institutions.

From the data of the game, there are other sevens and eighty-eight things to analyze

However, this analysis is not very accurate.

Because g2 often chooses to change lineups.

For example, when Chen Hao is present, it is completely different from when Wunder is present

The data is also different

That is to say

In fact, all the data of g2 have been pulled down.

It’s because many people don’t think about it.

It is also that they never pay attention to the EU competition area.

It’s like having a preconceived impression, it’s hard to break this point of view

As the No. 1 seed in the lck division, kt also performed very strongly in this world championship.


They are naturally the most dazzling.Including rng’s limelight, they are also covered by them at the moment.

Be sure to let g2 draw rng. “A group of rng fans muttered silently in their hearts.

don’t draw kt

after all facing kt

much higher than other teams

Since you can’t draw a team like fnc, getting g2 is also a relatively good choice.

At this moment, there are also a bunch of people guarding the game live broadcast room, waiting for the lottery to proceed


The lottery staff took it up

The opponent g2 will face this time is

answer revealed

is rng

really got it

The fans of group rng became excited when they saw the lottery

Finally, they got what they expected.

Everyone, including RNG in the lounge, was obviously relieved at the moment.

Because of uzi who lost the game before, the mood suddenly turned cloudy

The corner of the mouth raised an arc.

not bad

It’s really good to draw the opponent he always wanted to meet

This time, I will definitely step on you hard.

It makes you unable to turn over.

Fortunately, it is g2. “Little Tiger breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really a little afraid of meeting kt.

The main reason is that the current kt is too fierce.

almost no disadvantages

Every way is very strong

They have no confidence, no assurance that they can win

They feel that they have a 50-50 chance of winning with kt

by contrast.

2 At least there is still the weakness of the bottom lane

Their bottom lane level is relatively average, it can only be considered first-class, not super-class.

And it just so happens that their rmng’s bot lane is the top bot lane, definitely the best bot lane in this World Championship.

The most powerful bottom lane combination

They can naturally play an advantage in the bottom lane.

while the other way

Don’t worry about facing Ap on his own side in the middle

There is Laitemi on the road, and it can definitely be stabilized.

they believe in letme

There are two different styles of junglers: Casa and Xiangguo

how to see.

rng has no reason to lose.

Their faces are stronger

They lost to c9 in the group stage before, they were indeed a little careless, and their state was not very good.

But they believe…it’s just a matter of status

In the next few days, they will quickly adjust back

and will prepare a big move for g2

Ha ha

It’s not the best draw, but it’s not bad either.

Letme and the others laughed too.

In their hearts, they still don’t want to meet kwa too early

everyone laughed

The atmosphere relaxed.

No one thinks they will lose to g2.

Including the coach, they are actually not that nervous anymore.

At the moment when the lottery was drawn just now, their hearts were in their throats

Fortunately, now that the results are out, you can rest assured.

Facing g2, they can better formulate tactics.

The previous group games are nothing

It doesn’t matter if it’s first or second

If you don’t play well in the subsequent knockout rounds, you will also be out.

The knockout rounds are the real test.

They don’t want to be out of the quarterfinals.

RNG’s goal this year is to be the champion

It is their biggest dream to win this championship


biggest dream in

In contrast, some people are happy, some people are sad

Ai. Why did our little ig have such bad luck and met the strongest opponent. “Have powder

Si became helpless.

That’s right, I actually got a kt!

It would be nice if you draw c9

“It’s really lucky for c9 to draw the weakest team.

The strength of the team is currently recognized as the weakest

I can believe that iq can create miracles

Principal Wang, who was sitting straight under the stage, turned his face away at this moment.

Their g opponent in the quarter-finals turned out to be kt

It is the strongest team in this world championship.

This luck…is really ordinary

At least compared to other teams, ig’s luck seems to have run out in the group stage.

Among the groups in the group stage, their ig group is the best

But in the quarter-finals, they met the strongest

Maybe… this is fate.

g Everyone here is also silent

The atmosphere is a little dignified

You don’t have to worry too much

They don’t necessarily lose!

The atmosphere is not right, rookie! Hurriedly come out to enlighten

G is not too afraid of kt here, but I feel that the pressure will be greater

The style of their team is reckless

It’s not their style.

Cleaned up their mood, from now on. They have to adjust their state, use

I am in my strongest state to face kt.

The last lottery, you don’t need to open it to know that it is ig.

However, the procedures that should be followed still need to be followed.

Everyone can see that the label of the last team is ig

kt’s opponent is

It’s a pity in mata’s heart

To be honest, what he wants to meet more is rng.

But for others, such as pilot deft, his idea is to meet edg

Fighting with old teammates will always be a very interesting thing.

Back then they left edg because the team had no hope

They still want to win.

Then I went back to lck and formed this galaxy battleship.

After a year of running-in, their team has also become extremely terrifying

Gate has the confidence to defeat any opponent

Defeating EDG means that their choice back then was right.

The draw for the quarter-finals

The battle situation of each team is

9 against t

fnc vs. edg

2 against rng

kt against ig

Judging from the qualifying teams, the best performer this year is actually the Ip?

reached the quarterfinals

The biggest amount.

Next is the teams from the European and American divisions, each with two teams entering

the result came out

Every team feels differently.

year… our edg mustRefresh your own record!

Break the Eight Demons

This is what Abu thought.

It is also the idea of ​​all edg people.

We want to reshape the glory of Europe and America.

The audience in the Huanmei Division also shouted.

They’ve had a good record this year.

The team that qualified first in the group accounted for three teams

Such a great situation in 5.2 gave them hope

We are the last Cai Guang in the lck division

We must win the championship

Everyone in the kt team also wants to win this championship.

The results of the lck division this year are very poor, and they all urgently need this championship

People from each team, from now on…will study their opponents

After the lottery draw ended, the Internet was also boiling

Everyone is discussing the result of this lottery.

are analyzing the pros and cons

A group of netizens who become analysts.

If the team that advances to the top four is c9, edg

and the four teams of g, then it’s over


Some netizens said

I’ll go, in that case, the championship will be ours.

Last year the Bird’s Nest didn’t see Ipl, so this year’s Seoul Finals won’t see Ick’s team!

Where the competition is held, which competition area does not have a champion? This… is poisonous.

But, don’t think too much, how can there be such a good thing, let us? The three teams in the competition area

All into the semi-finals

I think the advanced teams may be c9, edg, rng and kt. ”

Look down on my little ig?




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