Is it too anxious to climb the tower in the early stage? (Subscription required)

G2’s style of play is flexible and changeable.

And rng’s style of play is to seek stability.

In this game, rng’s focus is still on the bottom lane.

They are still playing four guarantees and one tactic.

Whether they can win this round depends on how well they perform in the bottom lane.

They still bet on uzi

This is the core of their team.

Compared with the previous round, their protection ability is stronger in this round, and there is an extra top laner Shen’s protection

Shen’s big move can provide full map support at any time and can protect him.

In this way, you won’t be too afraid of Tahm and Nightmare’s arrest, and you can also provide long-distance support to your teammates.


That’s why they’re going to leave the last conte for Letemi

Moreover, Shen can not only provide protection for his teammates, but also cooperate with him when he has an advantage.

Teammates enter.

For example, with support, or Xin Zhao’s entry.

They also have more ways to form groups.

Except for AD, the other four have the means to start a group.

Have a strong initiative.

In this round, Xin Zhao’s power in the early stage is very strong, especially before the sixth level, there is almost no need to be afraid of any

And after the sixth level, there is Shen’s big move to support him, he can almost be “one-ten-zero” in the wild

It’s just that I was asked by g2’s swing position during bp, and I feel a little bit relieved

sample lineup

It becomes Shen playing Akali in the top lane

Xiaohu’s Ice Girl played Nightmare in the middle.

Their previous targeting was useless

Xiaohu’s Ice Girl was chosen for Conte Akali, but now it has become a nightmare.

Nightmare in the mid lane requires

Next, this hero is in the middle lane, threatening the upper and middle lanes

Tiger is carrying aftershocks, so don’t worry too much

He felt that even if he couldn’t overwhelm the opponent online, he wouldn’t fall into a disadvantage.

Both Miller and Doll analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the two lineups.


They are still more optimistic about rng, believing that they can win the game.

Unconditionally choose to believe in rng, believe in uz

I believe they can win.

Lost the first game before.

The game is extremely critical to rng.

They need to win this game and get the score back.

if you lose again

No if.

they have to take

Uzi and others don’t think they will lose this round.

No matter what lineup G2 chooses and how it swings, rng’s bottom lane is always advantageous.

They also want to open a breakthrough from the bottom lane.

Pierce the opposite bottom lane

Thus affecting the overall situation and winning.

Don’t care about your fancy, I will guarantee four and one, guarantee the development of the next road, so as not to respond

Let the bottom lane lead the team to victory.

The game is buffered.

The two sides entered the game.

In the second game, rng played a lot more cautiously than before

no longer playing too casually like before

Losing the first round of the game was a wake-up call for them.

But g2 is not a vegetarian, and the lineup has changed a lot in this round.

Chen Hao got Akali this time, and this is the first time he got it in this World Championship

top laner hero.

His performance still attracts people’s attention.

Many people want to know how well Chen Hao’s Akali is doing, and whether there is any of his sword sisters

Sword Demon these two heroes are so strong

Akali is cautious on the line, and she must be easy to play online.

Letmey is stress-resistant online

Anyway, he’s used to resisting stress, so he didn’t think it would be anything special.

The only regret is that he feels that he can’t compete with Chen Hao in the Huashan Discussion of Swords

face to face

Level group, neither side intends to fight

Normal start for both sides

But for the deployment and control of the early vision, it is very critical

What Chen Hao brought was flash and teleportation, but not purification.

Although the opponent has a lot of control, purification is not as effective as teleportation for him

From the very beginning, Chen Hao was playing against Laitemi online.

Letemi didn’t dare to get too close to make up the knife

As for RNG, their focus is on the bottom lane

The director also switched the screen to the bottom lane, so that everyone can see more of the bottom lane.

Both junglers are also red

Uzi’s first level upgrade is the w skill, mainly when he was just in the river, he used the w skill to

Consume the opponent’s blood

It is back to the right line. In the case of soldiers, the w skill is actually not

It’s so easy to use, it’s hard to hit people.

So g2’s bot lane is relatively easy to play at the first level

After reaching the second level, they began to regain the initiative in the bottom lane, and began to

suppress g2’s bot lane

g2 is not in a hurry

They assisted in the selection of Tam, and they had already expected this.

Tahm is used to protect the ad online.

I have to say that uzi’s laning strength is really strong

After the second level, he immediately came up to fight a set, playing very fiercely

Verus’ blood volume was knocked out a lot, falling down slowly

Tam could only swallow him in and spit it out.

Guarantee the living environment of ad.

And after this wave, rng’s laning advantage in the bottom lane was also directly confirmed.

After seeing this scene, everyone became energetic one after another.

DownLu got the laning advantage, this is the first step

Whether you can win this game or not depends on how well you play in the bottom lane

It depends on their development, how far ahead they can be

Xiaogou’s strength is indeed strong, I’m afraid there are not many ADs, and he can’t be overwhelmed by him in the lane

made, let alone g2’s bottom lane

If it wasn’t for Tam’s protection just now, I’m afraid First Blood would have been born.

Everyone can see that rng’s bot laners Lucian and Luo suppressed g2’s bot lane


Pressing the line this time

Also set up a good vision in the bottom lane.

Unlike the first game, there is not even a field of vision.

Moreover, after brushing the first half of the wild area, Xin Zhao also rushed towards the bottom lane, just to protect

The development of the lower road in the pre-syndromic period

At that time, I took the river crab.

The advantage of the early bot lane can be regarded as initially established.

In more than three minutes, the CS lead was seven.

The most important thing is that when they were still in the lane, they suppressed the blood volume of g2’s bottom lane.

At this time, Casa also came to the bottom lane.

Detoured all the way from the grass in the river, ready to grab the opponent’s bottom lane.

If this wave can be caught, then g2’s bottom lane will explode.

The g2 bot lane duo also seemed to have a premonition of something and wanted to retreat.


Xin Zhao burst out of the grass next to the stone man in the bottom lane, blocking their escape route

Now there is no way, they can only withdraw.

Fortunately, at this time, uzi pushed the pawn line into the tower again.

A teleport lights up.

It is the transmission of rng.

Xiaohu passed down from the middle lane and came to the bottom lane to support.

Seeing this battle, they want to jump over the tower

This is really a bit of a struggle.

I’m going, is this trying to jump the tower?

Could it be that you are too anxious?” The hearts of the group of people were raised at this moment.

They are worried that if they go to the tower so early, things will go wrong.

The blood volume of the hero in the early stage is too low, and he can’t hold the tower a few times at all

It is very easy to have an accident when jumping over the tower.

they must be worried about this

At this time, the wine barrel came behind

Antos arrived just in time.

This made everyone’s hearts even more lifted

Their eyes are fixed on the screen, afraid of being impulsive

but fortunately

ng is not reckless here.

After they saw the wine barrel, they directly chose to retreat

Seeing that rng chose to retreat, everyone was relieved

Fortunately, rng played relatively steadily in this round.

If this were changed to the first round, I’m afraid rng would take a risk.

However, they were more or less forced out of a flash by 9g2.

If the wine barrel e comes over, if you don’t flash, you will probably be left behind.

Not a big deal.

Although this wave of double-teaming was unsuccessful, the laning advantage of the bottom lane was still established.

The gap between the two AD’s make-up hits reached ten dollars.

Getting 5.2 first and ten knives in more than four minutes, this laning is still very good.

Hurry up and stay steady, just play steadily in this round, don’t worry, rng is still fine

NG will definitely win G2!

Everyone’s confidence in rng is still there

At four minutes and forty seconds, Xiao Ming’s Luo found an opportunity, and first came to Q

Finding that the opponent’s blood volume has dropped a lot, he came over decisively and handed over his points directly.

Burn, see if there is a chance to kill it.

Too bad it’s worse

This wave almost killed Verus

Verus was forced to hand over his cure to save his own life

It’s a pity that many viewers see it as a blunt statement

It would be great if this allowed the bottom lane to get first blood.

In addition, Uzi’s Lucian is also far away, otherwise it is very likely to flash to kill

The bloody Verus had to go back to the city to make up for his condition.

But for rng, although they didn’t kill Verus in this wave, they still have the advantage

gradually widening

When Verus returned to the city, he had to lose at least two groups of soldiers.

The situation in the early stage is very good for rng’s bottom road.




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