Five packs and one, but something went wrong (seeking subscription

In this game, rng gave up too many resources to uzi

It is to ensure his development and let his equipment be produced early.

Although no head is paid, but his economy is currently the best in the audience

The number of last hits is the highest, two more than Chen Hao’s last hits.

Then he ate the economy of two defensive towers, one of which was still first blood

The economy is definitely ahead

In this game, Kasa’s jungler has been helping to catch, and at the same time, Xiaohu’s roaming and

Sending support at any time, and Latami’s big greeting.

What kind of emperor

Treatment, how to fight the opposite bottom lane

z is in a good mood in this round

He seems to have seen the team win under his leadership

The only downside.

The reason is that qg2’s bottom lane is supported by Tamm.

If it was replaced by another support, G2’s ad would have died countless times.

Tamm’s choice is also a key part of g2’s bp, revitalizing the entire lineup

Can protect teammates very well

You can also use big moves to support, and quickly form a situation where you fight more and fight less

G is also very helpless.

As far as Tamm is concerned, it is really difficult for them to limit.

Great protection

Several times at critical moments, Verus was saved

Their bp is really difficult to do, and there are too many points to target.

round, g2’s bot lane is attacking

In this game, g2’s bottom lane is playing defense

Chen Hao is too familiar with rng, he knows how to beat him

way of tai chiDeal with it in the bottom lane, and don’t go head-to-head with the opponent.

Make a move, I will resolve a move

?G2 is playing Canyon Herald?

Suddenly, Miller shouted

From the map, they found that G2’s people were quietly taking advantage of u’s push to go up the tower and return to the city.

Quietly steal the Canyon Herald.

This time gap is captured very well.

It happened to be the time when Xiaohu was caught and killed, and then went on the road u pushed down the defense tower and returned to the city to replenish the state of equipment

By the time he reacted, it was already too late.

The rng people rushed over, but G2 was the first to get the canyon vanguard.

“G2’s capture at this point in time is too good.

Doll is also amazed at g2’s ability to seize opportunities, this kind of command is really not the slightest bit stronger

Among other things, this command alone is definitely one of the best teams in this World Championship.

There are not many teams whose command can match them.

What a pity, Canyon Pioneer was taken down by them first.

It’s a little bit of a loss, I didn’t control the resources

pity doll

keep them

But when the canyon vanguard was taken down, rng’s people also rushed over.

I just returned to the city to replenish the uzi equipped, and my combat effectiveness at this moment is also very good

Ming Luo took the lead and kept Tamm.

The others had no intention of saving Tam and retreated decisively.

Tam also knew that he couldn’t leave, so he simply went to drag the rng people and let the team members evacuate

The main reason is that g2’s personnel are not complete, and they will suffer a lot when playing positive teams.

Besides, they already got what they wanted.

Losing one person has little impact, but it is still very profitable.

ng also gave up Tam’s head to uzi

After getting the head, Uzi felt much better.

His economy has taken another step forward.

The best development in the game, his performance in this game will definitely be the most eye-catching person

In the subsequent team battles, he can also foresee the scene where he will kill himself.

It will definitely be a harvester in team battles.

After killing Tahm, no one else can continue chasing him.

no way to keep more people

Exchange one head for a canyon pioneer, g2 is still very profitable

What’s more, the one who died was an assistant

back online

This time the ui is changed to the middle lane

The development space in the middle lane was given to him.

Xiaohu switched to the top road.

The bottom lane is still the lineup between Leitemi and Chen Hao.

In addition, the duo is switched to the middle lane, in addition to having better development space and better resources

Can control dragons

Their next target is Xiaolong!

This is an earth dragon.

rng definitely wants to win

They need to find an opportunity.

And this opportunity is

Catch Akali

When uzi saw Akali walking towards the river, he immediately made a command

Everyone else moved too.

Xiaohu then teleported down to the blue square grass on the bottom road, blocking the opponent

Fang’s retreat

Letemi chased after him, trying to keep him

And u? and Xiao Ming also came down from the middle road at the same time.

The jungler Xin Zhao has just come out from home, just to the blue buff

Chen Hao was surrounded by rng people in all directions

The situation seems to be very bad.

rng is imperative

Everyone else got excited too.

Once again they saw rng take the initiative to look for opportunities.

If this can catch Akali to death, rng can take down this little dragon steadily

Take down the dragon, you can build an advantage

rng has a very high chance of winning in this game.

have a look

This is the strength of rng.

Seeing that he was surrounded by the opponent’s people, Chen Hao was not in a hurry.

He first used the e skill to cross the wall.

A shuriken is thrown forward, and the person flips back and over the wall.

Go to the opponent’s wild area, after passing the wall, follow the opponent’s (bjfc) bottom lane triangle grass?

Toad escapes this route

The director also switched the screen to Chen Hao

Everyone’s eyes were also attracted by Akali at this time.

Some people want to see Akali being caught and killed by RNG.

And some people want to see Akali escape from rng’s hands.

That’s why it is so touching the hearts of everyone.

Chen Hao’s every move attracted everyone’s attention.

Akali should be hard to escape

Surrounded by five people, how can I escape?

Akali was bumped into by Xin Zhao!

The doll’s tone revealed surprise.

Everyone could see that the two met at Toad and fought against each other.

Xin Zhao stepped forward, used the Q skill, and Akali hit the first time

It was Chen Hao who calmly released the glow array, making himself invisible in the darkness

Don’t give the opponent a chance to continue attacking

Xin Zhao turned around and gave Toad a shot, this is a small detail, so that he will give Aka again next time

When it is beautiful, the other party will be picked up by him.

This is the effect of the q skill.

The first hit is to hit Akali, but then Akali uses the Xia array to hide, he is very difficult to fight

Second time.

Casa must be thinking of a better way to keep the opponent

This is a double-team of five people, if he is allowed to escape, wouldn’t it be embarrassing and embarrassing.

Casa did a good job, he still has the e skill dash in his hand

After all, he didn’t have the flash in his hand, he used it in the previous wave of arrests, now this

An e skill is very important to him.

Chen Hao used the Xia formation to make himself invisible, and then used the acceleration effect of the Xia formation to

Quickly opened the distance between him and Xin Zhao.

Then go to the blue buff, flash directly, and cross the blue buff wall

Xin Zhao can’t follow

Akali with movement speed bonus is too fast

And it’s invisible again, he can’t figure out where Akali is

But with such an eye-catching look, Akali ran away from under his nose.

After Chen Hao flashed across the wall, he met the rng duo.

Zi and Xiao Ming.

uzi is seeingAt that moment, Chen Hao’s eyes lit up, and there was ecstasy in the depths of his eyes.

There is a way to heaven, if you don’t go, there is no way to hell, you come here

Who is the person he most wants to kill in this game?

Naturally Chen

Now that he has a chance to kill Chen Hao, don’t you think he is ecstatic

But it didn’t take long for him to be happy.

next second

He and Xiao Ming were both handed over by the wine barrel, and kept

At the same time, the Nightmare ult is activated, and it also flies uzi directly.

face turned wild

They seem to have forgotten a very important issue.

That is when they were chasing Akali and double-teaming each other, they were delayed by Akali for too long


This allows people from g2 to come to support in time.

Coincidentally, they met rng’s duo first.

Wine Barrel handed over E Flash without hesitation, completely denying the other party a chance to escape

It was originally a five-pack one operation, but it suddenly changed to another five-pack

It was before rng went to catch the opponent

And now it’s g2 to block rng’s duo.

Tam drove over with someone.

But by this time it was already back.

Even though Shen gave the big move at the first time, but in the face of the damage of the wine barrel and the nightmare, Lu Xi

Ann’s body still couldn’t bear it.

His blood volume dropped slowly

Soon one-fifth of the blood left

He was so frightened that he immediately handed over his flash, distanced himself from Lu Yan, and by the way cut off the opponent.

square chains

But the position where he flashed was very bad, he just flashed in front of Chen Hao

Chen Hao, who was passing by, took away the heads of Uzi and Xiao Ming.


Chen Hao

Chen Hao picked up a big bargain.

After being chased for a long time, he actually picked up two heads




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