rng will not lose, right? (Subscribe)

G2’s advantage is slowly expanding, the rhythm is in their hands

They are working steadily, not in a hurry, and are slowly plundering rng’s jungle resources, extremely

Large compression of each other’s developmental space

Although Wawa and Miller felt a little anxious looking at it, they knew that the more

is the moment, the more calm

absolutely not on top

They still believe that rng can create miracles.

The situation can be reversed.

Don’t worry now, the more this moment, the more you can’t get on top.

Now it is necessary to make the puppy’s equipment earlier, and make the second piece of equipment black

Come on, enter your strong period

This version of Lucian comes out of dilapidated + blackCut equipment, in the mid-term two-piece set

Facing the front row with formed equipment on the opposite side has a certain lethality.

There are CD reduction and blood volume increase, few people can bear it

This is also the reason why Lucian can exert strength in the mid-term

Unlike traditional adcs, you need a three-piece suit to be able to do damage

Under the current fast-paced meta, Lucian is very suitable

ng to hold on, waiting for the puppy’s second big piece to come out.

Almost all hopes were placed on Uzi.

Uzi’s mood at this moment is no longer as relaxed as before.

There was not much expression on his face, but there was a hint of sharpness and anger in his eyes.

he is really angry

get serious

The whole person is also focused a lot.

again and again

It fell into Chen Hao’s hands, which made him very angry

He has never killed Chen Hao once, but the opponent has killed him several times here

Even if you pick up a human head, you can pick up your own.

An urge to vomit blood.

He really wanted to kill Chen Hao once.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a single capture or a kill in a team battle, you only need to kill once

But right now, there is no chance

The opponent is still on the single lane, and no one is going to restrict him.

Letemi’s laning gap is too big, this game is not an opponent at all, and he was hung up to fight.

Can shrink under the tower to replenish troops and develop

Otherwise, if he walks out of the range of the defense tower, he may be solo killed by Akali.

And he is Shen, but no teammates can come to rescue him.

Unlike when his teammates are in danger, he can still use his ultimate move to save people.

Alone and helpless, everything can only depend on oneself.

But in this round, he can’t rely on himself, Shen really can’t beat Akali.

Letme had no other options.

His line is useless, he can only wait for his teammates to work hard

In fact, it is waiting for uzi’s equipment to come out.

After Lucian’s two-piece suit, they will feel better.


Letemi looked at Chen Hao’s Akali, and always felt that this Akali was a potential threat

This Akali’s development is very good, and she has three heads in her hand.

This is a great threat to the back row

Although their lineup is to restrain Akali, but I always feel that this Akali will surpass them


Seeing Akali push the pawn line over again, Letemi shook his head and didn’t think any more

It’s better to stabilize first, his current CS gap is a bit big.

2 is carrying out the division of the 131 formation

exert sideline pressure

This is where their lineup has the advantage. After gaining the advantage, they can play a single


hard limit

Even the people on the wing dare not push the line out.

I was afraid that if I pushed the line, the opponent’s Tam would bring someone over to double-team.

The better the equipment of Nightmare and Akali, the greater the threat to RNG’s back row.

The living space is also smaller.

This is what they need to worry about now.

I have a lot of people to protect, but. Facing so many people with protruding faces, and the damage is high

, they really don’t necessarily have insurance

The space that uzi can play may be more than he imagined

But if you show it to uzi, it will be another result.

“RNG’s current economy lags behind G2 by more than 2,000, which is a small disadvantage.

But this disadvantage is still within a certain range, the gap is not too big

still have a chance.

Both Doll and Miller are waiting for the moment when rng will exert its strength

It depends on whether rng can find a chance to come back

The group of rng fans are also extremely nervous at the moment

ng is not going to lose, is it?

Is ng about to be 2:0?

They are very worried.

I’m afraid that a team like rng will be beaten 2:0. If this is the case, it will be difficult to fight back.

After all, in such a world arena, it is too difficult for the second to chase the third.

no, I can not!

will win

watch puppies play

Everyone didn’t believe that rng would lose the game so easily, they believed that rng could come back

can win g2

In their hearts, they still feel that G2 is just a second- and third-rate team

And their rng is a top team, and they are the favorites to win this World Championship.

There are only two teams that can be called the favorites to win the championship in this World Championship.

one of them

was already eliminated in the quarterfinals

But no one thinks that kt lost unjustly, because their opponent ig is also super powerful


The quarter-finals between the two sides also played out the momentum of the previous finals.

At least in the eyes of many people, I don’t know how many grades stronger than G2.

So many people feel that if rng loses to g2 in the quarter-finals, it would be really…too unfair

That was an absolute upset.

No, they will never let that happen.

rng can’t stop at the top eight

They also want to sprint for the s championship.

This is one step closer to the championship.

There is no strong enemy in front of us, we just need to solve the current opponent.

reborn in adversity

Believe that “ng will withstand the pressure

Everyone still has high confidence and great hope in rng.

Their gazes are tightly fixed on the screen, not missing any details.

Compared to the nervousness of the rng team.

g2 played here very easily

Chen, it looks like we’re going to take your old club 2-0

Ah P joked with Chen Hao and started to tease him.

He knows the grievances between Chen Hao and rng

If he can help Chen Hao win rng, he will be very happy

How cool is it to avenge your teammates?

“It’s too early to say we’ll win. We don’t have a big lead, so we can’t underestimate our opponents.” But Chen

Hao did not let down his vigilance.

Although he really wants to beat rng, he is also very aware of the strength of the rng team

To be fair, “ng’s strength on paper may be stronger than their 92’s.

why is the game like this

This may be why rng did not startI am concerned about the opponent g2, and I play more casually, so

That’s how it’s done.

In addition, Chen Hao also targeted rng’s weakness.

The balance of victory also fell to Chen Hao.

But rng is a strong team after all, they are very capable of seizing opportunities, if they are defeated by the opponent

If you find an opportunity to fight back, it is also possible to come back.

Until the last moment, Chen Hao would not relax.

What he wants is not to win rng 3:1, let alone win rng 3:2.

What he wants is to attack the opponent neatly, sweeping the opponent 3:0, that is Chen Hao’s goal

Because only in this way can we get the evaluation of task completion a

Get better rewards.

At the same time, it can also take revenge, let rng see how outrageous and wrong their actions were in the past

Don’t worry, Chen, we won’t be careless.

However, the strength of this rng is indeed not as strong as we predicted before the game.

I think their understanding of the version is a bit behind

In the chat between Chen Hao and other G2 players, he also mentioned the current problems of rng in one word.

It’s because they haven’t fully understood the current version of the World Championship.

That is, they haven’t kept up with version changes.

This is also the reason why I don’t feel that rng is too strong at 5.2.

Even if it is the suppressed bottom lane, it is not as difficult to play as expected.

The gap between the two of them is still 20 dollars, which doesn’t count the support’s last damage.

For Tam’s supplementary knife, he already has about 40 knives in his hand, while Xiao Ming only has 9 knives.

The quantity difference is a bit large

Uzi has been unable to close this gap

He only has the economic lead of two defensive towers.

It can’t go on like this.

This is not only the idea of ​​uzi, but also the idea of ​​all rng people.

They need to be proactive.

You need to find opportunities for yourself.

If you wait for the other party to make a mistake, it is too difficult to wait.

If the opponent doesn’t make a mistake, won’t they lose the game

They don’t want to lose this game

This game is very important to them, very crucial.

Uzi still wants to win the championship in his heart.

For the championship, they must

In this game, the score will be tied at 1:1, and the situation will be much more stable.

So we need to push it in groups to see if it can have an effect




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