rng againLose a game! (Please subscribe)

This wave is bad

How can the puppy face the grass?

oh my god

Dolls feel unbelievable, this kind of operation, even if it is an ordinary high-end rank game

They rarely appear, let alone in the hands of a top ad professional player.

Such a mistake is too big.

I don’t think it should be explained

I can’t figure it out

What honey juice operation is, I am fascinated by it.

No one would believe that such a low-level mistake would happen to Zi

The dolls looked silly.

But the fact.. is.

This wave of UI made a fatal mistake.

This mistake directly pulled them rng into the abyss.

Once he dies, how will this team battle be fought?

He is the best equipped rng, without him there is no output, Xiaohu is functional

The mid laner of the opponent is lacking in damage, and the development is worse than the opponent’s mid laner, and the level is lower.


Not to mention Laitemi, who is more than 50 knives behind Akali in making up hits

Why did they give up the economy before?

It is for the development of Lucian, so that he can hit super high in his strong period

damage, take over the game

But the result is not as they expected.

uZi made a fatal mistake in this wave of their steady teamfight

They didn’t figure it out, how could uzi go there and even go to the grass

There’s no vision over there, so I don’t know what’s going on

Moreover, because of the long distance, when an emergency occurs, teammates cannot protect it in the first place.

protect him

The group of rng fans who thought they had hope couldn’t help but cursed.

with such high hopes

Is this the only final performance?

this one?

Hip pulling at a critical moment, it’s over

This is not an advantaged game, why did it become a wave?

I feel that even if I go up, I won’t go to the grass like before.

Is this overconfidence in yourself? Or is it looking down on your opponent?

This is swelling!”

“G2 is still the top eight team. Although it is not as strong as ours, it cannot be underestimated.

to this extent

How much did Wen buy?

In the live broadcast room of the game, a bunch of bullet screens were complaining about this series of operations just done by uzi.

Some people even think that this is a deliberate act, because they bought spinach and deliberately lost the game.

It’s outrageous.

Seeing that he was killed, the screen fell into a gray screen.

uzi just sits on the chair


Died again.

His desire to show off was in vain.

He has become the focus, but he is not the focus of the stars, but he has become the focus of everyone

The focus of people cursing and complaining

How could this be the result?

Why is this Akali waiting in the grass

He imagined many scenes, but he just didn’t think of this scene.

It fell into Akali’s hands again, and was killed by Chen Hao again.

Thinking of being killed by Chen Hao again, Uzi was suppressing a mass of anger in his heart at the moment.

But he has nowhere to vent

Died at the hands of the enemy again, this feeling is angry, but also aggrieved.

This time it’s not a question of whether you can beat or not

but he made a mistake

he is in a hurry

Head, will make such a low-level mistake.

The consequences of his death in this wave are very huge

Their rng situation suddenly fell to the bottom.

The disadvantage is infinitely widened.

At this time, it was played one for five, and the opponent could easily win the big dragon.

Afterwards, cooperate with Dalong to continue to play 131 singles, what can they do to stop it?

Think here.

Suddenly Shani’s face turned pale

They…rng are going to lose!

to be

that’s the scariest thing

I thought that in this quarter-final match, rng could easily win g2 and win the game, but

But the result was like this.

Instead they will be beaten 2:0

If they lose this wave of team battles, they will be at a great disadvantage, and the hope of a comeback is infinitely close to

unless g2 makes a fatal mistake in the back, give them a chance

But with Tamm on the other side, is this possible?

The existence of Tahm has greatly improved the fault tolerance rate of g2

Why it was so hard for him to kill Verus in the bottom lane before, it was because of Tam’s protection, every time

Can save the opponent at a critical moment every time.

Xiaohu sighed

It was the sound that fell on uzi’s ears, but it was extraordinarily harsh

He really wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and found that he couldn’t say a word

The others also fell silent, no longer in the relaxed mood before


g2 did not expect that rng would make such a low-level mistake

The c-position of the opponent stepped forward to seek death.

Including Chen Hao’s side, he was a little stunned.

He was actually at the place where Ah P was detained

He handed over the teleportation, but there was no

When making shots, they are all looking for opportunities to cut the opponent’s back row.

But before he took the initiative to make a move, the other party came to the door by himself.

This is really waiting for the rabbit to arrive.

Without any effort, Chen Hao directly took down the opponent and killed him.

Adventure in the grass, face to face with Chen in the grass

Chen Hao almost didn’t laugh out loud.

This kind of fat meat is delivered to your door by yourself.

He was stunned.

This operation is too outrageous

A cobalt person wouldn’t do this, would he?

uZi’s equipment is the best in rng. In the early stage, the team gave most of the resources to him for development.

To keep his development, in order to let uz develop, Xiaohu even sacrificed his opponent

But the result is this

When uzi dies, the rest of rng are fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

g2 easily kills the rest

Chen Hao’s Akali became the reaper among them and took three heads

There were two more heads, one was taken by Verus, and the other died in the hands of Ah P.

ah, why?I died alone. “”Ah P is very depressed, he is the only one in the team

If you die, replace the opponent.

In the wave team battle, Ah P’s contribution is indeed great

He held off the opponent and waited for his teammates to come to support

The stopwatch on his body played a very important role.

Otherwise, Ah P will be seconded all of a sudden, maybe rng will retreat quickly and adjust his attack

Not necessarily fighting with them in this area

sacrifice you

For the benefit of the whole team, we will remember you

The atmosphere of g2 is very good.

After g2 wiped out rng’s people, g2 took advantage of the situation to take down the big dragon.

The advantage expanded, and the economics expanded to more than 6,000 yuan.

The situation is very bad.

Hong, the latter lineup is more advanced and mid-term. After the mid-term, the advantage of the lineup is slowly declining.

Later except

zi, others have no output, they are all used to protect uz

But uzi’s performance today is actually not good.

On the other hand, here in g2, the power of the lineup is gradually reflected

their economy is far ahead

Slowly ushering in the strong period of g2

What does this rng win?

rng everyone’s hearts sank

Fans are even more worried.

It’s okay to scold, but they still look forward to rng’s ability.

Come on, don’t lose.

With g2 leading the way, rng can only passively organize defense behind

They tried to ask Naka Ueno and the others to catch Akali, but Chen Hao refused to let them


Personally contain the other three.

Teammates play here

Pushed up the tower on the other two roads.

With the blessing of the big dragon buff, the speed of pushing up the tower is very fast

Chen Hao took this opportunity to go back and get the little dragon, it was an earth dragon

g2 basically established the victory.

The tone of the commentary has also changed from being full of passion before to being weak and helpless now.

“rng is still making the last hold, they are defending their own highland tower.

“Now rng is looking to see if they can take advantage of the opponent’s time to drive to the opponent’s person

One second first (well done).

This is the ideal state.

But….it is too difficult to do this.

The person on the other side still has Tam protection, the probability that they want to do this is almost impossible

So what if you get there, Tamm can eat it and protect it

Unless you drive to Tam.

But there was purification on Tam again.

too difficult.

The hope of a comeback in this game is infinitely close to 0.

Now rng’s mentality is a little bit collapsed.

This will cause a big problem for the cooperation of the crowd


Ming Luo was blown back by the big move of the wine barrel, and then was instantly killed.

This second is very fatal to rng.

They couldn’t defend the high ground.

Soon on the road, the high ground was broken first.

Xiaohu was not reconciled to losing like this, and was still looking for an opportunity at the end to keep the opponent’s people.

The two sides fought again

But Chen Hao and Ah P’s damage and level are too high, making rng unable to fight at all.

Xiaohu has done a good job in retaining people, but still has nothing to do

In the end… rng lost

In the second game, they lost

There wasn’t any turnaround.

After losing that wave of team battles, it will be very difficult for them to win again.

I lost this opportunity




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