Once the rmg team loses, all the teams are active (for subscription)

g difficult

This is the judgment of many people on the current rng situation

Originally, the good situation was in the hands of “ng”, but now it has been ruined one by one

Turned into a big disadvantage opening.

2:0 start.

This is very difficult.

Difficulty level: five stars.

In this s match, no one has created the history of allowing the second to chase the third.

Including the kt team in the previous game, they also lost the previous two rounds

It was a 2-2 chase, and in the fifth game, I still lost to ig, so I didn’t complete this

the feat

Can you say that rng is doomed?

It’s not necessarily

rng is stronger than g2-.

They still have a good chance

depends on how to fight

There is a certain chance that the second chasing

As for how much this probability is, it depends on rn-g’s later performance.

The strength of u and i in the first two rounds was not brought into play.

If uzi can play at a normal level, I think rng still has great hopes. “Chi Di recognizes

really say

As a player who was beaten by uzi, he didn’t think rng would lose so easily.

A strong team like this really cannot be easily defined until the last moment.

Besides, if rng loses, wouldn’t he also be ashamed

After all, they are the team that was brutalized by RNG

Of course Chidi will not admit that he is bad

Well, rng must have been in poor form in the first two rounds, that’s why they lost to g2.

It won’t wait until it’s adjusted later.

If this rng loses, it will stop at the quarterfinals just like us

Deft is also watching this game, is he in a good mood

After losing yesterday, his mentality also exploded

But after a day of adjustments, I feel better now

At this moment, after seeing that rng was also 2:0 by others, he suddenly felt… much happier

Although this kind of schadenfreude is not very good, but seeing the same as myself as the favorite to win the championship

The team, all overturned in the quarterfinals, it seems that they will not be too miserable

Sometimes people are like this, when they see others are worse than themselves, then they don’t


After hearing Deft’s words, Mata’s expression is complicated

He used to be with rng before, in s6, he was rng’s assistant

But he is different from Chen Hao.

He and RNG broke up peacefully, there was no conflict within the team, and Mata also returned to LC back then

K’s team has little influence on rng and is not a direct competitor, so there are not many restrictions.

Unlike Chen Hao, who was hidden by rng and forced to leave his hometown.

Hey.” Mata sighed.

In his heart, he still hopes that rng can win.

I don’t want the opponent to stop in the quarterfinals like them

I still hope they cheer.

edg team.

At this moment, after seeing rng being beaten 2:0 by g2, they were all stunned.

Is this still rng?

rng was beaten like this by g2

It’s incredible.

Can’t believe rng is being beaten like this.

it’s like a dream

“It seems that g2 is still considered too simple by us.” The factory manager fell into deep thought.

They all thought that the strength of the g2 team was very weak.

But as their team was abused by g2, and the current rng is also abused by g2, they suddenly

But I think… maybe this team is not as simple as they seem on the surface.

The performance of this team in the game seems to be premeditated in every step. seemingly random

Operation, there may be a trap here.

This team may be stronger than we thought.

have this hunch

Because they are very similar in some respects, they all rely on their brains to play games.

really strong

“Especially their top laner, it feels like few people can beat them.” Ray has a deep understanding

Anyway, he can’t beat

No matter how you line up, you are abused.

It doesn’t matter whether he resists the pressure or what he does.

Looking at Latmi now, it’s the same, Shen was suppressed by Akali for more than 50 knives

that’s not his personal problem

There were quite a few people who sprayed him before, but now after watching rng’s game, the people who sprayed ray also


Their bottom lane is not as weak as we thought. “Sister Kou also expressed her own views

2’s bottom lane is not strong, but it doesn’t mean they are weak

There are two meanings

One is c can’t, one is really weak

And g2’s bot lane is the first type, c can’t.

G2’s positioning for them is also stable, it’s good to play functionality, or supplement output.

They all did a great job too.

Do not crash in line

Just look at the lineup with Zi. Although the bottom lane will be suppressed a bit, their

down the road and didn’t crash

When rng’s not paying attention to him, he can quietly supplement his own development

Then in team battles, cooperate with other teammates to play output.

This is where the g2 team is scary.

edg is also able to think so thoroughly because he has fought against g2 before

After seeing the second gameresult

g Everyone also laughed wryly

Will our opponent in the top four be really g2?

It was just a joke at first, but now it is really possible…it has come true.

hard to say

I still hope that rng can adjust their mentality, please work hard

g Everyone still hopes to beat rng on the stage of the world championship!

It also means very different things to them.

However, we still have to be prepared to face G2 in the semi-finals.

Grasp with both hands, prepare with both hands.

to go further

On the other hand, the performance of the fnc team is a bit different

They had smiles on their faces.

I have always believed that g2 can download rng

As I said a long time ago, G2’s performance will definitely exceed their expectations

These people thought that our eu competition area was the old eu competition area, and they were all laobi teams.

weak teams

Now they have finally tasted the pain.

ask for flowers

Everyone in fnc is in a good mood.

2 After all, they are also teams from the same competition area. The better they perform, the happier members of the finc team will be

Heihei, our performance this year will definitely blind their eyes

In the next match between us and EDG, we will definitely do the same!

Let these people see our true strength.

They are also gearing up, full of confidence in themselves, waiting for their own competition

I look forward to defeating edg in the game and entering the semi-finals

Then step up to the stage of the finals, let everyone notice them

that’s what they expect

These are the big teams in this World Championship.

Some of the teams were eliminated, some were the top eight teams, and some entered the final four.

strong team

After the second game between rng and g2, these teams all expressed their opinions one after another

method, or conduct research and analysis on two teams

to draw more conclusions.

Regarding the strength of the g2 team, their views have changed a bit compared to before

Especially for their team’s top laner, Chen Hao.

There are many more people paying attention.

Regardless of whether g2 wins or loses in the end, there will only be more people in Chen Hao on the town.

There must be a lot of people who will come to dig him up.

Some teams are preparing for this right now.

For example, when I contacted Chen Hao’s tsm team, I contacted Chen Hao privately and offered a good deal.

price, but was rejected by him

After g2 won two games, a group of people were in a good mood.

The atmosphere in the lounge is also relaxed

There is no pressure on everyone.

They got match point early

To win another game , they win

Haha, it’s too easy, we are 2:0rng. “P is very excited.

He thought he would win rng, but he never thought it would be such a straightforward way to win

The first two rounds were almost easily won.

No difficulty.

It’s not like playing a top team at all.

Wen rng’s strength can’t be blown out, right?

kos wondered

I don’t think rng is weak, but because we have Chen in our team. “Others followed

The two in the bottom lane believed that the existence of Chen Hao was the reason for their victory.


download rng so we can avenge chen

Ahem, I think everyone may be too happy too early. “The coach gave a dry cough, he was watching

I realized that the players were too excited and worried that they would slack off in the next game, so they came out to pour cold water

Let them calm down first, don’t be too anxious

Although the current results have exceeded the previous expectations, but I still hope that everyone

to calm down.

We have got the match point in advance, and there is still the last game, I hope everyone can

Keep up the good work, download rng!

That’s what the coach thinks.

He was worried that once he lost a round, the energy he raised before might be gone

Then he was given by rng to let the second chase the third. pill




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