Downwind Jian XX, Headwind Crazy Puppy, Uzi in Desperate Situation!

The coach also wants to make some arrangements with Xiaohu to supplement some late injuries.

Otherwise, like just now

If they don’t play well in the mid-term, they won’t be able to play in the late game

The lineup is too weak.

It’s a lineup addition.

If the tiger can exert its strength at this point, it will also be of great benefit to the team, and it can help teammates

Share some stress.

This moment has also reached the most dangerous moment for rng.

They have to make some changes in this round

they have to

Can’t let up any more.

The defeat of the first two rounds also made them feel the crisis.

There are not many opportunities left for them

As long as they lose one more game, they will have to gg.

They really have to stop at the quarterfinals and go home

Such a result, they… can’t accept it, and they can’t accept it.

They must not be reconciled

This is the highest dance in the professional arena

They don’t want to go back so easily.

They want to win better results and hit the pinnacle of the throne one by one champion!

So the most important

It still depends on Shanzi’s performance.

dog here

As the absolute core of the team, his performance is related to whether the whole team can win the game


In the round of the game, it was obvious that the state of the puppy was affected, and there were

fatal error

I didn’t show my personal strength and lost the game

But the coach here still believes in the puppy, and it will not change because of this performance


He still believes that uzi is the best in the world.

He believes that as long as the puppy adjusts his state 19, everything will be fine.

He will continue to lead rng to victory

The more critical the situation is, the more we must trust such a player.

He will lead the team to create miracles

It’s hard to let two chase three

It is not impossible for rng

This is a team full of miracles

because..they have

Downwind Jian XX, Headwind Crazy Puppy, Desperate Situation uz

At this moment, in such a desperate situation

The coach looked at uzi with a hint of expectation.

Cut, still need to rely on u? to lead the team to victory.

uzi is adjusting his emotions at this time

To be honest, after losing the second game, he was indeed a bit emotional

I can’t believe it at all, I lost two games.

He needs to adjust his mentality.

In this way, the next game can be played better.

They haven’t lost yet!

There is one more game.

It is necessary to grasp this last game well and play well.

They may not be able to turn the tables

uZi is adjusting his breathing rhythm to calm down his mood

Don’t think too much about things.

He doesn’t want to lose to Chen Hao in the end

Also, he didn’t want to stop at the top eight.

his dream is to be the champion

He was only willing to win this championship.

How could it be possible to fall here.

he is uz

he is invincible

He wants to win Hehe

I don’t want to lose the game, just go home so disheartened

He wants to win Chen Hao


Although we are 0:2 behind g2 now, I hope everyone will not pay too much attention to the current score

We will play every next game as a BO1 game, everyone be good

show off your true strength

The coach said seriously.

No need to think about the score, and there will be no pressure.

Just treat every next game as a BO1 game and try your best.

they still have a chance

This is rng’s last chance, they must seize it

g2 is no stronger than us

If we want to fight hard, g2 can’t beat me

The coach still doesn’t feel that G2 is their opponent, the reason why they lost before is the main reason

Or their own reasons.

Among them, the loss in the first game was because they underestimated the opponent and fell into the opponent’s trap.

have played out

Losing the second round was purely my own mistake

If it weren’t for the puppy behind to make a mistake and look into the grass, maybe they could really turn over.

set the score

Although it is 2:0 now, for rng, it is not certain that they will lose

They still have a chance to come back.

find outFind out what the problem is, adjust your state, and do some targeting.

Should basically be no problem.

During this break, they quickly do

Adjust and Arrange

Changing to the wild pot, so the team’s style of play will also change accordingly

Different junglers have different styles.

Xiangguo’s style is reckless, and he is good at fighting.

And Casa’s style is better at controlling maps and operations

Casa’s style is better at playing normal games, and it is less easy to be understood.

The style of the incense pot is used as a surprise soldier to catch the opponent by surprise

Putting on the incense pot, I also want the other party to come to the rescue.

They also hope that after Xiangguo comes on stage, they can bring something different.

Discussion, time passed quickly.

Finally, it was almost time for them to play.

The look in Xiangguo’s eyes immediately revived.

Finally it was his turn to play.

From this World Championship till now, the number of times he has played… is very few.

In fact, it is more than just the world championship, even in the second half of the lpl league, the number of times he played

Can count on one hand.

But not playing does not mean that his strength has declined

Xiangguo’s strength is still maintained, just waiting for this moment to play the game

At this moment, the online audience is also discussing the quarter-final match between rng and g2.

How could g be marked as 2:0, how did it come out?

Are you sure the score is not wrong? “Someone just opened the live broadcast room of the game and didn’t come

and watch previous games

Now that I’m here, I feel very strange when I see the scores of the two teams

Their first thought is, is this a mistake?

Their opponent is only g2 and

Is it possible that qg2 can explode today?

After they figured out what was going on, they opened their mouths slightly.

It’s outrageous

No matter how disrespectful your opponent is, you deserve it if you lose

“I beg rng to play more seriously in the next game! Don’t be inflated

It’s okay, it’s okay, maybe the front rng is a little out of order

Next, as long as rng gets serious, treat the game well, and adjust your state well

then it’s not a big problem

Maybe it can still create this World Championship


There are still a large number of people who have high hopes for rng

They firmly believe that rng will

The failure in the early stage is nothing, rng still has the last chance.

Let’s play well in the next game.

For everyone, their expectations for this rng are very high.

They hope that rng can go to the end and win the championship

ng come on!

Come on Zi! Believe that you are the best!

There are also a lot of cheering voices on the scene and on the Internet.

They are all cheering for them.

Don’t hide your big tricks, quickly take out all the things at the bottom of the box and use them, if you don’t need them

There’s really no chance

For rng, now is their most dangerous moment.

Lose one game and they’ll be knocked out

It is equivalent to the hand of g2, holding three matches

No pressure.

They have room for error.

But rng can’t make any more 117 mistakes

They have to win every next game in order to successfully advance.

I hope the puppy can play well in this round

The biggest hope of the crowd is to see uzi play well

His performance is crucial.

trust the puppy

Everyone still has high confidence in uzi.

to many people

is the world’s number one ad

he can beat any opponent

When the people from the two teams came out of the backstage lounge, the scene broke out even more enthusiastically


are shouting rng

are shouting uz

The sound resounded throughout the venue

Shout out to the sky.

It was as if they had turned this playing field into their home field.

Ah P opened his mouth slightly, obviously shocked by this scene

This popularity, their g2 is indeed incomparable.

Most of their supporters are on the extranet side.

g2 makes history, defeats rng

This is the audience supporting g2, they are all waiting for q2 to create a miracle and make history to defeat

g, into the semi-finals.

Defeating such a favorite team to win the championship will bring a very different sensation.

The two teams ushered in the third game

match point

This game is very important for rng.

they can’t afford to lose

For g2, they also want to win rng cleanly and send the opponent away 3:0

It depends on who can do it.

This game also attracted countless people to watch

Many people want to know what kind of result it will be.

Of course, there are also some who can’t bear to watch and dare not watch.

They simply turned off the video, waiting for the final conclusion

At the same time, I silently pray in my heart that my favorite team can do it.




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