Offer a five million dollar contract to poach people’ (subscribe

The principal’s red envelope should be at least five figures

ookie made a joke.

For the principal’s red envelope, we have to do our best, don’t you think?

wrong. “Everyone echoed in unison.

Okay, if you can win kは, everyone will get 88,000 red envelopes!

Principal Wang agreed directly, it’s not a problem at all

This is trivial to him, what he wants is to win the game.

This is just a red envelope, not a salary increase

Everyone is naturally motivated.

To be honest, if they really can play kt, their ig reputation will definitely be huge.

. 9 The atmosphere in the lounge

Suddenly became more relaxed, not as tense as before

With the stimulation of red envelope rewards, everyone’s emotions are relieved.

But this also strengthened everyone’s belief in defeating kt

The kt team is very strong, but their ig is not weak either.

Analysis from paper strength.

g’s top laner has theshy and duke

These two players are very strong, notWorse than kt’s top order smeb

And these two top laners have different styles.

theshy is an offensive player, and his online suppression is very terrifying.

Duke is the top laner of the former SKT champion, focusing on stability

Different styles can make the team play more diverse.

The jungler is King Ning. At this time, he has not yet become the king of shoes, and his strength is still very terrifying.

The mid laner is rookie, definitely the strongest and most stable one on ig

There is a new generation of talented ad Ah Shui in the bottom lane. He has attracted much attention since his debut, and his joining has also made

There has been a qualitative change.

The support is Baolan, and it has not yet evolved into Xiaobao, so don’t worry about problems for the time being

So at the moment ig is definitely in the best condition

The state of g was quickly adjusted, and soon entered the state of preparation for battle

not much time left for him

They must seize every minute

This is not only a portrayal of G, but also the status quo of other teams.

Every team is preparing for the battle

And at this time.

There is a small episode happened.

Someone from the club contacted Chen Hao privately, it was from the tsm team

Mr. Chen Hao, we are members of the North American tsm team, and we take the liberty of disturbing you.

The other party contacted Chen Hao, but actually wanted to poach him

This time Chen Hao showed his skills in the World Championships, and many people paid attention to him.

In fact, not only tsm wanted to poach him, but some teams also wanted to poach him.

But those teams are not as fast as them

Hi. ” Chen Hao responded.

What’s the matter?

Although I guessed some, I still have to ask clearly

After the tsm team lost their big brother, their performance plummeted.

They have never missed a seat in the World Championships before, and suddenly they have no Green World Championships.

All of a sudden, he panicked and endured tremendous pressure from the outside world.

It is natural to want to change.

Want to recruit some strong players

After watching this game

He locked his eyes on Chen Hao.

In the past, the strength of g2 was also very average, but after changing the lineup this year, suddenly

The child became extremely powerful.

A lot of the credit for this belongs to Chen Hao.

They also valued Chen Hao’s value.

Daomei’s performance in the group stage has completely conquered them.

Mr. Chen Hao, have you considered coming to North America to develop? Our tsm club can give

You offer very generous conditions.” The other party also cut to the chase, directly explaining their intentions.

“Sorry, I have no plans to go to other teams for the time being.

Chen Hao refused

He’s staying in g2 pretty well now, and he doesn’t plan to go anywhere else.

Don’t rush to refuse, we can give you a very good condition, a big five million dollars


The other party continued to quote, and it was five million dollars at the first opening.

This condition is really good

You must know that when Chen Hao went to G2, it was only a few hundred thousand dollars.

Of course, after the value is revealed now, it must be different

It’s Chen Hao staying in g2, it’s not all about money

Just because g2 gave him a chance when he was at his darkest and lowest point

He still refused without hesitation.

Let alone five million dollars, even if it reaches ten million dollars, he won’t be tempted.

No one knows, in fact, Chen Hao’s card already has a full card with 20 million US dollars in it.

ball black card

Seeing that Chen Hao was not moved by the other party, there was nothing he could do.

Mr. Chen Hao, if you change your mind, you can contact us again at any time

In addition, there are also some teams who are also troubled by this matter at the moment

It would be nice if we bought Chen Hao from rng last year

These lpl teams are extremely annoyed at this moment

Last year, due to the contract restrictions of rmng, it was necessary to pay too much to buy

It’s too expensive.

But now they have achieved results in the World Championships, and they have performed very well

Looking back, it seems that the current net worth is even higher than last year, and it is even more unaffordable.

Now it’s even more confusing

After the end of the group stage in the World Championship, it became more exciting and more intense

The enthusiasm of all the audience was also brought up.

The heat of the game skyrocketed.

More and more people are paying attention to the game

Some former old players also come back to watch the game

Although they have not played games for a long time, it does not delay them to watch


When you see your favorite team, you can also show your support

Basically, after going through the group stage, the teams that can reach the knockout stage are not weak.

This year, the teams entering the quarterfinals are a little special.

The CK division that dominated the entire ol in previous years seems to have suddenly turned off this year

There is a single seedling kt team still

But kt is very strong, they still have a great possibility to win the championship

are discussing online

Everyone is guessing which team is most likely to win the championship

The champion must belong to our rng

This is the highest voice on the Internet.

Followed by kt.

after that is ig

And g2 is probably ranked fifth among the eight teams

Many people still think that g2’s strength is not top-notch, and the possibility of winning the championship is very small.

For each team, these are of little significance

no one cares

After knowing this, the most I can do is just laugh it off

After the conclusion of the group stage, there will be a total of three days of rest.

And during these three days, they have to train their lineup and study their opponents at the same time.

Every minute and every second is grasped

They are all training the new lineup crazily

The knockout round is not the same as the group stage.

You only get one chance.

The first match of the strong knockout round is between c9 and the team

Both teams are North American teams.

The two teams are extremely familiar with each other.

This game is a duel of pure strength.

on October 20th

The first knockout round begins here

In this game, most people think that c9 has a better chance of winning

Maybe it’s because c9 performed so well in the second round of the group stage, beating rng

Based on this record, many people think that c9 has a greater chance of winning

But the team is not weak here

This team may be a very strange team, but it has been since the formation of the alliance.

They broke the picture of c9 and tsm domination

Became the first league champion.

They also participated as the No. 1 seed in the North American Division this time.

The players in this team are all veteran players with rich experience

For example, the top laner Impact, who used to be a top laner with great strength and experience.

Rich, has participated in many World Championships.

Ye is a player who has entered the msi finals and is also an old player

As for the big brother in the bot lane, let alone, he is definitely a top bot lane player.

They entered the World Championship this time for a better goal

Interview before the match

The big brother’s goal is also to enter the semi-finals (Nuo Zhao).

In this game, neither team has any psychological burden, so they can play freely

The game was played very intensely


After all, it was still c9 who had come all the way from the play-in round, and his condition was better.

In the end, c9 successfully won the t team with a record of 3:1

Became the first team to advance to the semi-finals

And the t? team that lost the game also ended their journey to the World Championship.

After the game is over.

The host of PL, Yu Shuang, specially invited the big brother to do a separate interview

It’s a pity that you have ended your journey to this World Championship. ” Yu Shuang said regretfully

She still hopes that the big brother can go further in the World Championship.

It’s really a pity, our goal this time was to reach the semi-finals and break the fourth

spell. “Eldest brother smiled helplessly.

But compared to some teams, our performance is not too bad

At least one quarter-finals.

This is where the master’s mentality is good.

Wrong, at least you have reached the top eight, already better than many teams

So for the next few games, what do you think about this? Or which team do you think

Are the teams more likely to win?

That’s the whole point of this interview




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