The real second-level catch! (Please order)

RNG’s lineup is not very strong when playing a first-tier team.

Their roster doesn’t do much damage in the early game.

G2 is different. Olaf and the enchantress are very fierce heroes in the early stage.

If this level of regiments fight, they will definitely die


The four of them waited in the grass.

They don’t play first-tier teams, but that doesn’t mean they don’t defend.

If the other party dares to come over rashly, they will fall into the trap they have prepared.

They played very cautiously in this game

It’s because g2 also didn’t have the idea of ​​playing a first-level team here.

Because they have other prepared routines waiting for each other.

The two sides started normally.

The Nightmare of the Incense Pot starts with the red buf.

Chen Hao is at the red buff, pretending that they also start with the red buff, but in fact they still have

Other arrangements, there are other designs

After that, it’s time for them to perform

For rng, for uzi, they have prepared a super package – one spring water package

Starting from the wild route, I made a big arrangement.

g2 is not in a hurry.

Played very easily.

Zero” They are now leading 2:0, there is no pressure at all

With Chen Hao who is familiar with RNG, they know how to play RNG

rng now has to be careful about the rhythm of g2 in the early stage, and must pay attention to Olaf and Enchantress

trend. “The doll is nervous right now.

It has come to the most critical period of rmng, whether g2 can be reversed or not depends on the performance of this round

In this game, rng can’t make any mistakes

Yes, really pay special attention. “Miller also said, “The only support for g2 in this round

That is, their middle and wild have a great advantage in the early stage, so they can take off

Therefore, rng needs to put all its attention on the opponent’s middle field and pay attention to it at all times.

their location.

For the first 15 minutes, put all your attention on Nakano and don’t let them win

Any advantage, then the rng game will be stable

Miller took a deep breath, they are now watching how RNG will fight.

They expected rng to surprise everyone in this game.

They are all optimistic about rng.

expect them to do miracles

Chen Hao returned to the line after the soldiers came out

As for Olaf, it started from the three wolves.

Wolf – blue buff – river crab

It was his wild route in the early stage.

But rng couldn’t see it, they didn’t know what Olaf was doing.

They probably guessed that Olaf would start from the red buf.

this way

The two of g2 went down the road and squatted in the grass, waiting for UI and Xiaoming, who helped Xiangguo to become popular, to go online.

Xiao Ming really didn’t expect that the other party would squat in the grass. When he approached, he immediately

The horse was q by Bron.

But Xiao Ming’s reaction was also very fast, and his e skill was upgraded in seconds. When the two hit him, he

push the two back

The uZi next to it follows the output.

The two sides exchanged blood

Although they have been squatted for a while, they are actually not at a loss

Because the person whose blood was exchanged for rng was Xiaoming’s Thresh, and the person whose blood was exchanged for g2 was ad.

The baby also laughed when she saw this scene. Just now, Xiao Ming was squatted close to the grass.

At this moment, he was very nervous, and his heart was raised

Fortunately, in this wave of face-to-face exchange of blood, the opponent did not make any money

If you really want to talk about earning, in fact, rng’s bot lane earned it.

Because they use the ad of the support trade

This wave is worth fighting for

At this time, the little soldiers also came to the line, and the two sides distanced themselves from each other.

The damage of minions in the early stage is very painful, they don’t want to carry the damage of minions to follow the opponent

Fang recklessly.

But because of the confrontation just now, “ng’s bottom lane has a small advantage

They pushed the line

And this time

Olaf also came to the bottom lane


That’s a real second catch

No one expected that Olaf would come to the bottom lane so early to catch people.

According to rng’s prediction, Olaf will wait at least three minutes before coming online.

What’s more, Xiao Ming’s eye position has also been used before, and now the jewelry eye position is still there

cooling down

But it was just such a gap, Olaf came to the bottom lane ahead of time

A second-level Olaf, and four second-level bot lane combinations.

The appearance of this wave of Olaf once again made the commentator’s breathing quicken a lot.

Nothing is more stressful than this.

The jungler of g2 came too fast, and the second level directly came to grab the bottom lane.

rng has no vision in the river, and no trace of Olaf has been found yet.

Be careful when you get off the road.

Fang’s bottom lane seems to be stuck at level 2

But as soon as the words fell, I saw Bron walking over, and immediately hung up Weakness with a Q flash, and came to

in front of uzi

G2 made a move, and the assistant directly flashed and stuck to the puppy.

Z quickly handed over his treatment here, but didn’t leave right away.

Dog, retreat quickly. “”Xiao Ming shouted

But UI was not moved, he didn’t flash directly, his gaze was fixed on a small soldier

he doesn’t want to pay

If this flash is handed over now, the opponent will catch another wave later, and he will feel very uncomfortable.

He wanted to keep this flash, so that the other party might not come to catch him frequently.

Furthermore, he is now

soldier experience.

If you hit it again, you will be promoted to the second level.

With the second level, Xiao Ming can also be promoted to the second level, and then throw a lantern for himself.

Don’t panic, we’re on level two

At this moment, Uzi had already thought about how to deal with it in his mind.

He didn’t flash immediately.

He felt that even if he didn’t flash, he shouldn’t be killed.

He spotted a little soldier who was about to lose blood, and then took a ー and took the little soldier’s head

At the same time, two bright lights appeared from their bodies.

They are promoted to the second level at the same time

Here are their details

Everything happens in an instant.

But he because of a Xiaobing’s

After attacking, he was hit by Braum’s passive


Zi stared at the screen tightly.

He knew that this moment was his most dangerous moment.

He didn’t panic, but asked Xiao Ming to throw the lantern.

Raff is still some distance away from him, as long as he touches the lantern, everything will be fine

He thought well.

At the same time as Xiao Ming sprinkled it, his skills were upgraded in seconds, and he threw the lantern over.

The place where the lantern is thrown is near the grass.

The main reason is that if you throw it too close, the opponent will stop you first and won’t light the lantern for Shanzi.


But the thought is very good, but when it is really implemented, it may not necessarily follow their expectations.

development in

When Xiao Ming’s lantern just fell to the ground, uzi also recovered from the dizziness.

With a shield, you can block a skill for yourself.

And I want to walk towards Xiaoming’s lantern, and I want to light the lantern and go back.

at this moment.

The eye position is placed down.

When ui wanted to light the lantern, he just hit the eye position.

The eyes shrink!

Then the person in g2 is stuck with this lantern, not giving him a chance to point it, the opponent’s bot lane

Everyone stood on the lanterns, but they didn’t give him light.

It was precisely because of this delay that Olaf rushed over.

This time, he basically can’t escape

There is no way, uzi can only turn around and fight back, to see if he can change.

He played two, but in the end he was still powerless.

Handed over his first blood, was taken away by Jhin

His complexion suddenly became ugly

he didn’t at all

The opponent’s jungler will come so quickly

The class came down and caught them with a time difference.

it’s coming too fast

As well as the countermeasures made by g2 later, they also did a good job, using wards to prevent uZi from lighting the lantern.

uZi’s second-level card upgrade is very detailed, but 92’s response is also not bad.

5.2 counted him to death.


The bottom road has been done in detail, but there is still no way.

Both Miller and Doll feel pity.

After all the calculations, there was still an accident in the bottom lane, and the opponent got first blood first

After uzi got first blood, a group of spectators became lively.


True second level caught

Did g2 learn the truth from the factory manager?

The audience became lively, because this wave of bot lane arrests, Olaf really came too fast

No one would have thought that an Olaf would go directly to the lane to grab at the second level.

But why doesn’t the puppy flash in the first place? I think if it flashes in the first place, it can be

to escape. “Some viewers feel that this wave of flashes is a big problem.

If you dodge at the first time, I’m afraid you won’t be killed

Will Xiao Ming’s lantern be lost too far?

There are also some people who think that the position of Xiao Ming’s lantern is a bit wrong, etc.

The Internet was extremely lively, and a group of viewers also analyzed the situation of this wave of bots just now.




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