To put it bluntly, it is still inflated (seeking subscription)

G2’s current lead is huge.

Heads, towers…these are all way ahead

The economic gap widened to 9,000 yuan

this is

Minutes, with such a big gap, it’s really hard to say whether it can be stabilized.

With such a big gap, it is really too difficult for RNG to come back.

Some of the audience fans who watched the game, their hearts were mostly cold, and they pulled out the cold

It was like a gust of cold wind blowing into the body from the neck.

They see no hope of RNG winning.

I don’t know how RNG can win

The probability of a comeback belongs to the difficulty level of hell.

Unless G2 made a big mistake later, Yao Ji was killed in seconds before the start of the team battle

This is the chance.

It’s too difficult, even if the enchantress is killed, they still have Olaf and Qinggang Ying

But think about it, people who are well-developed in G2 are not only enchantresses

The development of Qinggangying is also very good, and the equipment level is leading

Just like just now, Chen Hao’s Qinggang Ying just seized an opportunity and caught Wheel’s mother to death.

Great threat to the back row.

Now RNG’s double C development is seriously behind, and the experience level and equipment can’t keep up.

How could it be like this?

RNG shouldn’t be labeled like this. ”

RNG has the strength to win the championship, why can’t they even beat G2?

The game was frustrating to watch.

I thought I could watch a wonderful game belonging to RNG

The first thing I saw was the game where RNG was brutalized by people

How could this make them happy.

“Did RNG not make any preparations before the game? It feels like an old system

Can’t keep up with the version

someone said

After watching these three games, they found that RNG’s style of play is basically the same

not much has changed

And what about G2?

Playing is very flexible, and the lineup changes so much that you can’t figure out how to play.

There is a sharp contrast between the two sides

I also feel that RNG did not make any preparations, and I feel that they just underestimated G2 as an opponent

To put it bluntly, it is still inflated.

Also, they are too dependent on the puppies. I feel that once the puppies do not perform well, the impact will be great.

Hey, Baibai played so well this year, but he still lost in the S match

Why is our LPL so easy to expand? Why don’t you learn from Brother Li?

Those who do not respect their opponents do not deserve to win!

There are more and more complaints on the Internet

For many people, watching this game is aggrieved.

I was aggrieved from the beginning to the end, and I accumulated a lot of resentment.

The development of RNG during this period seems to have stagnated, and there is no growth

Their development space has been greatly compressed, and map resources have been plundered

What they can get is just a few poor soldiers.

The wild area was wiped out

Xiaolong didn’t dare to go out to get it.

They can only protect one Baron from being picked up by G2.

Otherwise, once G2 gets the Baron, they will also have to

There are not many opportunities left for them.

There is not much time left for them

Now they have to stabilize no matter what, and keep the development of the C position.

The two C positions also need to use the only resources to develop

Everyone else made sacrifices again for the C position.

They need time.

But G2 will definitely not give them time to drag on.

Dalong is the next point of persecution

G2At this moment, they are planning to use this big dragon to force them to come over to form a group.

This wave of big dragons is forcing the team, it depends on whether RNG can fight well

They don’t have any chance to make mistakes, as long as they make one more mistake, they will lose directly.

They don’t need to fight to the death with each other, they just need to hold each other down, and if they don’t give each other a big dragon


G2’s lineup is not fast against Baron

If you can hold back the opponent’s footsteps, UZI can make a three-piece suit, or even a four-piece suit

Then their teamfights will be better.

This is also their last chance.

Under Chen Hao’s command, G2 first seized the field of vision, making RNG unsure what to do with them.

Fighting the dragon, but still ambushing

However, RNG has a search field of vision in their hands, so they are not too worried.

They are not in a hurry, but push forward step by step, making their vision step by step.

The more at this moment, the less nervous

The more we have to fight this wave of team battles well.

If this wave of big dragons fight well, they still have a chance

RNG doesn’t need to kill the opponent’s people or anything.

They just need to hold each other down and not give each other a dragon.

If the opponent doesn’t have the big dragon BUFF, they won’t be able to reach their high ground

This is what RNG intends to do.

Xiangguo and Xiaohu also have stopwatches here, and they are not completely helpless.

Their lineup is still relatively solid in team battles, with a higher error tolerance rate

With a tank called Laitemi, the narrower the terrain, the better for RNG

At that time, when Thain stands one step forward, the opponent can only hit Thain

And RNG can take advantage of the wheel mother’s skills to continuously splash damage.

The W skill can give him a great advantage in such team battles.

Let’s take a search first, and look at the situation in the dragon area, and you can guess what G2 is

What are you doing.

(bfc) When the field of vision fell, I just saw G2 trying to steal the dragon.

After people who saw RNG found out, G2 also decisively stopped here

I don’t want to wait for RNG’s people to come over, their blood volume is already disabled.

Without a lineup in the front row, no one can resist damage when playing Baron, so it will hurt a little bit.

RNG’s people were approaching, and G2 stopped in time.

They are looking for opportunities to shoot RNG.

Fighting Dalong is just a cover, the most important thing is to force the opponent’s people to come over.

They want to take advantage of their current advantage to speed up the pace and take down RNG.

Their lineup and RNG play in the late stage, and there are indeed not many times.

So I don’t want to delay with the other party for thirty-five minutes

Fifteen minutes is a watershed for the lineups of both sides.

The strength of the opponent’s lineup went up, while the strength of G2’s lineup declined.

At the back, following Ryze’s frankness, he is not afraid of the enchantress

And Wheel Mom has a shield that can block skills, if it can block the mark, plus

With the protection of friends, the enchantress is not a great threat to him

This is why RNG needs to delay development

They are playing too fast in the front

I want to kill so much, that’s why I make mistakes every step of the way

The more I want to kill G2, the more I fall into the abyss

As the RNG people approached, G2 hurriedly stopped.

The two sides are near the Dalong area, looking for opportunities for each other.

One side wants to attack, and the other side is defending.

For RNG, this is a fight to the death

they have no way out

Puppy, don’t go too far, be careful of the enchantress on the opposite side

Seeing UZI rushing to the front, Xiao Ming broke out in a cold sweat.

Hurriedly ask UZ to stand back a bit

Mainly because the damage on the other side is too high.

If you find an opportunity, you can drop UZ1 in seconds

After hearing Xiao Ming’s words, UZ hurriedly withdrew

Put on Xiao Ming and walk ahead.

Just now UZ1 was indeed almost within the attack range of G2.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming stopped him in time

Ming walked ahead, and sure enough, he was ambushed by G2

After G2 found the opportunity, they shot directly at Xiao Ming.

Ah P and his W skills all flew towards Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming became the target of fire

There is really no way to hide from this.

Here, Chen Hao came around from behind the blue BUFF, and didn’t shoot from the front

As long as there are other teammates in front of you.

Chen Hao’s gaze was fixed on the opponent’s back row, waiting for the opportunity to cut in

Look at Olaf who opened his big move, he is killed like a mad dog, RNG will see it

be scared away

The people on both sides soon fought into a melee

Enchantress, kill enchantress.

At the moment when the team battle started, RNG shouted in the voice

Staring at and killing the enchantress is their top priority, if it is really possible to kill the enchantress here

If Ji is killed, it can greatly relieve the pressure for RNG.

The bounty on the enchantress can also bring them a huge income

Seeing the Enchantress retreating, Xiangguo narrowed his eyes.

At the same time, he opened his own big move, he wants to fly the demon girl

When he flew over, the enchantress directly pressed the stopwatch, and the succubus was surrounded by people from G2

But Xiangguo didn’t panic at all. When the opponent turned his head and hit him, he also pressed the second button at the same time.


For this wave of team battles, he also spent his only money to create this stopwatch.

After pressing the stopwatch, the opponent cannot kill him in seconds.

His teammates can also have more time to come


Chen Hao, who was watching covetously by the side, waited for the opportunity.

His eyes are fixed on the wheel of ∪Z

When everyone from RNG was about to go and enter the arena with the big move of Xiangguo, Chen Hao also made a move

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