I would rather lose standing than surrender on my knees! (Subscription required)

This is the plan of the RNG club.

They want to create such a god-level character.

If you can succeed in making gods, it will be very meaningful and valuable for a club.

completely different.

This means that UZ has a special status in RNG.

Otherwise, when Chen Hao and UZI had conflicts and tore their faces

The RNG club will not choose to keep UZ without hesitation, and then give up the talent of Chen Hao

The rookie is on the order, hide him in the snow

UZI is too valuable for RNG

At this moment, after hearing about the bet between UZ and Chen Hao, the boss will definitely not be able to sit still

What if we lose

Shouldn’t UZ really fulfill the content of the bet and then choose to retire?

in service

It is a completely different value from a retired UZ1.

If he hadn’t retired, even if he didn’t play, there would still be many people looking forward to it, but

In order to keep RNG’s popularity alive.

But if you retire, the popularity brought by the opponent, how can you pay attention to your RNG battle

Ah, the popularity must have plummeted

This time, their RNG team stopped at the quarterfinals, and they have already been hit hard

will definitely be greatly affected

If there is another such bet, then RNG will be completely over

RNG without UZl, is it still RNG?

So the boss called UZ as soon as he heard about it

I’m here to make sure if it’s true

come to persuade

cancel this bet

Dog, I heard you made a bet with Chen Hao, right?


In response, he didn’t have much to say at the moment.

After losing the game, his mood is still very low now.

Your bet is that in the next World Championship, whoever loses will retire?” the boss asked again.

Hey, you are too impulsive, too restless, why didn’t you discuss it with us beforehand

After the boss confirmed it, he also had the urge to vomit blood

Can the bet be canceled?” “The boss asked again.

That’s the most important question

If it can be canceled, everything is easy to say.

Of course, I don’t think you will lose, but you should also understand my situation, I

As a boss… Barabara said a lot later, in fact, he was complaining

but little effect

UZ just replied, “There is no other way.

put it all out

And then he breaks the contract himself?

When the time comes this faceI don’t know where to throw it.

With his temper, he would rather stand John than kneel

If he really loses at that time, he would rather choose to retire

Of course, in his heart, he didn’t feel that he would lose to the opponent.

He still wanted to trample Chen Hao under his feet

He wants the opponent to leave the professional arena completely.

so that you can relieve your anger

Seeing that the boss was persuading UZ not to move, he also had a headache.

He can only think of other ways to see where to start.

Fortunately, there are not many people who know about it now. Only two teams know about the bet.

team of people

He thinks he can handle it now.

If the content of this bet gets out, it will be really troublesome

At that time… Maybe we can only see their performance in the next World Championship

In the end, it will be decided who loses, who wins, who stays, and who retires

So after thinking for a long time, the boss of RNG decided to come to Seoul to deal with this matter.

As for the fact that RNG stopped in the quarterfinals this time, I will leave it to other people to deal with it in the future.

Someone else from the club was in charge of PR.

Although there are many people scolding this time, but at the same time… this popularity is also explosive.

If you make good use of it, it may not be an opportunity to make money.

This is the difference between clubs and players

Players just play games.

It is the club and they are also responsible for making money.

This time RNG competed in the World Championship, they even thought about what to do after winning the championship

Write, how to distribute the celebration poster.

It’s a pity…it was too early to lose.

All these things that were prepared earlier were wasted.

They can only think of some remedies now.

With the end of the quarterfinals, the attention of the semifinals is getting higher and higher

Many of the teams that advanced to the semi-finals this time exceeded many people’s expectations

In this World Championship, there were too many dark horse teams and too many upsets.

The popular teams that were optimistic before the game also fell one by one.

Even the formerly strongest LCK division has set the worst result this year, completely defeated

In addition, the two most promising teams this year also fell to the quarterfinals one after another, and they all exploded

RNG and KT would lose so early, indeed no one could have imagined.

Many people envision a scenario where these two teams meet in the final

However… Let alone the finals, they couldn’t even make it to the semi-finals.

Final Four.

They are C9 and FNC teams

And the game between G2 and IG.

Because these four teams are not the teams expected by the audience, and. the four teams

The popularity is relatively average

Many people feel that this World Championship will be a little bit boring, and they don’t feel

used to look good

That’s because their favorite team was beaten early.

In fact, the strength of these four teams is actually very strong.

They are all familiar with the World Championship version and know how to play


Everyone in G is also studying the G2 team.

After the opponent played RNG, they also played 12 points of vigilance, not daring to

Look at this opponent.

They replayed G2’s World Championship game

Not just the match against RNG, but also the match against EDG in the group stage and so on.

G2’s bottom lane seems weak, but he knows how to play

He knows how to mess around and how to resist pressure online.

After G research, they discovered the strategy of the G2 team

Although their bottom lane is not strong, they know how to do what they should do

And… this bottom lane combination also has its own signboard, if you get them a signboard

, In fact, it is not easy to fight.

Their tam is a key point.

G is also aware of this, if the support gets Tahm, then G2’s bot lane will be very good

If they want to target the bottom lane, they must ban this point.

Their strength is in the upper middle field

It was quickly analyzed to the top side.

. Chen Hao is the core of the G2 team, and his laning strength is very strong. “Coach and analyst

They are all explaining the strengths and weaknesses of G2 to the players.

All the players are listening carefully

After talking about going on the road, the coach also looked at theshy and duke.

If you want to deal with the opponent’s top order, you have to look at your own top order.

G is still very reassured about the position of the top laner

Whether Theshy or duke, they are very strong.

It’s just that the two play styles are different.

Theshy’s style of play is more aggressive, and his style fits very well with the entire IG’s style of play; and

ke’s style of play is stable

On the road, I will deal with him.

After eshy saw Chen Hao, his eyes lit up

There is a strong fighting spirit in the eyes

Chen Hao’s style of play is very much to his liking

Both of them like to play output-type top laners very much, and they are good at operations

He really wanted to try fighting Chen Hao again.

Let’s see who is stronger between the two.

Let’s see who is the strongest

This is a duel between the strong

And he also knows that Chen Hao’s signature is Sword Fairy

Because of the different players, 1G’s BP strategy is also different

If G intends to send theshy to start, then when they do BP, don’t

Be sure to pin (get Li’s) to the opponent’s top lane.

Because the heroes that Chen Hao can take, they can also take G.

They are tridents.

It’s not four guarantees

Because there is no need to target the top lane, it is easier for the coach to do BP.

You don’t need to focus on the top lane like RNG, BP is very bad

I always feel that the BAN is not enough

G There is no such concern here

Mid laner Ah P

jungle antos

G has carried out a detailed analysis of every position and every player in G2.

They have made sufficient preparations, just for this World Championship, butto get better grades.

They defeated KT when no one was optimistic

What’s more, it is now fully prepared.

Then there is no possibility of losing.

After the research, they also started their own training

the other side

G2 is also analyzing IG and studying strategies against the opponent.

How will this semi-final match be played, and how will it be played.

Let everyone look forward to it

people are watching

A large number of sight hooks in focus

We all want to see who can advance to…the final!

to sprint for the highest champion




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