Yes Yes Yes, We Can’t G, You RNG オ Even Better (Please Order


The best player in the world to catch the top laner doesn’t look like much, it’s better to catch once and die once

Where’s Letmey?

G doesn’t seem to work either, I think he might lose too.

Lose? This game hasn’t even finished yet, you know you’re going to lose

Gradually more rhythms emerged in the live broadcast room.

Soon it will be lively again

Yes yes yes, our G is not good, your RNG is even better. The top eight, so strong. ”

What does this have to do with our RNG?

Fans can’t help but come out and hug


The live broadcast room of the game was extremely chaotic.

There are all kinds of barrage and comments.

The crowd is arguing

It is very lively online.

But for the two teams in the competition, they have just entered the intense stage.

G2 is at a disadvantage when laning at the beginning, after the level rises later, he

The style of play gradually changed.

G is not as easy to play as it was in the beginning.

They want to overwhelm G2 in lane, it’s not as easy as it was in the first place

In order to help Shang Lu stabilize, King Ning started to go on the road.

He also came twice to catch Chen Hao.

But they were all resolved by Chen Hao. One time, Chen Hao had a premonition about the arrival of King Ning 19 and raised

Sow back and forth to a safe location, so that King Ning can return without success

The second time was that King Ning was discovered by his eyes and exposed his tracks

“The layout of 1G’s field of view is also slightly worse than that of G2

is a weakness of IG

It is not as good as G2 in vision control.

G now wants to reorganize its own rhythm, and can’t let G2 lead by the nose.

Remember to see where the predicament of IG is now, that is, IG has been led by the nose by G2.

their rhythm, a little passive

Unlike in the beginning, the playing was smooth.

I think that now IG should target G2’s bottom lane and tear a hole from the bottom lane. “Tube

The senior colonel also expressed his views.

He feels that G should continue to target G2’s weaknesses

But now after being caught several times because of being on the road, 1G wants to protect the development of the top road

Otherwise, it’s really hard to fight with such a well-developed crocodile in the top lane.

I believe that even if theshya dies twice, he can still catch up with his development

No one doubted that.


When 1G was tangling whether to keep the development of the top lane, or to find a breakthrough for the bottom lane.

Xin Zhao is on the road again

The commentator also discovered Xin Zhao’s movements for the first time.

G2’s jungler is ready to hit the road again

The focus of Game G2 is on the top lane, I want to make the crocodile develop better

This time, you must not catch it to death. If you let this crocodile develop again, the mid-term

Time is not easy to deal with.

There was a faint worry in the commentator’s heart.

They are afraid that theshy will be caught and killed again this time

eshy is so powerful, there are not many who can beat him in lane, just right. Chen at this time

Hao is

In addition to his strong laning ability, his weakness is that he is easy to be caught and weak in preventing gank.

Comparing this with Chen Hao, there is a big difference.

Go, the jungler in G2 basically lives on the top lane in this round

Lu is your father?

The audience and fans couldn’t help complaining.

I feel sorry for my brother shy

Really no gaming experience

King Ning quickly come to the road and squat back, if you don’t come to the road, you won’t be able to fight

For everyone, they don’t want anything to happen, so what happens

Theshy was caught dead again

So far, a total of three deaths.

Almost all the heads of the team were sent out by him alone.

This time the crocodile didn’t get the head, and the head fell into Xin Zhao’s hands.

The hero Xin Zhao is very similar to the crocodile. They are both heroes in the early and mid-term.

They will fight harder and harder.

But if you fall into a disadvantage, it will be difficult to handle.

The chances of a comeback are very low.

It’s also G2’s early stage of catching so hard

Just keep on the road.

Do not give the other party a chance to develop.

At the same time, the development of crocodiles can be better.

G must not be affected by G2, and should give full play to his laning advantage. “long hair


He thinks IG is nowA little affected, and then use my own shortcomings to match G2’s strengths


If so, it must be G who suffers.

G2’s support speed greatly exceeded G’s expectations.

The strength of the G2 team… is indeed stronger than we expected before.

Now, in the hearts of everyone, they have a big change in the strength of G2

They don’t think it’s a big team anymore.

I no longer think that they can win RNG, it is… pure luck

Of course, luck must have played a part.

Many people still think that the overall strength of RNG is stronger than that of G2

RNG will lose, mainly in several ways.

The first aspect is that you underestimate your opponent and are not prepared

The second aspect is that G2 is really strong, not a weak team in the eyes of everyone

Under Chen Hao’s command, they know how to make use of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.

The third aspect is RNG’s style of play

Need to adjust, don’t worry, don’t panic

The commentators still have high expectations for G.

It is the last team in LPL.

It is the only seed left by LPL in this World Championship

Everyone must also think that IG can create a miracle and achieve a higher result.

I don’t want them to follow the old path of RNG and repeat the same mistakes.

Under everyone’s expectant eyes, everyone saw that Rookie moved again.

this time on the road

It seems that G still wants to be safe and secure the development of theshyl

After seeing rookie moving, everyone’s eyes lit up slightly

If you want to say who is the most stable in the IG team, it is definitely toole.

This is the strongest cornerstone of IG

IG is a trident team, even if one or two points go out, there is still one point to go

to play out.

Unlike RNG, if they play four guarantees and one, one day this one is targeted, then it will be completely

The last game between RNG and G2 was UZ

Straight to be targeted, to be devastated


his state of mind

Abnormal performance, all kinds of mistakes.

What else do you think RNG can do?

The strongest core can’t play out, and other teammates choose to hide, no one can

In such a situation, stand up and turn the tide

Xiaohu is also invisible all the way, and he is no longer the famous Hu Jiuwan in the past.

Although it has not yet become a tiger, but it has gradually become

Compared with the previous state, there has been a big change

Just like in a team, no matter how well you perform, you will be blocked by another person

Get over the limelight.

Then you just need to cooperate with the opponent and play some functional mid laners, it’s easy

If you can play the game, why are you so tired?

It is because of this kind of thinking that their mentality will gradually change

And then… at this World Championship, they were taught to be human

In the end, they won a quarter-final result.

It’s embarrassing.

G is not like RNG, they don’t need to sacrifice a certain path

Moreover, as the core of the team, rookie is still a player who can play without too many resources.

A very effective mid laner.

This time rookie is on the road, not just by himself

still with

Go with King Ning

The crocodile has got so many head assists, and its development is far ahead

G must be targeted, otherwise when the crocodile behind protrudes, they will be really angry

Difficult to cope

This kind of crocodile will be fleshy and harmful at that time. If it cuts into the back row, then the back row

Security concerns are greatly increased.

After the set is output, if you don’t die, you will be disabled.

How is this output.

Seeing Rookie go to the top road, everyone’s eyes were on the top road again.

The duel on the top road is much more exciting than other roads.

This time, the middle and the wild will cooperate to catch a wave on the road, hoping to catch this crocodile to death.

But they also know… how difficult it is to find a crocodile.

From the fact that King Ning went to the road to catch a few times, but returned without success, it can be seen that the other party is online.

how cautious

If the wind blows the grass, retreat immediately.

point without stop

eshy also saw his teammates coming to help on the road, and he was also thinking about… what to do

Cooperate with teammates to act together.




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