G2 is actually a very confusing team (for subscription)

Alligators are too much of a threat to them now.

With such a well-developed crocodile, its fighting power is beyond their imagination.

Much stronger than they expected.

Now that he got the head again, the threat of the fish to their back row is greatly increased


On the IG side, Baolan is the only one who can protect the back row

In team fights, I will restrain him. “” Baolan said

At this time, Baolan has not yet become a little full, and the condition is still very good.

He can also do some protection that should be done well.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t carry weakness in his hand, but ignite

that’s a problem

If it is weak, then they don’t have to worry about this crocodile at all, as long as the other party dares to cut it

into their rear

Weakness can teach him to be a man

but lit words

There is no way to protect it.

The main reason is that their bot lane combination is stronger than the opponent’s

G just wanted to play stronger in the bottom lane, so he changed to ignite.

They want to play an advantage in the lane.

It is best to kill the opponent.

If it was changed to the bottom lane combination of other teams, they would definitely not bring Ignition, but


Everyone knows that G2’s bottom lane combination is the bottom of the top eight teams in this World Championship.

No, it should be the weakest of the top four teams now

Do you think IG’s bot lane team will be worried?

Definitely go for a more aggressive approach.

not to mention.

Ah Shui has just debuted again, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, full of drive

The teenager’s style of play is more vigorous, daring to fight and rush.

G’s style is reckless again

Although it is not as weak as 157, but with the protection of Bron in the back row, it is still somewhat restrained by crocodiles

Can limit his performance.

With the failure of this wave of gank on the road, it was anti-missile by Xin Zhao, and 1G fell into a little bit

Among the disadvantages.

The crocodile holds too many heads, which is somewhat of a hidden danger to IG.

As for rookie, he was killed in this wave, which had little effect on him

The rhythm of development was interrupted.

But it’s not a big problem

Except for theshyi on the top lane who was killed a few times, the middle and bottom lanes are still leading for the time being

G still has a great chance.

G2’s current advantage is only concentrated on Chen Hao’s crocodile.

G Beware of crocodiles now.

We have to find a way to limit this crocodile.

The commentators are also worried about 1G.

After all, this is the last single seedling in the LPL division.

If even they fail, there will be no hope for this year’s LPL

Finally, the most powerful enemy, the teams in the LCK division all fell


this is a once in a lifetime opportunity

For the LPL division, the team they are most afraid of is the LCK team.

After the defeat, against the LCK team, there is naturally a layer of psychological shadow in my heart,

Born to lose in momentum.

I haven’t even compared yet, but I feel like I might not be able to win the game. You said that the team playing in the LCK can


this world championship

Two of the teams did not even make it out of the group stage, and one

fell to the quarterfinals again

Opportunities like this (bjfc) don’t come around very often.

It can be said that this year is definitely the most promising year.

Without the most feared LCK team, they feel that they have great hopes

As for the opponents, what is left is just a bunch of teams from the European and American divisions.

Once at this time.

The strength shown by the team still exceeded their expectations.

They have studied this team very seriously, and they obviously think highly of each other.

But compared to what the other party showed at this time, they felt that they still underestimated.

Needless to say, G2’s top laner, Chen Hao’s strength is known to everyone, and he is definitely the best player in the world this time.

The top laner in the game.

But their mid laner performance gave them a big surprise

Ah P’s strength is also not bad.

A world-class mid laner

They are also slightly weaker in the bottom lane.

But the weak will be weak, G2’s bottom lane is very clear about how to play online


The most important thing is G2’s teamwork ability and team support ability.

most impressive

Their overall laning strength is not top-notch, but. Yesteamwork, their team

Woo becomes very strong

It makes up for the weaknesses of its own team very well.

This is why many people think that G2 is not a top team, but. In the game, it is amazing

With consistent wins, has a strong dominance!

G2 is a very deceptive team

G already attaches great importance to the team of G2, but… After the two sides played against each other, they except

At the beginning, I got an advantage online, and then I was always led by the nose.

It seems that there is a pair of invisible hands pushing them behind

Then the rhythm is mastered by the opponent, and they gradually lose their own rhythm


The opponent’s footsteps.

After seeing the strength shown by G2, many members of the team were also surprised at the moment

look at

Everyone from C9, FNC team and some professional players from LCK.

They were all watching too.

Including, Brother Li is actually paying attention to this game

did not come to the scene, but

watch the game at home

His gaze was also attracted by Chen Hao this time.

this player

Chen Hao really performed very well in today’s game, showing his strength perfectly

The pressure on the line, all the details are perfect

Experts look at the doorway

Brother Li can clearly see some small details of Chen Hao’s laning.

The details of alignment, positioning and understanding of the game are all unique

And C9 felt some pressure

They also felt the strength of G2

Among so many teams, only the FNC team has always felt that this is normal for G2

to play

After all, the two teams are in the same competition area, and FNC has always been under the pressure of G2, ranking firmly in the old


I think. We may play G2 in the final

How can I win?

can go all out

After G2 gained an advantage in the top lane, they simply went to take the Canyon Herald

If you don’t take such a good opportunity, it will be wasted.

It’s just to take a few thousand heads, it doesn’t make much sense

Just look at the last match between EDG and FNC.

In the last round of the match between these two teams, EDG took a lot of kills, almost

Almost twice as many heads as FNC

But what about the economy?

not leading

It is because EDG did not get more qualifications after killing the FNC team members.

The source is simply a head economy.

In this way, there is no way for them to widen the gap economically.

On the contrary, once FNC gains an advantage, it will have to plunder a wave of wild area resources, and the economies of both sides will suffer.

naturally pulled away

After G2 killed the 1G man, he must have taken advantage of the situation to take down the canyon vanguard.

Then he went back to the city to replenish his equipment and status.

Update the equipment again, Chen Hao’s equipment is far ahead

Back online, Chen Hao can easily suppress Akali online.

in a

The crocodile is on the line, and it dare not fight Xia formation at all.

Hand over the Xia array, the crocodile has a chance to go over Akali’s tower

heshy was also pressed under the tower to make up for the development of the knife

This is definitely the first time in this World Championship.

Colonel Guan was stunned here

This is the first time theshy has been suppressed so badly online

but this is also impossible

Anyone who has been trained in the military and taken care of by the jungler on the road will definitely be affected by his development

This is the strength of theshyl

If it was replaced by another top order, I am afraid that the mentality would have collapsed long ago.

It is not the first time that heshy has experienced such a situation. When he was in LPL, he also experienced

This is often the case.

are used to it.

There’s nothing worse than this

a time.

Xin Zhao came to the top road again, this time on the top road, the canyon pioneer also released

Come, help Chen Hao take down this one-blood tower

Chen Hao’s development goes further

More and more terrible.

G2’s current rhythm is completely opened by Chen Hao’s top lane.

On the other hand, IG, they want to use the bot lane to open up the situation, but the other side just keeps going

, do not give them a chance.

Now I understand why Brother Zuozi has been unable to open the situation in the bot lane.

At this moment, Ah Shui is experiencing such a feeling.

nothing can be done

After the road gained the advantage, Chen Hao was freed from the top road, and he could have more

time invasion and walk

It’s King Ning and rookie who suffer

Pull one hair and move the whole body.

People on other routes are also affected

The king’s face was half black.

The development of his wild area has been greatly affected, and there is nowhere to eat resources

In addition, there are also two people in the bottom lane.

They also need to worry about Chen Hao’s teleportation.

If this is suddenly transmitted from behind, it will block their retreat

Just thinking about it, it really appeared behind them

a red teleport.

Crocodile, let’s go!




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