RNG deserves to lose! (Subscribe

Having such a top laner has changed the entire team.

I don’t know how many people Jiang Sha has, and how many teams dream of it.

But this is such a player, who used to be a player in their LPL division

Suddenly even breathing felt the presence of heartache.

what a pity.

Just missed a talented top laner, such a top laner

Even if he is hidden by RNG, he can go to other teams? Why did he go to other games?

To go to G2, to be a traitor?” Some people don’t understand

I feel that even if I am not in RNG, I can go to other LPL teams to play games

But now he joined G2, and then defeated their LPL teams one by one

running water

The three teams participating in the World Championship this time have all been beaten by G2.

From EDG in the group stage, then RNG in the quarterfinals, and now it is the turn of the semifinals


Because RNG’s contract is stuck

The team no one can afford

Someone came out and told the truth.

It’s not because of Chen Hao’s “157”, but because of the contract restriction of RNG, there is no LPL

The team wanted to, and was eventually forced to go to other divisions.

The better Chen Hao’s performance, the more worrying for those LPL teams.

Once they had such a chance that they could have a top laner.

If they had gritted their teeth and bought Chen Hao, maybe the team entering the World Championship this year would be

They are gone.



He has also become one of the most controversial figures in the LPL division

There has been more and more discussion about him.

Hey, if you really want to buy Korean aid, you are willing to spend money, and the players in your own competition area will be looked down upon

To be honest, if I were to be treated like this, I wouldn’t want to stay here any longer

, will also go to other competition areas.

In this way, RNG lost, in fact, it deserves it a bit

NG will definitely vomit blood with anger, and be defeated by the player he abandoned

This is life.

It deserves it if I say so.

Suddenly, someone complained about RNG again.

The target of firepower suddenly changed to RNG

Most of the barrage broke out again.

RNG can only lie flat and be beaten.

“Is RNG’s contract really that scary? It’s not an excuse, is it?

In fact, this contract is signed by yourself, right? If you think there is something wrong with the contract, you don’t have to sign it

Do you think everyone understands contracts?

These professional players are all so young, and they can still play games. Do you think they watch

You have to understand the contract. You must know that clubs like RNG have specialized legal affairs.

Whoever said that just now is either stupid or bad

Someone came out and said something fair to the players.

That’s true

The contestants were all in their teens when they debuted, at most they were around 20 years old

On the right, each one is tender and green.

Such a young person has not had much contact with the society, and his mind is pure.

Or just stepped into the society

I have never been beaten and baptized by society, how can I know so many routines

What’s more, the field they are good at is not a contract, even if a contract is shown to them

They also don’t understand the pit buried inside

If there is a slightly different word in the contract, the meaning will change completely.

How can a lamb play better than an old fox

The other party really intends to play tricks in the contract, who can guard against these players.


The audience can’t see what the contracts signed by the players are like

Apart from their various speculations and complaints, they have not been able to do more.

The game live broadcast room was extremely lively.

After G lost this wave of team battles, their disadvantage was suddenly widenedIn this wave of team battles, the crocodile once again gained a lot of money.

Became a big BOSS-level character

In the team battle just now, he also dealt very explosive damage, and also took

Inflicted a huge amount of damage.

But after using the big move, the crocodile’s body is also very fleshy, IG can’t give him a second

They don’t do enough damage.

After theshy was killed in seconds, their damage was not enough to kill such a well-developed crocodile in seconds.

Braum didn’t bring weakness, which is another reason why they couldn’t restrain the crocodile

If there is weakness, the effect of this crocodile will be greatly reduced, and there is no threat at all

People in the back row are not afraid of the opponent coming to cut their back row

If you dare to come here, you may have to fear for your life

The premise of all this is based on weakness…

Without frailty, they are too hard to restrain the alligator.

With Galio’s cooperation, Braum can’t touch the crocodile at all

G just lost the team battle.

It’s not that they didn’t play well, but that G2’s top laner was too good.

The better Chen Hao’s performance, the more people discussing Chen Hao online.

Chen Hao became one of the best performers in this World Championship

popularity explosion

On the extranet, his topic became the No.

Become the most watched Chinese aid player

After winning the team battle, everyone immediately pushed back the opponent’s bottom tower, and then

Xin Zhao, who arrived later, also took Xiaolong.

The economic gap widened again.

The situation for G is starting to be a bit uncomfortable

G was not discouraged, and was still actively looking for opportunities.

They’re not willing to wait to fail

After the battle with KT, their mentality has long been extremely strong.

Very strong!” This is the evaluation of 1G by everyone in KT.

The strength of this team is absolutely top-notch, and the strength of each player is very strong.

Especially the upper and middle positions are at the top level in this World Championship.

Believe they can come back

Although IG is at a disadvantage now, KT believes that this team that defeated itself will eventually win

will win the game

The commentators are also adding for IG at the moment

I hope they can hold on to their disadvantages and look for

to a chance reversal.

There are also some professional players watching this game, and their moods at this time are also different.

no the same.

watching the game at home

The dangerous color is also becoming more and more unsightly.

In fact, this game, whether it is G or G2.

Which one of them played in the semi-finals, UZI will feel very sad

If G2 continues to win, then he will have to continue to watch Chen Hao compete, and watch his arch-rival embark on a new journey.

peak, even to win his dream

I can’t stand this thing.

He would rather anyone win this championship than Chen Hao

Chen Hao won the championship, how shameful he is

At the beginning, it was because of his relationship that the club suppressed Chen Hao and hid the opponent.

If the opponent wins the championship, wouldn’t it mean that the club has no eyes, or scold him

His performance in this World Championship was indeed very bad, and he did not perform well.

As for IG Ying… his mood is also not getting better.

Although the two teams are in the same division, they are also rivals.

Plus, you look.

G can G2, why can’t their RNG win?

Then there will definitely be many people who will take them out for comparison.

There is no harm without contrast, and once there is contrast, it is completely different.

When the time comes, there will only be more people mocking RNG

Now UZ is afraid to read the comments on the Internet, because he knows. There must be a bunch of them on the Internet

sound, there is no doubt

He is watching the game now, and he always wants to turn off the barrage.

He is very clear that at least half of the bullet screens are scolding him

outside half

Can be RNG

Watching the game, UZI’s mood became worse and worse.

He really wants to turn off 5.2 and turn off the screen, not to watch the game

But there seemed to be a voice in his heart urging him to watch.

The towers of the next two lanes were pushed down, and G2’s advantage expanded.

They changed the bottom lane combination to the middle lane, and then the others found their own places to develop.

Galio went to the top lane, Chen Hao went to the bottom lane to develop

In the single lane, no one can resist the damage of the crocodile.

Be careful to be single-killed at all times.

Moreover, the crocodile not only explodes very high, but also has a high consumption capacity

This is the most annoying place.

He couldn’t fight again and again, no one on the line could restrain the crocodile.

I don’t think it’s appropriate to send anyone

This is very tangled.

Akali can’t match the crocodile at all now, and it’s hard to fight. It can’t be like before

In this way, hand over the Xia array at will, otherwise it will be easy to be single-killed

Without the protection of defense towers, 1G vision cannot be achieved

The only good thing is that the first tower in the middle road is still there, otherwise the vision would be even worse.

Defensive towers are strategic and tactical resources

It can do a lot of things besides providing economy.




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