Gamble on the flash of career! (Subscribe

kt regained a victory

Let the long-depressed lck finally have a way to vent

they boil

The audience is cheering.


Most of the venues were chanting kt’s name.

This victory brought them hope.

This game was really great

Just a little bit, they will lose.

But fortunately, they were one step ahead of ig and pushed down the opponent’s base first.

And ig is also very helpless with this result.


just a little bit

Just one knife away.

If Jian Ji’s knife was a few tenths of a second faster, they all won.

no way

After all, because of the superiority of the number of opponents and the blessing of the big dragon buf, the speed of pushing the tower

The speed is very fast, which gave them the advantage of a few tenths of a second.

theshy’s face is also very helpless

Seeing that he was about to make the final cut, but the picture was frozen at this scene

To give him another second, no, half a second is enough.

They can win the game

to advance to the semi-finals

Even the heavens are looking after the kt team, and they can’t bear to be swept away.

too lucky

When Letemi and the others watched the game, they were also stunned

They all saw that Jian Ji was about to a take away the opponent’s base.

But… at the last moment, the opponent’s speed was even faster

It really wasn’t that easy to win this kt. “Xiaohu sighed, that’s why they r

g here will be more willing to face g

After all, it is a team from the same competition area, and everyone is very familiar with it.

From the players to the style of play, there is nothing unfamiliar.

The number of times the two teams have played against each other in the league is 19. I don’t know how many times.

Not to mention the training match

Adding up these large and small competitions, it is estimated that there are at least a dozen or twenty games.

Naturally, it is too familiar.

For those who are familiar with


They also have no fear of emergencies.

But the kt team is different.

The opponent is the No. 1 seed in the lck division, and his strength is very strong

Don’t look at the fact that ig is leading now and has won the match point, but as long as they don’t win, the opponent will come back at any time

disk possibility

It is even possible to let the second chase the third.

Look at last year’s EDG against the SKT team, leading the economy by 10,000 in the early stage

Generally speaking, an economy that leads by so much is basically a sure win.

It’s just that skt found a chance to come back.

And the lck division is the biggest opponent of Ipl all the time, and it has always wanted to surpass the goal

In the hearts of everyone, there is still a sense of fear

So kt ​​is still a variable for everyone.

After the field, kt should get back some status

I’m afraid…kt might let the second chase the third.

This is where rng worries for ig

At the same time, they are also worried about who their opponents will face in the semi-finals.

kt or ig?

He wasn’t worried at all about his upcoming opponent g2.

After this round of the game, the Internet has already become lively

A bunch of netizens are discussing the game just now

They were all discussing the matter of Jian Ji’s last knife.

Luck is so wonderful sometimes.

Maybe it was just a little bit close, and the ending of the game was different.

The victory in this game also made the game a little more suspenseful.

It also gave kt some chances.

Then the next fourth game is particularly critical

If g wins, then the game is over.

But if g loses… then the pressure will come to ig instead.


Just watch the fourth game

Not much time to rest.

After a few minutes

The two sides started the fourth round of the game

this game

g chose to switch teams

The top order theshy was replaced by duke.

It’s not because theshy didn’t play well and changed

theshy performed very well in the first three rounds, including the single belt in the last round.

it’s this change

g is to give the team more help in team battles.

This point, Duke must do better

g also wants to try by changing the formation.

Even if it doesn’t work, they still have one last game to correct.

After selection, the two sides quickly determined the lineup

kt: Knife Girl, Barrel, Urgot, Cannon and Tamm.

Sword Demon, Green Steel Shadow, Dark Head, Kai’Sa and Braum.

On kt’s side, Urgot is the mid laner, which is a change of lineup.

Nakafield in this gameThe combat ability in the early stage is very strong, especially at the sixth level


This wave of eruption depends on whether kt can resist it.

this round

lose again

Originally, they had a chance to gank the top laner in the early stage, but they were given a chance by the smeb with residual blood

show off

The bloody Daomei killed King Ning instead.

Also escaped

This wave hurt King Ning very much.

In the bottom lane, kt suppressed Ah Shui and Baolan, after pushing down the bottom lane tower

Using Tahm’s big move to support a wave of mid-lane, broke ig’s three-grab ー, and then killed rook

e and Ning Wang.

This is a big advantage for kt

It seems that the state of the kt team is back

This is the strength of the real No. 1 seed.

The changes in this game also made many people start to worry about ig again.

I won’t let the second chase the third, right?

It was originally just a joke.

It is possible now.

Hey…why did g change.

If E theshy is not changed in this round, it is probably fine. “Someone said.

This round is difficult.

“Duke is not weak, but it doesn’t feel suitable for ig’s current style of play.” Someone said Duke

Views after the field.

As the top laner of the original skt champion, his strength is indeed not weak

It’s his style of play, more stable

This is not compatible with the style of play that Q is good at now.

It’s like you are a husky, but you insist on blending into the pack of wolves

In this game, kt slowly exerted strength, and slowly dragged Q to death with the operation rhythm.

kt successfully won the game

one more city

After kt won the fourth game, the score of the two sides became 2:2

Both sides reached the final game

Fifth inning.


In this game, ig and kt will be determined, and who will be eliminated in the final four

Ups and downs of the plot.

It is really unpredictable.

I didn’t expect this game to be so intense.

It’s really not until the last moment, and it’s really hard to guess who will advance in the end.

“ig- won’t be chased by the second because of Jian Ji’s sword failure

Let the second chasing the third become a lot of people’s worries

Everyone was watching the final game.

The pressure is back on ig.

In this game, g changed again.

They switched back to theshy.

The deciding game is the last chance for both sides.

no one dares to make mistakes

Principal Wang, who was sitting under the stage, also had a serious face.

He was really nervous.

Enter the bp stage.

In the last round of bp, both sides were a lot more cautious

After the first few rounds of the game, some more threatening points were crushed to death, such as the first move

Luo, who is very strong, and rookie’s dark head..etc

The lineup was finalized.

In the early stage, both sides played relatively steadily. There was no first-level regiment, and they both took a defensive posture.

Until about eight minutes, igオ caught a wave of opportunities in the middle, and the jungler Qian Jue assisted

Cooperating with Rookie’s Enchantress, caught and killed the opposite mid laner Urgot

This is good news for ig.

G’s rhythm is very good, the rookie in the middle lane became the key in this round, and then helped the bottom lane get

Take one head and kill mata.

But later on, kt found another chance and equalized the head

The situation is tense.

No one was sure of victory before.

The situation between the two sides is still 50-50.

In this last round, both sides played too steadily

At 28 minutes, the head ratio is still 3:3

However, there is an advantage in that the little dragon of g has taken a lot

A total of four dragons were taken down.

Wen’s support for the later stage is very impressive.


kt found an opportunity.

The wild rock sparrow made a big move to block the road, and caught and killed 097 auxiliary cattle.

Once the bull head dies, ig will lose one person in the number of the other party

It’s just that ig didn’t choose to retreat here

ookie is always looking for opportunities to steal damage and cut the back row

Ah Shui is also constantly suppressing the output positively.

Theshy alone will bear the damage in front.

Enchantress stole the output from the front, but she also lost half of her health

They are just one person less than kt in number.

No matter how you look at it, this team battle is not good for G

but at this very moment

Flash handed over.

It’s a flash that bets his career

is too decisive

Ah Shui handed over her flash to the lower left to close the distance with the opponent, almost

It is to kill into the other party’s crowd.

Directly hit the general attack to kill the rock sparrow with residual blood, and then output it to deft, three general attacks

attack, and then killed the opponent.

blink of an eye

Water just killed the opponent’s two strongest output

kt never thought Ah Shui would be so bold.

Then he used the feather to pull a barb, restraining the opponent who was going to attack him.

Killed the opposite mata again.

Head received three.

Qian Jue, who arrived in time, used his ult to protect his teammates

Ah Shui survived

Not only did he survive, he also got it later

And all five of the other party died.

This wave of team battles also directly laid the foundation for g’s victory.

The commentary was also shaken by this wave of operations.

completely crazy

The audience watching in the live broadcast room of the game became even more excited.

Ah Shui is so handsome!!!

Awesome, Ah Shui.

The barrage of ig is floating on the barrage

After this wave, ig has a great advantage.

Then rely on various resources to slowly expand the economy.

kt wants to reorganize a counterattack.

But g doesn’t give them a chance at all.

In the end, ig won the fifth game.

This round of elimination contest came to an end with ig’s victory.




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