Sword and Sword Showdown (Please subscribe)

In this game, the most concerned is the road duel

Ji and Riven duel

The duel between these two top laners has attracted almost everyone’s attention.

there is nothing more interesting than this

After watching too many tank top laners like Sion and Ornn develop online, this pure output

The duel between top laners and top laners is definitely the most eye-catching.

This game has not yet started, and everyone knows how intense it will be.

eshy looks focused, in his eyes, there is only one opponent—Chen Hao.

As one of the three major points of Hanbok, theshy is very familiar with and understands this hero

So against this hero, he knows how to play

The others also focused on their top lane.

Facing the top laner of G2, did you know that Brother Shy was one of the top three Rivens in Hanbok?

Taking out this hero in front of him is simply a trick.

Sit back and watch how brother shy abuses the opponent severely this time, don’t think that the first two rounds were played well

Yes, I feel like I am number one in the world. Don’t even look at what happened before.

If the jungler hadn’t been on the road before, did he really think Shy couldn’t beat him?

I also hope Shy brother can let him know who is the real number one top laner in the world this time

There are quite a few posts on the Internet that think that Chen Hao is the number one top laner in the world, and there are some fans of theshy

Si felt very unconvinced.

They think theshy is the number one top laner in the world

in the anticipation of the crowd

The game buffer ends and enters the game.

The personnel of both sides quickly entered the game and bought good equipment.

The director also cut the screen to the two of them.

Ji is more

bottle of red medicine

And it’s the same with Chen Hao

They both have the same ideas

look at this build

the road is peace

Based on the way these two fight, they are not fighting, they are probably on the way to fight

The first-class Riven is no match for Sword Princess.

Chen Hao was not in a hurry either.

Let theshy push a wave of lines first, and he will fight first.

This is the case in laning, you must not be anxious, you know the strengths and weaknesses of the heroes you play

When is the period.

Otherwise, if you fight against the opponent when you are in a weak period, isn’t that courting death?

Just like now, when Riven was at the first level, she was no match for Sword Princess

If you fight against Sword Fairy at the first level, you will only suffer losses.

Just hit you twice, it’s enough to hurt you

Therefore, the match between the two in the early stage fell into the eyes of a group of spectators, and it became Chen Hao being defeated.

heshy suppressed.

Hahaha, did you see it? Without the help of the jungler, this top laner will not work

wait for brother shy to conquer him

These spectators are also watching the game

In the early stage, theshy took advantage of Sword Fairy to suppress Chen Hao in the lane

His grasp of the attack distance of the Q skill is very powerful, which is just the limit of the sword girl’s attack


In the confrontation between the two masters, they have grasped the details to the extreme, and both of them are familiar with each other.learn this

Two heroes, it is very clear how to play these two heroes.

Chen Hao naturally wouldn’t let theshy hit him easily

After I finished brushing F6, I went to the top road. “King Ning also sent a message to theshy

In this round, he wants to keep theshy to play

The same problem as in the first round cannot occur again.

Whether it’s back squatting or arresting people, King Ning’s focus in this round is on the road

Including rookie in the middle lane, he chose the ice girl to bring rhythm and help other laners

The teammates get the advantage and play the advantage.

With the improvement of Riven’s level, Sword Princess is not as good at suppressing Riven as before.

The two sides began to enter a balanced situation

It depends on who can take the advantage. Their respective operations, understanding of the game, and understanding of details


In maybe a few seconds, the two sides have already experienced a life-and-death battle on the road


Both of them are output-type top laners, with a very low error tolerance rate.

If you make a mistake, you may fall into a situation beyond redemption

When Chen Hao was about to go up to repair a cannon carriage, Jian Ji suddenly came up with Q, trying to pierce the

The flaws on his body are used to consume his blood volume.

How can Chen Hao be so easy to deal with?

He has already calculated the attack distance to deal with

when the opponent attacks

Requiem Roar

This distance is just right, the moment the opponent released the Q skill to deal damage, hit

Out of such a mind control.

Just stunned Jian Ji.

After fainting the opponent, Chen Hao connected to the Q skill.

The speed of light qa.

Not just Q about the opponent, but also interspersed with basic attacks.

At the moment when the animation effect of A comes out, immediately use Q to cancel the basic attack and back shake, and then click the ground to cancel

Q skill back shake

That’s how you can play the most in the shortest time by constantly canceling the hero’s backswing.

big output.

This is a basic skill for a top laner.

From this, we can also see how well Chen Hao has trained the hero Riven.

Just when Chen Hao was about to launch the next attack, Jian Ji also released her W skill

Prepare to block Chen Hao’s third Q skill

The fastest speed of light speed QA is theoretically about 1.7 seconds

The stun effect of the skill Requieming Roar is 0.7 seconds, which is definitely not enough to complete a set of defeats.

After seeing Jian Ji use the W skill, Chen Hao didn’t continue to attack, but put the first

Duan’s Q skill, pull back.

Both sides calculate the damage to death

Know how much damage you can deal with each wave of attack, and when to retreat

This is the details of top masters

When you don’t see the opponent’s blood volume, you go straight up and fight blindly, but in the end it is

I lost

They count every point of damage, and how to consume each other

At this time, the jungler also quietly came to the top road

Wang played more aggressively in this round and got to the top lane very early

Now the junglers of both sides are in the left and right positions in the middle, King Ning may not be able to catch well

to Chen Hao

But King Ning was not in a hurry, because he knew that the opponent’s jungler was probably also in the first half


The two junglers are likely to meet.

this time

Wang chooses to be a praying mantis catching a cicada and an oriole behind

he doesn’t want to be proactive

He has to wait for the opponent to make a move before he makes a move.

That is. He just backsquats.

The director also switched the screen to King Ning’s body.

Everyone’s eyes are also on King Ning’s side.

At the same time, you can also see the movement of the opponent’s jungler, and you are indeed brushing the upper half of the wild area.

The junglers on both sides are in the upper half, and they can actually guess their own thoughts.

Don’t be in a hurry in this round of IG, don’t fall into the trap of G2 again

Everyone is worried about this.

Among other things, G2 is definitely the strongest in terms of digging holes

King Ning must stay on the road this time.

If Riven can be killed and Jianji gets first blood, this round will be very bad for IG

The core of G2 is the top laner

If the road becomes a breakthrough, then they can’t fight

Unlike IG, this is a team of three halberds, even if one point goes out, it will still (win the king)

Good) There are other points that can stand out.

There is another useful person here in G2—P, who is also being rookie online at the moment


After brushing the stone man, King Ning quietly passed over there, blocking his vision and not letting the opponent

Fang finds his trail

The river has the opponent’s eye position, and King Ning didn’t plan to go there, so as not to be discovered by the opponent.

his own trace.

When he didn’t show his trace, the other party could only rely on guessing.

like him

Where is the trace of Steel Shadow is also a mystery.

He guessed it was also in the first half of the field, but when did he do it?

that’s a question

King Ning calculated the time, guessed the time when the opponent went to the road to arrest people, and then squatted behind

Standing, waiting for back squat.

If the opponent dares to make a move, the only thing that greets them is death!

Wang guessed right, in fact Janko was also squatting behind him

The junglers on both sides are leading the way.

war is on the verge of breaking out

It depends on who starts first.

Whoever strikes first will suffer.

Don’t be in a hurry…. Everyone also meditated in their hearts, praying for 1G.




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