RNG Boss’ Mind (Subscribe

? Slot! This operation… the gods are fighting!

After seeing the operation of the two, the audience was stunned.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at the operations of the two of them, it means that they have already played these two heroes.


These two people also have their own unique understanding of their respective heroes.

This is the duel among the top top laners.


Everyone is fascinated

In this top lane duel, every action is a detail.

From the position to the timing of the shot, everything that can be used has been used.


Even including the standing position, Chen Hao used the wall to always put a flaw on the wall, and did not give the opponent

Chance to hit.

The two sides played exceptionally well.

Not a single skill was wasted.

It’s been a long time since everyone has seen such a wonderful top laner matchup

Phew. This is the real number one top order in the world!

I feel convinced of the two of them who is the number one top laner in the world

Ah, after tonight’s game is over, I must play Sword Fairy once!”

I want to play Riven.

Riven +1!

It’s been too long since I saw Rui Yao in the game, I must support it once

After watching the game, many viewers also want to try these two heroes.

But because there are too many people playing, there are also many people who cheat.

As a result, when some people played in the qualifying rounds, they simply banned Sword Fairy and Riven.

My teammates take these two heroes

Of course, these are things for later.

The two people on the road at this moment, the duel is not over yet.

The two are still in a tense and fierce battle.

Using the wall, Chen Hao just didn’t let the opponent break through the last flaw, didn’t let the opponent quickly

Play the effect of returning to the blood array.

Go forward and brush up a small shield to help absorb some damage

The effect of the big move can’t be fully played out, and Jian Ji still suffers a little bit

The cooling time of his W skill is too long, it needs more than 20 seconds of cooling time

This is what Chen Hao wants to use.

Take advantage of the gap between skill cooldowns to catch the opponent’s chance

” theshyl’s dodging Riven’s big move with flash just now is also very good, and at the same time adjusted her position


However, the details of Riven’s card wall were done so well that theshy didn’t break through all the flaws.

I remember that I raised my heart with Colonel Guan

In this duel between the top laners, their hearts were raised in their throats.

What is a fairy fight

This is.

Every detail is done very well.

Including the calculation of the attack limit distance of two people.

I always feel that when facing theshy, Chen Hao still has a little bit of energy… er, solo kill

As soon as the voice fell, I received a message from the system

Chen Hao killed Jian Ji and took a blood

This time it was a real solo kill, without relying on anyone

And after killing Sword Fairy, Chen Hao’s Riwen’s blood volume is not much, only 50

multiple blood

“This, this, theshy was solo killed.

Senior Colonel Guan’s face was stunned

He felt a little unbelievable about the result of this single kill

It’s just a little short, if only Jian Ji came out with A at the end. “Longhair sighed.

Yes, they also know that the best thing to do is to look at it without looking at it, but… in those

In the eyes of experts, this may have been a matter of calculation for a long time, and you will not be given a chance to play it.

A real master can calculate the damage of each attack clearly

Skill damage, basic attack damage

How many attacks can be made in one second.

Chen Hao calculated Jian Ji’s damage clearly, knowing that even if he can resist the opponent’s attack

I won’t die either.

this is really badHarmful

After watching the screen switched back from the director again, everyone was shocked by Chen Hao’s operation

Perfect operation.

“Brother shy, it’s a pity, it’s just a little short of normal, and you can kill this Ruiyao.

The luck of the G2 top laner is really good, the blood volume is only a few dozen drops.

is not that right.

This group of viewers felt sorry for theshy.

They all thought that Chen Hao was lucky that he was not killed by theshy

Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.

Some professional players have seen the details of the two people’s fights

Hao’s method is even better

He needs to do better in details

This is what some people think.

Chen Hao won the duel on the road

A single kill took first blood.

He relies entirely on his own operations, without any interference from others, and without any junglers


Now no one said that Chen Hao beat theshy because of the green story of the jungler

Of course, there are still some people who don’t want to admit it, thinking that this is the reason for good luck.

After killing theshy solo, Chen Hao started to gain an advantage in the lane

Both of them handed over the teleportation back to the line before, and if this wave was killed, Sword Fairy had to go back to the line.

walk back

When you return to the line, you will lose a lot of soldiers.

Chen Hao pushed the pawn line under the opponent’s tower, and he returned to the city in the grass.

When he returned to the line, the pawn line happened to be on the middle side.

The line of soldiers is tightly controlled

After seeing theshy being solo killed, the teammates also felt a little unbelievable.

For a long time… theshy has always killed others alone, but very few people can kill him alone

And this time the solo kill, theshy didn’t make any mistakes, he manipulated Jian Ji very well.

But in the end it was Chen Hao who was superior and won the victory

Seeing Chen Hao single-handedly killing theshy on the road, King Ning frowned slightly.

His focus in this round is to go on the road. Seeing Chen Hao gaining the advantage, his mood is naturally

I’m a little upset.

He decided to catch it on the road later, catch it a few more times, and let the road catch it collapse.

He didn’t want Chen Hao to continue to develop stably.

But here is theshy, with an embarrassing smile on his face.

He didn’t have much to say when he was killed this time, he really didn’t perform well in dealing with it.

Later, when he saw the opponent play a triple Q, he guessed his end.

ask for flowers

Antos’ Qing Gangying also went to the middle to catch a wave, but failed to kill rookie

After the ice girl reaches level six, it is still difficult to kill.

He also just ganks in the past, forcing out rookie’s flash.

His purpose is not to hit the rookie, but to limit him to the middle and not give him

chance to wander.

Finally, Chen Hao single-handedly killed thes hy in the top lane, and gained the advantage of first blood, but he couldn’t

Was ruined by the opponent wandering away

On the bottom lane, after getting his own signboard, Ah Shui played fiercely online, knocking G

2 The bottom lane was completely suppressed.

But what he is facing is the wheel mother after all, this hero is still very stable online

It’s just for development, don’t go head-to-head with Ah Shui and the others

So here, Ah Shui can’t expand his advantage for a while

After resurrection, theshy returned to the top lane.

After losing the first blood, it seemed to have no effect on him, he still came to fight as before

The suppression suppresses, the consumption consumes

this is theshy

In fact, let alone 0/1, even if it is 0/5, he will not back down

but for a group of fans

“Hold on, hold on, brother shy must not send too much in the early stage.

The fans here are still quite worried about him, hoping that he can play more steadily.

But if theshy played steadily, he would not be theshy.

He didn’t care about other people’s opinions, he still played aggressively

The two sides hit the road, and once again entered the stage of fighting gods full of various details.

Just occasionally, a jungler would come to visit.

The junglers on both sides have the same thoughts.

So much so that the two junglers met in the wild first.

King Ning directly went to Qing Gangying to fight alone, but because of the support of Ah P Daomei, King Ning had no choice but to fall.

run away

More than eight minutes into the match, both sides still had only

Obviously it looks like a fierce fight, but there are not many kills

In this game, both sides played very cautiously

This is the most critical game for IG

They don’t want to lose like this

The game was played like a fire.

At this time, there is a special person watching in the audience, the boss of RNG.

Seeing Chen Hao beating theshy and performing so well, he was not in a good mood.

One is that Chen Hao was originally a player of their RNG, but some unpleasant things happened later

quick thing to leave

Seeing this scene, his heart was naturally a little complicated.

The second one is about the bet between Chen Hao and UZI.

Whether Chen Hao retires or not, he doesn’t care, because the opponent is no longer his RNG person.

UZ is different

This is the treasure of their RNG

The great god that the whole club has to offer up.

It is also his cash cow.

If he loses and retires, then all his

Isn’t it all lost?

So he came here this time, hugging

Think carefully about yourself. pill




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